Monday, December 14, 2015

Another wonderful week!

Dearest Family,   
    Happy 2nd Anniversary to Ryan & Rhonda!    And Happy Anniversary to my wonderful Sweetheart! He is the “Apple of my Eye” A very special guy whom I love more each day! Our trip has lasted 49 amazing years & we look forward to many more!
     Another wonderful week! We have had our normal activities plus others.  Tuesday was a quiet day at home, with some planning & prep time,   also study time!  Wednesday was our marathon day!   Started at 9:00 a.m. with a High priest Group leader & his wife here at our home.   We then went to Burlington, to train several ward Consultants, from there to some friends home, to help both of them.   At 6:30 p.m. one ward there had their ward Christmas Party we ate roast beef and all the goodies with them.   At 7:00 p.m. we were in the home of another High Priest Group leader & his wife!   It is so great to help & see their excitement!   It was 10:30 p.m. when we arrived home!  The work goes on & as the leaders feel the spirit of this work,  they can testify to those they serve!  It’s so important that the leaders do it first!!!

    Friday we had a wonderful day in Billings!  The temple was wonderful – we love being there!  After a quick lunch, we visited with the Family History Center Directors of the bi-stake center there, a young father of 7 children who is a High Councilor over FH in the Billings stake, the assistant mgr for the Montana FM group, sharing with her the need for good wifi as well as hardwired internet in the buildings (we taught her how to use the FS app hints process as a way for her to see why wifi is so needed) & several others!  We got home around 7 pm. Saturday was a nice day at home with laundry, bread making, some Christmas decorating, doing more outside work now the snow had melted with the 60’ temps the past two days.

    And Sunday was a day here in our own stake!   We visited the Lovell 5th ward today, then helped teach a YW Mia Maid group in Cowley 2nd ward & their leaders how to use the FS Tree mobile app to find temple names!  We have enjoyed an evening here at home. It was also nice to touch base with several by phone!  A new feature was added this week to the FS Tree app for finding names called “Descendants with Tasks”.  It shows hints and temple work needed in a list for the descendants of the person selected for 3 generations. It’s ready for the android now with the apple one coming soon. Another enhancement that makes the process even easier!!!
    We have had some amazing experiences this week & are so blessed for the guidance we receive!  Each day we thank the Lord for this opportunity to serve him by serving others!
     Our Love,    Mom & Dad

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