Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Hope all is going great for each of you!

June 4 & 11th, 2017

Dearest Family,
      Happy 83rd Birthday, Uncle Bruce on Friday, June 9th!  Happy 18th Birthday Kaitlyn on Tuesday, June 13, Happy Birthday Allen on June 15Thursday!  Joy & Dak will be celebrating their 23rd Anniversary on Saturday, June 17th. Have a great day! 
     We have an announcement - Nathan &  Bri will be getting married in the Oakland Temple, Saturday, September 2 at 11:00 a.m.  He wanted all of you to know!

      Hope all is going great for each of you!  It has been a wonderful week here! Dad enjoyed visiting with all of you on his birthday! Thanks so much for the Chromebook computer!
     It has been a beautiful summer week!  We have worked in the yard some, weeded some, & even planted garden & a few flowers!  The temps are beginning to feel like summer also with warmer nights also!
     The past two week was centered around getting ready for our Sundays in Bozeman Montana!  Left Saturday afternoon - it was a beautiful drive!  Stayed in the home of the Stake President, then visited 3 wards.  Presented "The Gatherers or the Kingdom during S School time to members of each ward council & Temple & Family History Consultants.  Enjoyed our time with each group! Then on the 10th we stayed with  Bishop Madsen of the Bozeman 3rd ward. Taught his mother & father-in-law who were visiting, the Bishop & his wife & 12 year old daughter.  It was so wonderful when each of them found names to take to the temple.  Today in the three Bozeman wards we did hands on training or tryed.  In the morning the FamilySearch programs work just great but come late afternoon the saints all over the church are being so diligent, They are keeping the Sabbath Day holy by doing Family History & the system just gets bogged down!  FS keeps expanding their Cloud data base each Sunday but still can't keep up with the use.... It has been an amazing two weeks - most are so excited with just a few who find the smaller devices hard to use!  There are such special people every where we go!  It is great to be out among the saints!
     We have had wonderful days during the week also!   I went to Billings with Darece, McKenzea & Athena on Tuesday. Nice day! Dad did a service project at HSBend then two FH trg in the afternoon. On Wednesday Dad went to Horseshoe Bend then again on Friday , we both went!  Found a spot by the dock, a trash pile on the water where the catfish were feeding. We casted to the edge of this and caught several fish both days! We kept two 24"er both days It has been ages since we have been able to go fishing!  We had fresh catfish the next day!  The sheep are doing extra duty this year eating all the 3 ft tall mustard . . . its amazing Thanks Barretts for these harvesters. One of these day they will start on the grass.

        Cozy has been at home the past two weeks, the whole family together!   She will be having surgery again this week because she is still retaining fluid in her head, we have no details as to when.  
Also Michelle is recovering from some surgery last week - as reported on facebook!   Love & prayers for all of them.
Love you all!
Mom & Dad

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