Monday, February 12, 2018

Snow every day - Mon thru Thurs

Dearest Family

Happy 39th Anniversary to Uncle Frank & Aunt Gaye on Thursday, Feb 15 & on Friday, February 16,   Happy 50th Birthday to Ken!   Hope each of you have a wonderful day!

Well, it has been quite a week!  Snow every day - Mon thru Thurs. there was 6 inches that morning!  Darece & I canceled a temple trip on Tuesday! Dad was busy keeping walks & drive was clean!   a little to much!   Got his back in a bad twist!  Several trips to the Chiropractor and rest.   Rob came by Saturday a.m. to visit & give him a blessing!  We also enjoyed phone visits with Vicki, Joy, & Allen. So enjoy visiting & spending time with all of you! On Wed we canceled our trip to Colstrip this wkend due to another major blizzard in Montana . . . . 12" more snow and wind. They will reschedule for later. We have 15" of snow on the grd today all since Feb 1st. in Jan we only had 2" total. We will be working in the new Billings South stake in Mar and Apr spking and trg.

We attended Sacrament mtg in Bryon today, Ken gave a great talk as a HCouncilor on Repentance then we came home!  Dad's back feeling better when he doesn't stay in any one position to long.  I went to our ward, to Sunday School & RS.   Had a nice dinner & spent the afternoon at the Grants with all of them!

We are continuing to work with the Warnocks, our Lovell Stake TFHC Leads & also did some training with the FHC directors here one evening.  Did several ZOOM trainings & had several people here at our house!

Thanks Talon for clearing the top of the driveway & some of the sidewalks & paths to the pigeons!

Here are two links you might enjoy!

Dad sent this one to some of you but will send it again.

We love you all,   CTR     Mom & Dad

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