Friday, August 30, 2013

How Serving A Full Time Mission Impacts Your Family Forever

How Serving A Full Time Mission Impacts Your Family Forever
by Robert Earl Croft
(written for a Billing Montana Mission Zone Conference Sept - 2013)
I would like to share my story of how my decision to serve a full time mission influenced my family forever.
My parents were married in Nov of 1941 at my great grand parents, Scott Sessions home in Lovell, Wyoming by the Bighorn Stake Pres Frank Brown. Mom's parents were from the Cowley and Sessions families who were pioneers sent here to colonize the Bighorn Basin. Dad's parents were pioneers from Ohio of the Presbyterian faith who came west to homestead the Powell Flat. Having parents of different faiths creates some interesting situations for a family. Mom and Dad were farmers and stock ranchers all their lives.
I was born in May of 1943 in Powell, WY at the local hospital. Having a baby tends to turn hearts to religion for a family. Mom wanted us to be LDS and Dad had no preference. My brother and three sisters joined our family over a few years. In this time period many stake missionaries visited our home in hopes of converting Dad to the Gospel. In fact he knew the various missionary discussion plans better than they did. In those days meeting were held in rented halls of various sorts some good some otherwise. The Sunday meetings were held at various times with Primary on Tuesday afternoons after school and mutual on Wednesday evenings. That's a lot different than what we know today. When us kids were young, mom took us to church with dad going maybe half the time. When my brother and I were teenagers, we tended to stay home with Dad while Mom took her 3 girls to church meeting. Dad's parents were sabbath day keepers and did not work the farm on Sunday so Dad didn't either. The three of us were home together doing various things like horse training, working our oxen to get ready for parades, making horse gear, just visiting together, and fishing once in awhile.

The folks were very involved in local community events, 4H Club and FFA including all our projects and going to the fairs. They were 4H leaders all their lives helping dozens of kids learn life skills!

In 1960 a stake missionary couple from Byron, WY, Wilder and Ella Mae Hatch, dairy farmers, began to call on our family to friendship us. They would drive the 15 miles to see if my brother and I would like to go to church? Some times we would go and other times we had “plans”. They just kept coming each week to extend love and invite. They developed a wonderful friendship with Dad on these visits! They never bugged him about church like the other previous missionaries did. When he showed no interest they never showed up again. Dad called them “fair weather “ friends he didn't need. He knew the Hatch's really cared for he and his family!

I graduated from high school in 1961 and attended the local college, Northwest College in Powell, taking agricultural related classes. I had never attended seminary because there was too much to do on the farm from before light to after dark, winter and summer. I was able to attend institute at NWC which I really enjoyed!
My Bishop while I was in high school and college worked hard to become my best friend! Even though I didn't go to church a lot, he was always there for me. On one occasion in the Spring of 1963 as we were together in his office he called me to serve a full time mission. I had never seen a FT Missionary since in our area we only had stake missionaries. Something happened inside of me that morning (The Holy Ghost bore witness to me) that caused me to say yes to his call!!! He had not served a mission, but had seen elders in his travels here and there especially in Utah. All he knew for sure was that the Lord had inspired him that day to call me. We had never had a discussion about being a missionary before...... I went home that day only knowing I felt great inside and I had told my Bishop I would serve a full time mission. When I announced this to my family Mom was over joyed, my sisters cried knowing I would be gone for 2 years, my brother didn't know what a mission was so had no comment. Dad on the other hand was not so thrilled.....he was confused, upset, frustrated, etc not knowing what I had agreed to do for the next two years. I couldn't say anything other than I knew I had told the Lord I would go. I had dozens of questions in my own mind yet to answer. I worked for the Univ of Wyo Research Station all summer to get my money to go. Bishop said it was $125/month and that the ward could help too. My paper work was done and sent to SLC then the wait began.......several weeks went by before my call came. The letter from Pres David O McKay was wonderful. I was called to the Shreveport LA mission and to report to the SLC MTC in early September. Due to some health issues I was reassigned in November to the Western States Mission in Denver, Colorado.

