Monday, February 27, 2017

It has been a busy & exciting week, with a few firsts for us!

Dearest Family!
      Happy Birthday, Connor, on Wednesday, March 1st!
      It has been a busy & exciting week, with a few firsts for us!  On Tuesday, we did our first training with full time missionaries.  President Wadsworth, the mission President & his wife, were meeting in Bozeman with three zones. We did training with them over Skype & felt it went well!  We understand there were about 40 missionaries there!
     Again, this week, we were able to Skype with Aubrei!   She is a Ward T& FH Consultant, abt age 19, & is amazing!  She shared an experience that she had had with the Young Women in her ward training them.  
       Our supervisor in SLC was so excited to call us on Tuesday & share his experience with the Apps.   He is also a consultant in his ward.  He'd had the inspiration to cast the image on his phone to a TV beside the room where they usually help people with FH, after Sac Meeting & during SS time.  People would stop by & ask him what he was doing.   He had the opportunity to help several find names in just a few minutes!  
       Several nights this week we visited with Will Croft, helping him with the Apps!  He is very excited, & wants to get the members of his Hardin branch involved.   We also spent an afternoon in Cody, visiting with the Hopkins,  directors of the Cody Murals visitor's Center.  One of the highlights of the Center is the Keyosk about Family History.  They were wanting ideas & exposure to the Apps,  to see how this might be used there next summer.  They have Senior Couples called to serve there for the summer & want them to help people in the Family History center that is also located there.  
     Four afternoons this week ladies have come & helped with the quilt!   It has been fun to visit!  So appreciate their willingness to share their talents! Today was a quieter day, spoke in the Lovell 3rd ward, then spent the afternoon & evening at home.  Dad has been fighting a cough, so even took a nap!
      Enjoyed listening to a few BB games over the internet, it was regional BB Tournament.   Also are trying to review the Roots Tech broadcasts which we missed the weekend we were in Bozeman.  There are some really special ones.  President Russell M Nelson & wife Wendy do one that is great!  Here's the link if you want to turn it on while you'r driving or working around the house. 
     I have also included Kirena's 10 week old report of Cozy & a photo!
Love to all of you!    

Ten weeks old. 35 gestational weeks.
In some ways I can hardly believe it's been so long. In others, it feels like an eternity of hospital visits.
My sweet Cosette changes almost daily. This stage of life is full of growth, and it's so fun to see her transform from a preemie into a newborn. She is nearly five pounds now (about 17 inches long), but still wearing preemie clothing (small ones at that!).
We had some small breakthroughs with her reservoir. Typically they remove 10g per kilo (15-18 cc's of fluid), but three times in a row, they hit 5cc's, and her fontanel started to sink. This means we finally have caught up with her excess! They have tapped much less over the past week in hopes she will need it less frequently. The issue is not resolved, but we may finally have a handle on things. This also means her head is looking more rounded and "normal". It's a happy thing to see!
We also began to introduce the beginning steps to bottle feeding. This is a massive step for Cozy, and we are anxious to see if she will have the capability to bottle feed. It may be weeks or even months until we know more, but we will continue to help her stretch that comfort zone.
Those are about the only things to report. There's really no end in sight as to when she can come home. Our biggest hope is that maybe she will be transferred to a closer hospital so our family can be a little less strained. We dream of the day you can meet your big brother!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

What a great week - weather has been warmer,

Dearest Family,
     Happy Anniversary, Bo & McKinzea, on Wednesday, February 22!

     What a great week - weather has been warmer, a pleasant break from all the cold we have had!  Above freezing every night & day, 40-50 degrees.  
     Today, we were in the Cowley 1st ward & in the Lovell 5th! Spoke in each of them in Sacrament mtg. Dad was also able visit with the High Priest group leaders in these two wards during SS time.  It is always so nice to be in our local wards.  It has also been nice to have a quiet evening here at home.   We have enjoyed talking to several of you this evening!
     Saturday we were in Billings, went up to check on internet in two of the buildings up there in preparation for training missionaries on the 28 of Feb.  It was also the day that Jerry & Jodee Sessions were receiving their endowments & being sealed.  Jerry is Dad's 1st cousin, his father Howard is a brother to Grandma Croft!  Also saw Will & Kesha Croft, his mom, Jennifer & her mother Iris Bassett. We had a great visit with them. He is in the Branch Presidency in Hardin, Montana.

