Thursday, August 24, 2017

We drove to Sundance on Saturday,

Dearest Family

Happy Birthday to Micah Vehrs on August 26th!  A belated Birthday to Cheyenne Fike on August 16!  

About those anniversaries I mentioned - Bryan & Vicki celebrated 28 years on July 31 & Ken & Darece celebrated 28 years on August 18th.   Kenny & Rosie celebrated 3 years on August 14th. We enjoyed Grandma Darece & Lucy visiting that day.  She was tending while Kenny & Rosie celebrated in Billings!

We have had a wonderful week!  So great to see Ryan, Rhonda & Quinn, sure enjoyed dinner with them at Rob & Michelle's on Monday evening. Josh & Krysta were also there & it was great!   Rob, Michelle & Quinn stopped by on Thursday Morning, just to visit & play!  Then on Friday Quinn caught his first ever fish - Where?   In Grandpa's pond!  He loved it & caught quite a few of our bluegills, even several of the big guys, the ones that are bigger than Grandpa's hand!  He & Ryan had a wonderful time! Also the proud grandparents (Rob & Michelle)  & proud great grandparents!

Dad & I enjoyed the sun on Big Horn Lake one morning! Just fishing, no catching! Guess we will do our fishing at Grandpa's pond where the catching is better!

Hurray, Nathan & Bri's quilt is finished & Whitney & Choc's is on the frames & the stiching has begun!

We drove to Sundance on Saturday, lots of smoke the whole way! Other than that it was a nice drive and opportunity to do training with Pres Valdon and wife who live in Sundance but he is Pres of the Moorcroft branch. We had done our homework which TFHConsultants are supposed to do now. It makes it so your patron has quick success in getting a name for temple work.  Both were able to print out a white card for temple ordinances. We stayed the night with the Turnbulls in Gillette and will for the next few weekends.

Today was a special day in Moorcroft, Wyoming! As we were checking out the internet in the building this morning we were greated by a brother,  "Oh, you are Joy's parents!"  He was Dak's Uncle Chuck & we also visited with his Uncle Rod. 
The spirit was great & the people are excited about the work!  But like many of the other wards & branches just a few people are involved & the Lord wants each member to be involved!  It will come!

We've included one of the video's which we showed at Big Sky!

Love you all!

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