Dad was pretty quiet around me for quite awhile as he got used to me being gone for 2 years. One morning he told the family he needed to tell us of an experience he had had repeatedly for several nights. He would see in his dream all his family going into this beautiful temple but they won't let him go in. He finally recognized the temple being the one in Idaho Falls. He had heard of eternal families in all his missionary meetings over the years so he knew about the purposes of temples. He informed us that the Hatches would be coming back to teach him the Gospel. We all enjoyed this time as they taught our family, with Dad being baptized by my brother. I now held the Melchizedek priesthood so I was able to confirm him in May of 1963. Now my relationship with Dad was better than ever before! He made plans for the family to be sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple in July of 1964. On the farm you have to have a lot of help to cover for you when you leave for a day or two. With all of us gone, several folks would have to help do the needed chores.
The summer past quickly and I was with my Grandma and Grandpa Sessions going to SLC to be endowed and trained in the MTC the first week of Sept 1963. To my delight the MTC Pres was Frank and Myra Brown, the same one who married Mom and Dad in 1941, I immediately felt right at home! While in the MTC for only 5 days we were trained by the First Prescy and the Twelve. I was set apart by Elder Spencer W Kimball. We had training from Pres McKay in the upper room of the Salt Lake Temple too. Pres Moyle died while I was in the MTC so we all went to his funeral, lining the sidewalk where his casket was pushed into the Tabernacle, then sitting up front near the family.
I was blessed with a wonderful mission experience over those 2 years. My family was sealed in July 1964 in the Idaho Falls Temple. 

Once I got home I was sealed to my parents in the Idaho Falls Temple.
I went to college at the Univ of Wyoming in Sept 1965 where I met Rena, the love of my life. We were sealed in the Idaho Falls Temple in Dec 1966. We continued our schooling for 6 more yrs at UW where I received both a BA and MS degree. We were blessed with a son and 2 daughters while there. The Lord blessed us to serve in many callings at college. My patriarchal blessing continued to be fulfilled as I served as a leader in the kingdom.
We moved to Lovell, WY in 1974 and were blessed with another daughter and a second son. Again the Lord blessed us to serve in many callings in His kingdom. We were blessed to have our own businesses in Powell for 38 yrs. I retired at age 70 so we could serve the Lord full time! Our children all have families in the Gospel and now our grandchildren are doing the same! We have sent several sons and grandsons on missions around the world. Three grandsons are now serving!

Mom and Dad served as Stake Missionaries for many years as Dad was able to teach many of his friends and their families the gospel. Most of these men and their families are still active in the church today. Several have left this life for the next!
Dad took care of Mom at home the 4 years before she died at 86. Just a few weeks before she died they ask me to stop by the house on my way home, they wanted to tell me something important. With Mom in her bed and Dad holding her hand he said “ Son have you ever thought where this family would be today had you not decided to serve a mission?” I was 65 years old and had never considered such.............WOW, I can't even imagine living a life in this World with out the Gospel! I know as a family we had been very blessed and continue to be blessed! We have nearly 40 in our family now while Dad and Mom's descendents number near 200. Hundreds of people have been blessed with the Gospel by the missionaries sent out from this family including those taught by our parents! Dad died on Thanksgiving Day 2012 at the age of 94. We were all so excited for he and Mom to be together again! People at his funeral were puzzled as to our joy instead of sadness. This gave us another opportunity to explain eternal families to them.
I often hear youth say I can do what I want because it doesn't effect anyone else............I testify that the choices we make, do make a difference in hundreds of lives! I thank the Lord for helping me make a great choice so many years ago! ! !
Today Sister Croft and I serve as full time FH Missionaries in the “To Turn The Hearts” program in our stake. Our days are long and spiritually rewarding as we work with members and non-members doing Family History! We witness miracles each day in the lives of the people we serve! Our work with the youth is extra special! Our work with you missionaries is always awesome! ! !

Elders and Sisters you will not know for years the impact of your missionary service on you, your family and others!
This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, He lives, He loves you, families can be together forever, President Thomas S Monson is the Lord's prophet, the Atonement is real and blesses my life everyday in physical and spiritual ways!

Monday, August 26, 2013

This week has been a great one!

August 25, 2013
Dearest Family,
This week has been a great one!    I was able to help JQ at the library, super!   Bro Croft had several people stopping by & asking questions – one had had conversations with non member neighbors who were interested in FH, she has encouraged them to give us a call.  Our FHE with a mother &  her HS Senior son was great!   He took hold of it & is flying ---his father is a convert & it is really exciting!

A neighbor, convert, 80 ish, who has done some FH, but is struggling, wanted us to talk to his older brother in California about Family Search!   It was a fun time visiting with him & helping him learn about it!  He is excited & also doing lots of research in other subscription programs. He is amazed that the church  has so much & it is all free. He just was amazed that there was phone support anytime, day or night!

