Monday, February 29, 2016

Oh my, the time has flown by, a busy week – a trip to Jackson

Dearest Family,   
    First it is time for a few belated wish -  Happy 2nd Anniversary to Bo & McKinzea!  On  March 1, we wish a Happy Birthday to Connor Hellberg!  I’ll bet Lindsay is helping him celebrate!
    Oh my, the time has flown by,   a busy week – a trip to Jackson – and another busy week!  I think by now I am finally in the grove again! Last Sunday I arrived home before Bob,  but it just didn’t seem like Sunday Evening.  Monday morning I realized that I hadn’t written our weekly letter & then we were busy with every thing so it just never got done.   Now I will try to recap all the activities of two weeks!
    We have had training with our supervisor in SLC – over Web-Ex with many others who also have this calling.  We appreciate this help & there are many new things coming to help everyone do this work. It was also great to follow up with a High Councilman that had planned a recent meeting where we trained people.  These help so much because we are able to make decisions as to where to go now.
    Thanks to Ken’s Scouts, they came over one evening last week & hauled pine tree branches for us.  We so appreciate all their hard work. 
    On Friday, Allen, Melvin & I went to Jackson.  It was a beautiful day to travel! I always love that first view of the Tetons & enjoy my time there, seeing them each day!  That evening we spent with Cheryl & Dale, hearing stories & visiting.  Vicki & Bryan were also there with us. I also took pictures of lots of pictures that were used for a display.  I’ll be adding them to Family Search this week so you can see them there.  I also did some recording of stories & hope to get them added this week. The funeral was very special, a very large crowd.  It was so special to visit with all the family.  Charlie’s family were all there except Cheryl’s children & grandchildren who all live in New York.  It was good to see Bruce, only Eugene & his wife, Debbie were there from his family, Lori, Roxanne, & Sheila were out of town, but we did get to visit with Armondo, & Lori’s son, Coey & wife, & Sheila’s daughters: Courtney, Kirsten, & their families!  That was great!  Saturday evening we enjoying being with Bryan & Vicki – roaming around the square!  Allen & Melvin did take a drive into the Elk Refuge & see some Bighorn Sheep!  We came home on Sunday & I enjoyed dinner at Allen’s before finishing the trip home.
    Dad was busy here at home over the weekend. He did more outside yard work and prep for Sunday. On Sunday he was in Powell wards again training Bishops, HP lders and youth consultants. The FH effort in Powell is really going strong and with all the excitement it will keep going!  He has great success teaching leaders in the foyers & the foyer class!  Miracles happen every weekwith the Saints.
    Dad has been working at trapping some California Quail!    On Monday morning he was successful!!! He was able to catch 2 males and 3 females and will try to get some more males in the coming days. They a such awesome looking quail and aren't that wild even. 
    On Monday evening we were back to Powell training a new HP lder in FS and he is so excited! We spent 3 hrs with him and it went by like 30 minutes! After a few days for him to practice we will help him some more.
    Tuesday I went to Billings with Darece.  It was her work day in the laundry!  We had wonderful day in the temple, it is amazing how enjoyable folding laundry is when you are there.   Had a great visit & did a little shopping.  We have enjoyed so much our mornings in Cowley helping people, each week when we go the the Living Center we hear more stories.   This week I shared with 98 year old Brownie Brown  & his wife all the wonderful things you can do on Family Search, on the tablet, I also did the same thing with a 88 yr old sister in Burlington.  When they see the pictures & their own names on census, etc.  they are so amazed.  Both saw pictures they had forgotten about or hadn’t ever seen of their families.
    We were in Meeteetse this a.m. This is just a small ward, their bishop is actually from Cody. During SS we were able to meet with the counselors in the bishopric & ward mission leader.  One of the counselors also serves as the High Priest Group Leader.  They so want to have their members involved in this great work, but just don’t know where to start!  It is a beginning & they are learning. We then went on to Burlington & visited the Otto Ward for SS.  Also met with a Family History Consultant from Burlington 2nd who has not used any kind of device, but is computer literate.  By the time Bro Croft finished showing him,  he was very excited.  He could see some real benefits to the new programs for FS.
    Just a quick cycle of our Sunday. On the road at 7:30am for Meeteetse, did wifi testing on their building and met with them for 2 hrs, lunch then, on the road to Burlington enjoying alot of pretty country. In Burlington from 1:30 to 4:30pm helping folks there then off for home. Enjoyed our supper then to our monthly youth FH consultants meeting  7-8pm  – what a great group of young people – they worked together & we all learned! Answered some youth consultant questions then on home.  WOW -WOW what an awesome spiritual adventure we had today!!! We love it.......
    Love to all!!!!!! Mom &Dad

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