Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 2, 2017
Dearest Family,
     Happy 13th Anniversary!!! belated to Allen & Amber.  It was March 30th, last Thursday!   
Happy 11th Birthday, Ira.  His birthday is next Saturday on April 8th!!!!

     Well, it has been 2 weeks!   Last Sunday after a great day, at 11:00 p.m.  I was headed to bed & realized I had not written our Family Letter - just decided it would have to wait until nest week!
      The past weeks have been filled - with many things! Home visits- skype - yard work!  Dad is outside doing some every day!  He has shoveled ditches, trapped muskrats in the pond, dug out the huge tree root by the garden. We have raked & put out hoses &  transplanted water lilies in the pond by the house & given extras away! 
      It was great to have Bill & Kathy here March 23-25.  Had a wonderful day in the temple on Friday then in the evening Trista came over & enjoyed Nachos with us. 

     A highlight of the week was a FHE with a new High Priest Group Leader & his young family, 1 1/2 to 14.   Dad, Mom & the three oldest children were having a wonderful time add hints, finding & printing names, adding selfies, & planning how they were going to teach Grandma & Grandpa when they visited at Easter.
       We have been going to Cody on Mondays to work with the direstors of the Cody Murals Visitors Center.  They will be having 7 couples there serving as Missionaries this summer. One of the big attractions there is a Family History Kyosk. They also have a Family History Center where visitors can be helped with more things.  We will help with their training. 

      Dad & I enjoyed the General Women's Broadcast & Gen Priesthood meetings the past two Saturday evenings.  And General conference was wonderful.  How blessed we are to enjoy it in our own homes Remember when we felt blessed to be able to listen to it on the radio!!!!
       And remember when we were so anxious to get the Ensign 6 weeks after so we could read all the talks!!!!   Now we can replay them within hours or when they are broadcast!  
      Today was great with Allen & Amber here with their family!  So special to be with all of them.   Had the traditional Waffles & Ham for Lunch!

    Much has happened with Cozy the past 2 weeks, here is Vicki's latest report: 
"Cozy update-Positive baby steps for Cozy this week:) Kirena can hold her, She is off the ventilator, drains are out. She has oxygen, but no other hook ups. We are waiting for her to get her feeding tube back. An interesting and wonderful thing for now, her excess spinal fluid is following the path that was created by the shunt and tubing past her ear and down her side.  Good week:)  We will take another:)"

We send our love to all of you!   Mom & Dad

PS:  Was going to send a picture of our beautiful daffodils - but alas they are covered with snow, several inches of wet heavy stuff, this morning.   they just do not look to bright & cheery!!!!

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