Then Tuesday night, a community member came into the FHC,  he was interested in the building, so we toured it, then Bro Croft spent time helping him. He had a Journal belonging to a Great-Grandfather, which contains newspaper clippings, letters, etc.  He was amazed that he could download an app to his phone & scan all the pages. They also explored Family Search, entering some of his family & also searching original records. He had been referred to us by a sister in the hospital who was doing a great deal of indexing while recovering from surgery , he had seen her doing it! I also helped 4-5 other patrons, as did Sis Nazer. It is amazing to see so many hearts being turned to this great work. We had a productive meeting with the NeVilles, FH Center directors, plus helped 17 youth get more names for their temple trip on Saturday. This was their 5th time in the center this month!!!  On Thursday an interview with President Mangus, counselor in the Stake Presidency. When we are able to visit one on one, it is easier to share the spirit of the work!  Our day in the temple Thursday doing more family names was also great,(we thank our grandchildren for doing baptisms and confirmations for them earlier)  the Billings Montana Mission is taking all their missionaries to the temple this week , so we were in a session with all missionaries. It was great & the new instructional Plan of Salvation movie is amazing, so much emotion, love & compassion!

Friday the Fikes were here, Dad took Ky & Chalin fishing from our boat at Bighorn Lake. They spent 3 hrs anchored in Crooked Creek bay outlet cat fishing. They both were able to catch a nice fish and we had a great time visiting about life!  These times together are always productive if we make it so. More FH than anything else as we learn about each other and share old family stories!  Symphony stayed with me & guess what she wanted to do?  FH.! Before we knew what was happening it was noon & we had to stop & get lunch! Sure had fun!

Our Sunday, as usual was great!  We heard a report from a YM’s leader about their temple excursion on Saturday.  This ward had worked Wednesday’s & Sunday’s the past three weeks to find family names, most of them did have some & it was special.  Another ward, is coming in for three weeks, the “Come Follow Me” youth curriculum in August is about FH & their Sunday School Teachers wanted to have three weeks in the FHC.  Then another ward called their ward consultant, she had just finished teaching the Youth Leaders, so she had one of the Youth leaders, a YW Laurel  Class Pres age 17 teach the SS class of 12-13 yr olds. Learn, Act, Share in action! We finished off the evening with three hours in the FHC, with lots of patrons! What an amazing week!

CTR, we love you all!   Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, August 19, 2013

Had a great week!!!

August 18, 2013

Dearest Family!

We have seen many of you this last week!  It is always so very good, we love you all so very much & enjoy being with you! Happy Belated Birthday to Ethan August 1 & Camille August 13! Also a Belated Anniversary to Vicki & Bryan, July 31 & today to Ken & Darece. I haven’t done a very good job of remembering these special days lately!
Had a great week – Quiet at the Library, then Tuesday was busy!  We enjoyed our indexing ladies so very much, they have the sweetest spirits, so enjoy being able to contribute. Their sincerity is amazing. Was blessed to take one of them to Powell Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday Evening had several people in, finding ancestors!  One sister was searching a film, & found Anna Wooten, the widow of John the mole catcher, then John, the mole catcher! We then had to do some research to learn that there really were & are mole catchers in England, even today & they do just that! At one home, a sister who is a convert, had a goal to have have all the temple work ready on her first 4 generations. It is all in her temple file, ready to be printed all except one we are waiting to hear from SLC on.  She will soon be sealed to her parents! What a sweet blessing!
Lovell 4th Ward is doing a big project to find names for the temple They were in twice this week, once on Wednesday then again today! I did a quick review of the sign in book as we left tonight at least 70 people, from all 5 wards, 4 of which were youth groups came into the center today! it was busy, & we so appreciate the help from leaders & extra consultants!  You are all the greatest! Not counted in this total tonight were the adult groups in the two Cowley Wards.
Friday morning we took the remainder of our pDay at Bighorn Lake catfishing. As you can see from the photos in our blog Sister Croft caught supper for us! We had a great time, very calm with awesome reflections and only one other boat in Crooked Creek bay! Friday some “Service Fairies” appeared & weeded the flower beds & vaccumed, so appreciated it.
Saturday A.M. we spent with Frank, Gaye & Marlene!  Was their desire to work on FH! Thanks so much for the special time we enjoyed with you! Marlene also shared with us her visit to see Betty last week.  Megan, Barry & Marlene had gone to Clearfield & taken her out to lunch, said they had a great time, & Betty enjoyed it so very much.
We feel so blessed we were able to attend the 5th Ward this afternoon & hear Ethan report his mission. We also enjoyed spending an several hours with him & seeing his photos,& hearing the precious experiences which go with them. Ethan, you are a great example to all of us! 
Just to share an experience I(Dad) had with a new deacon in one of our Youth FH classes today. He was kind of sad he had missed last week and was behind the other youth in looking for names. He is new in his ward and no membership number yet so I signed in and then we found his grandfather so he could see his tree. He didn’t find any  green arrows and was getting discouraged. I told him to look around some more and when he felt he was at the right spot by the Holy Ghost to let me know as I was also helping other youth. The young man found an end of line on his tree and said this is where we needed to look. Hitting the new search feature on the Person page gave us an amazing result. We found this person as a 2 yr old on an immigration record card from Switzerland to New York along with first names and ages of 3 other people. We searched each name and also found cards for them. We had found the entire family: mom and dad in their 20’s plus two little boys 2 and 5 yrs old. The young man was so excited to find another generation!!! Mom and I have several similar experiences today. The work is truly being hastened in our stake!!!!
CTR as always, we love you Brother and Sister Croft

