Monday, November 28, 2016

We were in Burlington to speak

Dearest Family,
     Happy 17th Birthday, Isaac!  Have a great day!!!!
     Wow! What a special day!  We were in Burlington to speak in sacrament meeting to a ward there, then left immediately for the Basin/Greybull Chapel.  There we taught to RS/Priesthood lessons in each ward.  We felt that there were some in each group who will work on it & find that it will help them!  There were also so some ward & stake leaders in each group who have caught the vision, & will begin to share it as leaders.  That is the key to success! 
     On our way back thru Greybull we stopped to see Aunt Leona & Lavon.  They had had a busy week with company for Thanksgiving. Aunt Leona was resting & we were able to visit with Aunt Lavon.  Was a nice visit!
      It has been a nice week!  Each Monday I have been helping a friend sort thru so much stuff. She moved into a very small apartment, bringing with her the belongings of her deceased parents & her things. We have been having a good time & are making progress! there are always three boxes available: keep - donate - throw away!  I am glad that I can help!

       Dad was able to Skype in the afternoon & we also did a Family Home Evening on Monday reviewing every thing with a couple.  Was a nice day! 
      On Tuesday Darece & I went to Billings, worked in the temple laundry, shopped, & had a great lunch at "Touch of Asia" restaurant.  Yumm Yumm!   enjoyed it very much!  Dad did some checking of the internet in Byron, we are going to be up there just visiting next week.  A youth consultant will be giving a lesson in Family History & will need to have good service.  He also had some special playtime with Athena!  Invited she & her Mom over for a while in the afternoon.
     Wednesday he was able to get the second deer on the hill across the road! He even brought his camo blind home & put it away!   I worked on preparations for Thanksgiving, making a pie & stuffing for dinner.  We had a wonderful time with every one at Ken & Darece's.  We enjoyed Rob, Michelle, Krysta & Josh, Kenny, Rosie & Lucy, Whitney, Kaitlyn, Nate & Talon, & the sister missionaries! Nice day, great food & the best company!  It was also great to visit with Marlene & Allen this week!  Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

      Friday was a nice day at home!  Dad did outside stuff, put the boat to bed for the winter  then in the afternoon went bike riding with Rob.  I worked on the laundry & Dad and I's Hero Quilt.   I enjoy spending a day at home sewing! Saturday Dad and I went shore fishing at Crooked Creek bay beautiful sunny morning in low 40's but no bites even today. He also started rebuilding the corral fence by the tree we cut . Did some FS prep and watched some football.

We love you all, Mom and Dad

Monday, November 21, 2016

Dearest Family,
        What a wonderful Sunday!   Today we spent the day in Burlington, Wyoming.  What a wonderful little community!  We spoke in two different wards, then attended RS/Priesthood in one of them.  We always enjoy going there.  How great it is to visit all the wards & stakes around us. Your Dad always does a great job when he speaks! (Grdma does an awesome job too we're a great team! - Gdpa)  We have been out of the habit after several weeks of conferences.  Nice to get back in the routine!

     This week has been a busy one.  Dad had got a wt buck deer on the 3rd & it had been hanging in the cold in our meat room – Monday was the cut-up day.  We feel blessed to have the meat for the winter in our freezer!   On Tuesday, Art Camerena came over & we had him cut down another tree for us.  It was out by the garden & much of it was affected by the hard winter we had several years ago.  He cuts them down then is able to sell the wood.  We appreciated his hard work which was really a help.  There is still a little clean up to do, hauling the small stuff to the burn pile, etc. but there is time to do that later on a nice day! We saw the white house finch several times this week!  Had some snow 1" plus very cold mid teens temps for 2 days, west of here the snow was much deeper with wind. The tomatoes in the greenhouse are doing great with some getting ripe before long! The beet and bean harvest is finally over what a relief for the farmers. 

