Monday, November 9, 2015

Dearest Family,
    OOPS, I forgot to wish Quinn a Happy 1st Birthday last Tuesday!  And Happy Birthday to Lindsay this Tuesday!   Have a great day!
    WOW!!! What a week!  Where to start--- Public Library is the greatest!   Five people that we talked to – one, an older Mother of a 2 1/2 year old- Bro Croft approached – & she stated that it was not her time. After looking at books with her daughter she stopped back by & was repentant - expressed an interest!  Maybe this week she will be back! When she finds her first name for the temple I’m sure she will be filled with the spirit of Elijah! Another, already loves FH, hasn’t seen all the new things – boy was she amazed.  An our age Sister – retired now & a convert of many years wants to get back to it & learn about all the new things. Then my regular non-member who comes to the Public Library then also works in the FHC. Can you see why we enjoy the Public Library so very much!
    Tuesday Visited in Greybull at their FHC, with the Director, several consultants & Dad talked to the High Councilor over FH.  They too had serious internet access issues preventing them from doing FH easily. Dad talked to the FM Grp and they are going to add more access points and up the internet to handle the use. FH Centers have to have the needed resources before any work can be done.  Also had a fun evening in the FHC, taught a class on using the Family Tree App, hints, submitting names & now even printing them.
    Wednesday – to Powell – teaching a FHC, we had already visited with her last week!  Bro Croft visited with Bro Checketts at the Institute.  He taught him and a young lady college student how to do Hints-Descendancy process on the computer and mobile devise. They both were finding new names easily and sourceing their trees at the same time! This will be the starting point in getting the young singles there doing more FH and Temple work!
    Thursday morning in Cowley, then the Living Center in the afternoon.   Our 98 yr old indexer there has indexed over 33,000 names.  He does it at least 2 hours a day.  It was also our first WebEx Training Meeting from FS in SLC, a quarterly meeting, with other Area Family History Advisors!  We are learning every day.  A couple we knew well in Laramie are also Area Advisors so that was awesome!! We don’t know where they live yet however?
    Friday A.M.  we cut up our first deer.  It was a cold blustery day out side!   Had ladies over to quilt in the afternoon – we are making progress!
We also try to do some prep every day- have been invited to do several presentations in the coming weeks, which is exactly what we want so we can teach the leaders how this great work can help everyone!

    We were blessed to get another deer Saturday a.m.  & I helped a lady in the afternoon for several hours! Dad did more winter time prep to be ready as it gets colder outside.
    Then today, left home at 7am and arrived in Tensleep at 9:00 a.m. to visit that ward, then met with the HP group leader & FHC director.  Traveled to Worland for lunch then went to the Worland 3rd Ward & again visited the HP group leader, a consultant, & Asst FHC Director.  We all shared testimonies of this work, both of them are converts & shared some amazing things. Had a wonderful time and supper with Al & Ambers family before coming home tonight!
   We would ask all of you to view the video by Elder D Todd Christopherson! He is an Apostle of the Lord, Jesus Christ & gives powerful testimony to recent changes.  Ctrl-click to open.
    We loved each day – and are grateful we can be a part of this great work! 
   Love to all of you

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