Friday, August 16, 2013

Missionary prep morning on Bighorn Lake!

We took the rest of our pDay this morning on Bighorn Lake fishing! It was a calm beautiful morning!

Only saw one other boat fishing and a Great Blue Heron on one of the cliffs looking down for a place to fish 50 ft below.......but no shallow water to stand in?

Sister Croft caught supper, a nice 24" catfish that gave her a 10 minute fight before being netted. I was guide for this trip!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Wow!!!! Two weeks have passed so very quickly!

Big Sky Branch
August 12, 2013

Dearest Family!  
Wow!!!! Two weeks have passed so very quickly!  What a special blessing to be present when Nathan was set apart as a missionary!  How great the blessings are!  And everyone of them hinges upon obedience – for all of us, no matter what the blessing is for! Today a Senior Couple who have gone on several missions talked about their missions & what part obedience played in their lives & expecialy the lives of the missionaries. It was very good.
Each day, a regular day with a few preparations for big Sky thrown in!  Public Library with JQ,  Indexing with our special Sisters,  baking bread, weeding, watering, last picking of raspberries, & several batches of raspberry jam, visiting teachers coming!   By the way, did you read about the Visiting Teacher helping a sister find her lost sister whom she hadn’t seen for almost 66 years?   Go to    Oh & yes, even missionaries get sick,  up all night Thursday night & yucky all day Friday & Saturday. Brother Croft was a great companion – just took over & nursed me back to health.  He sure had an extra load with all the laundry, packing, driving to Big Sky etc. Thanks, Grants for helping us load! We felt so blessed when we finally arrived!

Bob and Rena Croft
BIG SKY WEEK!  We loved it! It is always so great to see each one of you! We missed Dak, Kenny, Ethan, Chris, Tchae & Nathan!   We welcomed Kirena & Micah Vehrs, his first time there as the newest  member of our eternal family. Grandpa & I have been enjoying looking at pictures taken by every one!  Church in the Big Sky Branch, our family helping with the sacrament, the potluck lunch!  It is impossible to be everywhere with everyone! The Family Home Evening was wonderful!  Thanks to everyone for sharing! As usual, the talent was amazing!   And as was the food all week!   Thanks to those who indexed with Sister Croft &  listened as we taught about FH & how it can impact each of your lives! Scootering, swimming, visiting, otter pops, boating, fishing, hiking, rock climbing & climbing walls, baseball, picnic at the park & Ousel Falls, zumba, art classes, quilt blocks, hikes to Lava Lake. We were fascinated watching Camille & her fascination for walking, loved braiding Leanne’s hair, appreciated the amazing way every one loved one another & got along!

Where we stay
Felt we needed to come home Friday afternoon, it was a safe & uneventful trip! Got the lawn mowed & watering done plus Sunday Preparations!    Attended a Scott A Sessions Reunion in Byron Saturday afternoon with over 100 family members present! We shared stories about our ancestors too!
It is wonderful to be back in our missionary grove! We were busy setting up appointments for this week & today was the greatest. Two youth groups, one with 7 youth & helpers.  The one had all the YM-YW in their ward, 13 plus 4 of their peers, whom we had taught earlier who helped us teach.   I think you have all heard of  Learn, Act, Share! It works! ! ! !  An adult leaders class in Cowley of 16 people. The same group of 17 youth will be in the  next two Wednesday’s & following Sunday to get names for their temple excursion the end of August!

We love you all, have a great week & CTR
   Love,  Bro & Sister Croft