Tuesday, January 12, 2016

We are back in the normal routine & it is wonderful!

Dearest Family!
    Happy Birthday wishes to Michelle on Thursday,  & on Friday to Mica,  Happy 18th Birthday, to you!
    We are back in the normal routine & it is wonderful!    It was great to get back to the public library! We had fun there, When we are there, one of us sits more up in the front at a table & the other towards the back.  I have been sitting in the front & him towards the back.  Well, we decided to trade – he was very busy up front – and I just worked with my one lady.  We both had a great time! Our evenings this week were mostly free, but that is sometimes nice – we are able to do things here – I worked several evening on  Connor & Lindsay’s quilt & there is review and prep time to stay on top of the FS process.

    We enjoyed indexing with our older sister, then Tuesday afternoon, the Rave needed it’s 10,000 mile checkup so we headed for Powell.  While Dad did that, I helped Aunt Gaye.  It was nice to spend time with her & Frank.  Dad joined me later in the afternoon!  We also did Phone support with FH consultants & a FH Center director!  Taught our mobile app class on Tuesday evening and were in Cowley building on Thursday morning helping walk-in patrons. We got a new PC for the house, a Dell all-in-one-unit, our old one was giving us problems after 6 years.

    Today was a wonderful day in Worland.  We attended Sacrament meeting there at 9:00 then were able to do training in their FHC the rest of the day!  At 4:30, we had been invited to teach in a FHConsultant Monthly Meeting. It was Great.  The group included a HC man, 3 High Priest Group leaders and 15 consultants.  We were teaching them all to do the apps which are on the tablets – lots of fun!
    Thank you Allen & Amber & family for a wonderful dinner!
Our love to all of you!  CTR   Love Mom & Dad

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