Monday, September 14, 2015

Today was wonderful with our classes and patrons to help!

Dearest Family! 
           Happy Birthday to Rhonda on Wednesday, September 17!   Hope your day is special!       
    This week has been different – with a holiday to start it off – Labor Day – no public library this week!  Seemed strange so we are anxious to be there tomorrow!  We both found plenty to do here at home, Bro Croft outside & I am just getting around to getting Whitney’s graduation quilt done, finished the blocks, got them sewed together, & it is tied.  Just need to finish the edges & they are all pinned in place!  Won’t be long now, when I have a few minutes.    We did spend the evening at Gaye & Frank’s  helping Gaye on her new computer!

    We have had regular appointments this week – when someone canceled we used that afternoon helping Carvel & Patty Despain, our Stake Family History Consultants who will do similar things like we do.  Bro Croft helped Sister J, an older sister who just bought herself a tablet while I was in the home of another Sister!  Indexing with some, uplifting others, just helping in whatever way we can – so wonderful & we enjoy it!!!!

    Seems like this week has been busy with prep time, climbing around in the trees of one of our Bishops trees – we have a FHE there tomorrow night & want to be sure we can help everyone in his family find several names for the temple, using the Descendancy Research.        
    We went to HS Bend to fish from our boat on Friday morning very calm and nice temps – caught some cat fish too! Also spend Friday afternoon & evening in Powell – Marlene & Valynn were here visiting.   Was nice to just visit.  They will be returning home on Monday.

    On Sat Bro Croft worked under the house putting support wires to hold the insulation up over our crawl space. After nearly 40 yrs it is falling down from the floor above. He also replaced an outside faucet while I helped JQ here at the house.  Rob and Michelle came by to show us their new fat tire bikes and Dad rode Rob’s in the driveway . . . those 4” tires on a bike are crazy?!  Allen. Amber and children stopped by for supper after being to the temple in Billings. The Grants watched the kids today too.

    Today was wonderful with our classes and patrons to help! Had a sacrament meeting that reminded us of the Savior and the importance of the sacrament each week! There is a church wide emphasis on improving our Sunday worship service and the blessing of partaking the sacrament each week.   
    We love you all and CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

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