Monday, March 21, 2016

Hope your Easter is a special one!!!!!

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday on Wednesday to Leanne,  she is 6 years old!  Happy Birthday to Kathy on Thursday!  Hope your Easter is a special one!!!!!
    Bur-r-r-r-r  it is winter again!  We were in Powell Monday evening helping a HP Group Leader & left to return home in a cold, wet, blizzardy snow – all the way to Garland & it was over & dry the rest of the way home!  We were blessed, spring snows here can be miserable, altho we do need the moisture!

    We had fun Skyping two afternoons with Symphony – it was spring break for her & we wanted to teach her about using the FH apps so she could teach her friends!  Sure was fun, thanks Symphony for the opportunity to share it with you! I also enjoyed helping an elderly sister scan her wall of family photos!
    We had a great evening doing hands on with the leaders & FH consultants in 2 wards in Cody, we will work with them again this week.   Today we visited 2 other wards in Cody & met with the leaders. All are excited about the work. It is so great to have this opportunity to visit these wards, renew acquaintance's, & see family members. We will also work with these other two Cody wards this week and next.  Landon & Evee’s children sang “When I am Baptized”  today in one of the Cody wards & we enjoyed it so much! It was great to see them.

    It was so special to have Allen, Amber & family here on Friday night!  Melvin & Ira stayed with us on Saturday. They are going to help us at a Women’s conference in Worland in mid April so we practiced using the mobile apps, processing hints, recording stories & adding pictures.  They are great at it!  The day was not all work, tho. The boys & Grandpa went fishing at Deaver reservoir getting two nice fish to smoke. It was only 20' temp when they left home at9:30am so really chilly but sunny! We also played lots of games! The rest of them went to Billings to the temple & shopping. Enjoyed supper with them before they went home Saturday evening.
Have a great week, we love each of you & CTR     Our Love Mom & Dad

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