    We have had several Skype appointments this week which have been great!  On Friday it was fun to attend Friday Forum  at the Institute in Powell.   It is fun to be with the young people & teach them about finding names to take to the temple.  There was probably 20 + there. Sure enjoyed it!  We had some special experiences again. One YW from Cody was very discouraged when we started to help her,  she had never been able to find her own name because all her work had been done. Dad assured her that there were plenty of new cousins in her tree that needed her help & thru the hint process she could find them. With reluctance she began to process hints after about the 3rd one she found a family on a census who had 3 more children than was in her tree. She got very excited to see the + sign by these names and she added them to her tree 2 girls and a boy. Then even more excitement when she went back to her Descendants with tasks list there were more new hints on these three children. They now had families of their own in vital records for her to add more new names . . . our time was up but she was thrilled and anxious to finish adding these new ones after her next college class.  She couldn't wait to share her findings with her parents!  We are grateful for the Lord’s hand & that she was prompted to go to a place where she was able to find those cousins who needed her help.
    We send out love to all of you    Mom & Dad 

Monday, November 14, 2016

It has been an amazing & wonderful week, full of many activities.

Dearest Family!   
    It has been an amazing & wonderful week, full of many activities.   I love Visiting Teaching & it was great to go this week & also have visiting teachers come!  Also prepared for the coming week by baking bread & rolls, some of it for our lunch on election day.  I am so glad I was able to work during the elections – it is a privilege which I really enjoy, even tho it is a long day!  This was one of the busiest elections I think I have ever worked at! There were constant people coming during the entire day – great to see people so involved!  While I was there, Dad went fishing at Crooked Creek and told a bunch of new stories in his FS memories acct! I also appreciated several angels who did some house cleaning that day!
    Joy, Dak & the girls arrived that evening also,  So - so good to see them!  On Wednesday morning we attended the funeral for Greg Bennett in Powell & in the afternoon more service projects outside.     Raked some leaves, removed the wind break fence on the corral – another Elm tree is going to go! Art Camarena will cut it next week for the wood to sell. Just enjoyed being outside! All week has been no wind and 60's plus lots of sun!  It was a beautiful day!  Thursday we enjoyed getting back into some family history things first in the morning with the Fike’s & then in the afternoon with our regular appointments!  We finished the day at a 2nd yr Bday party for Quinn at Jamie & Sandi Warnock's home just east of our place! Great Day!
    Friday all of us girls were in Powell for a Bridal Shower for Krystina, and decorating for the wedding  on Saturday.  Dak & Dad had a nice afternoon here. Tchae & Ky also arrived tonight. Also enjoyed visiting with Ryan, Quinn, Ethan & Rob on Saturday morning while some of the Fikes were at Darece's visiting and 4 wheeling!
    And Saturday afternoon was the big event for Josh & Krystina!   It was a great wedding at the Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church & reception at the Elks Club in Powell!  Darece, Joy, & I enjoyed helping with the food during the reception.
    But we were also all ready for the Sabbath Day!  Attended the Lovell 3rd ward, they met at 8:00 a.m. Had a nice dinner, then the Fikes all left for home! Dad & I attended tithing settlement this evening. What a blessing to tithe and give other offerings, then have opportunity to declare a full tithing to the common judge of Israel, our Bishop! We have a very busy week ahead as we get back into normal meeting schedules plus cut up our deer. 
    We testify of the Lord’s hand in all things! We are all so blessed to live in this land & to have the freedoms we have. We feel so blessed to have His protection & guidance each day & see that in each of your lives also!                    Love you all Mom & Dad!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Every week is special – in so many ways!

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday to Lindsay on Thursday!   Have a special day!
    Every week is special – in so many ways!   and every week is different!  We love watching birds from our kitchen window & house finches are among our many visitors. Monday a pure white house finch came to visit! So pretty but we have seen him only once!   Went to Powell on Tuesday, visited with Marlene & Gaye.  Gaye is doing much better but it is a slow climb.  After our visit there, we went to the Scholarship Luncheon at Northwest College. A nice lunch is served & everyone got to visit with the students who have received their scholarship. Had  a very enjoyable time there.  At our table was Rob representing Eng Assoc, the college Pres Stefani Hicswa, the Student Body Pres Susanne Sutton, and two other students.