      It has been a busy week with 4-5 Skype trainings to HP group leaders, TFH (Temple & Family History) Consultants, & others. We also did a webEx training on Wednesday with SLC sharing with them the ability to use the Apps & had some excited students.   Then again on Thursday Evening we received training from our TFH manager. This went out to other Area people in the North America Central Area which includes abt 25 couples. there were several new things that have been introduced since the Roots Tech Conference last week.   We are still trying to digest info from that.

     We did take time to go fishing at Deaver Res, no catching tho haven't figured out why its so slow there this winter!  Also went Visiting Teaching, Dolores & I have several new sisters to visit!  The refrigerator is now repaired, that is a relief.  Dad has been doing a little pruning in the orchard - an we also have plenty of water & some mud around!
     All our babies are doing great! 
     We send our love to all - Hope your Valentines Day was special!   CTR
Mom and Dad

Monday, February 13, 2017

RootTech in SLC this week

February 12, 2012
Dearest Family,
     Happy 38th Anniversary to Aunt Gaye & Uncle Frank on Wednesday, February 15th & Happy Birthday to Ken on Thursday, February 16!!!!  Hope all of you have a wonderful day!
    It has been a wonderful weekend!  RootsTech is going in SLC this week so we viewed some of this on the web and will do the other by video. This is where all the new things are announced for the coming year. We now have a new official title "Area Temple and Family History Consultants". Our assignment remains the same.

     Friday noon we left for Bozeman, Montana. Weather was wonderful going & coming home today!  Spent the weekend there, staying with the Stake President & his family!  Friday evening we were able to do Family History with his wife & children. Saturday a.m. we were able to work with him. We had climbed around in his tree & the hints helped him add a generation, finding names for the parents of one of his ancestors, even several maiden names for the women. He was able to print out several temple cards. He now knows of the joy of this work & later in the evening at the Saturday night meeting of Stake conference, shared this spiritual experience.   We enjoyed dinner with the Stake leadership that evening & then at 6 p.m. took part in the adult meeting.  We were so blessed to be able to share this work with the 300+ members, giving a presentation for 45 minutes.  We had some very special visits with brothers & sisters after the meeting. Today before & after the General Session of their Stake conference we visited with more having questions! Now tonight we are returning phone calls, etc.  We are also excited to have been invited by the Mission President to train missionaries at their Zone conferences, we will do this on-site and over Skype!
We have had an enjoyable week - even taking a morning to do a little fishing at Deaver 
Res, no catching tho!!!! Enjoyed sharing this work with several in their homes! This week 
has been the warmest all winter with sun, wind and  over 32' temps even close to 50 a 
couple days. This has really melted the snow in fact some areas are dealing with flooding.

    We are so thankful all our little ones are doing so good.  Have attached new pictures of the.   Cozy really growing no, almost 4 pounds. As you can see, Paisley & Brindle are growing also!

Love you all Mom and Dad

Monday, February 6, 2017

What a beautiful day!!!! sun shiny & warm!!!!!

Dearest Family
     What a beautiful day!!!! sun shiny & warm!!!!!    The temperature reached 50 degrees today - boy are we seeing the snow melt!  The 15 mph wind is just evaporating it all away!  We have had a week of fine snow falling for three days & temps below 25 degrees so this was really a change!
     Had a nice day attending church in the Cowley 1st Ward.  This afternoon we did a training session via Skype with a new High Priest Leader in Powell. Very enjoyable! 

      We had quite an experience with the Peters' this week - He had a gggrandfather who after the death of his first wife at age 50+ married a much younger wife, age 22.   Then he died after the birth of their 5th child.  She then married her step son, his son, who was just 6 years younger than her. They then had 2 more children. Indexed marriage records were the thing which helped us find the answers.    Indexing is such an amazing thing, so fascinating & helps us learn about our families. Oh, my, what interesting webs we weave in this life!  So thankful for the inspiration to find & learn of the interesting lives of these people.It has been a special week, Skyping with several, phone training sessions & working with people here. 

      Enjoyed fishing over at Deaver on Monday, no fish but beautiful sunshine! The ice was still 18" due to the snow cover.   One morning there were 6 head of white tail bucks here in the sagebrush field east of the house - our breakfast entertainment!   Enjoyed one  of Talon's basketball games.   Watched several others on TV plus a BYU men's volleyball & Basketball game.  Attended Neil Hopkin funeral on Sat morning, a large crowd and wonderful service. They used are horse drawn wagon to take his casket to the Lovell cemetery.
       Brindle & Paisley are growing!   Cozy is growing also, but has good days & not so good days!   We just always pray for more good days. The weather forecast is showing 40's for next weekend when we will be in Bozeman for stake conference. Our prayers are being answered! We will be staying with the stake president's family. 

Our Love to all of you! Mom & Dad