Monday, August 26, 2013

This week has been a great one!

August 25, 2013
Dearest Family,
This week has been a great one!    I was able to help JQ at the library, super!   Bro Croft had several people stopping by & asking questions – one had had conversations with non member neighbors who were interested in FH, she has encouraged them to give us a call.  Our FHE with a mother &  her HS Senior son was great!   He took hold of it & is flying ---his father is a convert & it is really exciting!

A neighbor, convert, 80 ish, who has done some FH, but is struggling, wanted us to talk to his older brother in California about Family Search!   It was a fun time visiting with him & helping him learn about it!  He is excited & also doing lots of research in other subscription programs. He is amazed that the church  has so much & it is all free. He just was amazed that there was phone support anytime, day or night!

Then Tuesday night, a community member came into the FHC,  he was interested in the building, so we toured it, then Bro Croft spent time helping him. He had a Journal belonging to a Great-Grandfather, which contains newspaper clippings, letters, etc.  He was amazed that he could download an app to his phone & scan all the pages. They also explored Family Search, entering some of his family & also searching original records. He had been referred to us by a sister in the hospital who was doing a great deal of indexing while recovering from surgery , he had seen her doing it! I also helped 4-5 other patrons, as did Sis Nazer. It is amazing to see so many hearts being turned to this great work. We had a productive meeting with the NeVilles, FH Center directors, plus helped 17 youth get more names for their temple trip on Saturday. This was their 5th time in the center this month!!!  On Thursday an interview with President Mangus, counselor in the Stake Presidency. When we are able to visit one on one, it is easier to share the spirit of the work!  Our day in the temple Thursday doing more family names was also great,(we thank our grandchildren for doing baptisms and confirmations for them earlier)  the Billings Montana Mission is taking all their missionaries to the temple this week , so we were in a session with all missionaries. It was great & the new instructional Plan of Salvation movie is amazing, so much emotion, love & compassion!

Friday the Fikes were here, Dad took Ky & Chalin fishing from our boat at Bighorn Lake. They spent 3 hrs anchored in Crooked Creek bay outlet cat fishing. They both were able to catch a nice fish and we had a great time visiting about life!  These times together are always productive if we make it so. More FH than anything else as we learn about each other and share old family stories!  Symphony stayed with me & guess what she wanted to do?  FH.! Before we knew what was happening it was noon & we had to stop & get lunch! Sure had fun!

Our Sunday, as usual was great!  We heard a report from a YM’s leader about their temple excursion on Saturday.  This ward had worked Wednesday’s & Sunday’s the past three weeks to find family names, most of them did have some & it was special.  Another ward, is coming in for three weeks, the “Come Follow Me” youth curriculum in August is about FH & their Sunday School Teachers wanted to have three weeks in the FHC.  Then another ward called their ward consultant, she had just finished teaching the Youth Leaders, so she had one of the Youth leaders, a YW Laurel  Class Pres age 17 teach the SS class of 12-13 yr olds. Learn, Act, Share in action! We finished off the evening with three hours in the FHC, with lots of patrons! What an amazing week!

CTR, we love you all!   Bro & Sis Croft

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