Then on Thursday, we were able to take Marlene to Cody airport to return home. We saw several from Lovell there too.  Was another nice time to visit with her! Amazing she was in SLC before we got back home. We did several Skype FH training sessions this week too . .  . technology is so great.
    Dad has been doing lots of hunting this week!  He has seen deer every day!  Thursday was the day when he connected with a nice whitetail Buck!   We are grateful for the meat!  And grateful that we can hunt right hear close to our home! In a couple weeks he will fill his doe tag then we will be done. With the cooler 30's nights and 60's days the meat will do well in our outside cool room until we process it.

    Had a nice visit with Peggy & Harlow Brimhall.   He came out to get some wood for woodworking on his lathe. 
    Sunday, a wonderful day!  North America Central Area Conference!  So much very special direction from our church leaders;  about FH & temple worship, about serving, helping & remembering the “One”.  The Grants came to visit in the afternoon, another special family time! In the evening Dad and I watched the Teaching in the Saviors Way training for 1 1/2 hrs on Chrome cast to our TV. It was wonderful and we recommend you all ck it out on You can do it on your mobile device too. This week will be busy and wonderful with Gen Election and more family around most of the week! We have all our weekends scheduled away now until after Jan 1, 2017 with Cody and Worland stakes.
 Love you all Mom & Dad

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Saturday & Sunday we enjoyed the Star Valley Temple Celebration/Dedication.

Dearest Family,
    Happy 2nd Birthday, Quinn on Thursday!  
    It has been a nice week here, weather has been a little cooler, but still nice.  Tuesday Darece & I went to the temple, It was good to be in the laundry mostly sewing, shortening slips.  When we were almost finished, the Temple Presidents wife Sister Getz & one of the other matrons, Sister Melin came in.  She had heard that there was this easy program to find names for the temple & was asking about it.  Was wonderful to have an opportunity to tell her about it!  Also had a Sister we had taught in Buffalo stop me in the hall to say how she was enjoying using it!  Dad has been doing some deer hunting on the days he has time.  Plenty of leaves to rake now which need our attention too.

    Wednesday was our Skype day!   One at 9:00 a.m. & one at 7:00 p.m   Helped a sister in her home in the morning after the Skype training. In the afternoon we went up to see Gaye in the hospital.   Last Tuesday she had surgery for a blockage in her digestion system.  Scar tissue had built up around her intestine & shut it off!  On Saturday afternoon she was able to go home from the hospital.  Marlene is here for a few days to help her!  Many prayers were answered! We are so grateful  that she is doing better!
    Thursday was a busy day helping people with Family History & we also attended the funeral of Ruth Murphy.  Bill & Kathy arrived in the afternoon & we had a nice evening with them, then went to the Temple on Friday. The temple is such a beautiful place. We are so blessed to have one so near & be able to spend time there.  As President Ezra Taft Benson said, “It is a place of increased revelation.”
We so enjoy having them come to visit!  Thanks for coming, Bill & Kathy!   Some of you may remember Dorcas Anderson, her funeral was on Saturday with the grdchildren doing most of the service.
    Saturday & Sunday we enjoyed the Star Valley Temple Celebration/Dedication.  What a fun & spiritual evening that was.  Sunday the Dedication was broadcast to Stakes thru out Wyoming, since it is the first temple in Wyoming.  Miracles of Technology are so special,   We were able to attend it this A.M.  Elder Bednar was the apostle who did the dedication.  He also spoke at the Celebration, reminding the youth of the power of protection from the adversary which they receive when they find names of their own ancestors for the temple.   It is true for all of us!
    Then this evening was spent with the Grant Family!  Nathan decided it was time to roast a pig, Tongan style.  He did all the prep on Sat so the roasting was Sun afternoon. They setup in their picnic area by the canal, used charcoal brickets  for fuel and since the pig was about 70 lbs dressed it took over 6 hrs to cook. It was a cloudy, damp 55' temp, no sun day. Quite a learning experience for all involved.  With a smaller pig it would be much easier and quicker.  We had a wonderful time there & it was really yummy! 
Love to all of you!!    CTR    Mom & Dad