Monday, September 28, 2015

We have had FHE with two Bishops,

Dearest Family!   
        What an amazing week this has been!  We have had FHE with two Bishops, one has 5 children at home & two away from home. One of the Youth Consultants also helped with this family!    The other was a husband & wife, family all out of high school – the missionaries just moved in with them.  One Bishop, while Bro Croft was helping his daughter, was exploring some more in the descendency view. He found all the siblings in his Yugoslavian  side of the family who had immigrated to the US!   It was so exciting for him!  Both bishops are catching the vision of this great work & how it can help their ward members!   We were also in the the home of a High Priest Group Leader.  He met us at the door with “I just have this problem with this family, none of them are married.”  He & Brother Croft worked on it thru the Descendancy View using the hints & before long they were finding spouses & families. It has been an exciting time for everyone who learns to do it correctly.   Indexing is where it is.   It indeed does  “Fuel the find!”  And everyday the hints increase in number, helping us find more people!
    We have had some other special appointments this week.  We have indexed, added photos, & consulted with a Sister who wants to add a history she wrote about her husband & his family. Each week we also help several non-members.  One of them also visits the FHC several times a week. Today in Worland we shared the Memories App with several!  Dad was ask about the new Descendency process and had a chance to explain it to the HP Group! It was great to be with Allen, Amber & their family today.  Melvin, Ira & Leanne were all in the Primary Program & did great! We enjoyed lunch with them & the afternoon.   It was Homecoming in Lovell & we went to part of the Pep Rally & the first half of the Football game.  Also received pictures from Vicki of Mica’s Homecoming Dance!   Thanks you!!!!!
    Friday was Temple Day, had a great time in Billings,   Saturday morning we found time to go out to the Lake & do a little fishing!   Weather was beautiful, caught a few Catfish, & enjoyed watching deer along the shore.  The Women’s Broadcast was so very special, so hope you were all able to attend!   Several Scriptures stand out in my mind!    Philippians 4:13  “I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me.”  Each talk was so wonderful & I so want to read & listen to them all again.   At the end of Pres Uchtdorf’s talked mentioned two scriptures which I want to find. Dad and I always re-listen to these talks several times in the coming months. Now it is exciting to anticipate General Conference this weekend.  It will also be a special blessing in our lives to watch Elder Scott’s funeral tomorrow! He was such a special Apostle!  We use his FH quotes every week!
    It was great to talk to Vicki last night too! Also got a note from Chalin in the MTC and he is doing wonderfully! Enjoyed seeing the eclipse last night also! We love you all and appreciate your desires to CTR!
Bro & Sister Croft

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Started out as a very normal week

Dearest Family
        Happy Birthday to Krysta on Sunday, September 20  Hope you had a very special day!!!!
        Started out as a very normal week – Monday it was so good to be at the Public Library again, even tho it was a little slow.   A new librarian there had received a phone call wondering if they had microfilms of old Lovell newpapers.    No,   but she & I did do a lot of looking & research  trying to see what we could find.   Wednesday she came to the FHC to look at micro films which we have there of the Big Horn Basin wards.   She was able to find  a record of a marriage which the man was looking for.
        Monday evening was another one of our FHE with  Bishop Mike Jones & family.   It was great, also had Ed & Sheraldean there, was a cousins night with the Jones.  What was the most special was his daughters were able to find names to take to the temple!  What a great night!  But after we came home Bro Croft’s cold turned into a real bugger!   Lots of coughing & not any sleep for several nights. All the forest fire smoke and local crop residue burning had set him up for a wreck.
    Our week changed, Several cancelations, & most of the other appointments in homes I was able to do!  Tuesday evening I still taught our decendency class. It was our day in the FHC on Wednesday, I missed my companion being at both events.  There were other FH Consultants who helped me cover it.  Thursday a.m. in Cowley worked out OK,  we have a sister consultant who helped that day!  Enjoyed a Relief Society Soup Luncheon which they have there, but again missed my companion.  (I missed all the serving too, a lot more exciting than watery eyes, sore throat and nasal drip.)    Just don’t like it when he is sick!  He slept in the recliner until Sat night.
    I did enjoy  a little more time at home tho.   Stayed busy sewing on several projects  which was so nice!  Whitney’s quilt is finished & started a quilt for Allen & Ambers baby boy!  Now I am looking forward to starting Lindsay & Conner’s Wedding quilt!  We got some tomato cuttings started for our green house now that cold nights and soon to be frost will take care of our plants outside. Planted some greenhouse cucumber too.
     Wednesday evening Bro Croft did do a 11 yr old Scout nature hike on our place with 10 boys and leaders. Everyone enjoyed feeding all the ant lions the best. We have dozens of pits around this fall and lots of big 2 to 3 inch ones.  Then on Friday afternoon we helped a couple with family History in rural Lovell!   I am so glad he is feeling better.   This week end was great – Stake conference with Elder Deshler of the Seventy!  Also had the new mission president  and temple president speak in our meetings. We met the new mission president and wife, the Wadsworth’s from Nevada who came in July.  We were able to share with he & his wife a few things about FH in our Stake & how the stake FHC and consultants are prepared  to help the missionaries as they use it as a proselyting tool!  We feel they have a testimony of FH work as a vital part of reactivation of members and as a finding tool for new converts.
    Then tonight was our monthly meeting with the Youth Family History consultants!   How great they are! They always have so much insight on what other youth can benefit from. We appreciate our HC men being there and encouraging them each meeting.
Love you all CTR always!
Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, September 14, 2015

Today was wonderful with our classes and patrons to help!

Dearest Family! 
           Happy Birthday to Rhonda on Wednesday, September 17!   Hope your day is special!       
    This week has been different – with a holiday to start it off – Labor Day – no public library this week!  Seemed strange so we are anxious to be there tomorrow!  We both found plenty to do here at home, Bro Croft outside & I am just getting around to getting Whitney’s graduation quilt done, finished the blocks, got them sewed together, & it is tied.  Just need to finish the edges & they are all pinned in place!  Won’t be long now, when I have a few minutes.    We did spend the evening at Gaye & Frank’s  helping Gaye on her new computer!

    We have had regular appointments this week – when someone canceled we used that afternoon helping Carvel & Patty Despain, our Stake Family History Consultants who will do similar things like we do.  Bro Croft helped Sister J, an older sister who just bought herself a tablet while I was in the home of another Sister!  Indexing with some, uplifting others, just helping in whatever way we can – so wonderful & we enjoy it!!!!

    Seems like this week has been busy with prep time, climbing around in the trees of one of our Bishops trees – we have a FHE there tomorrow night & want to be sure we can help everyone in his family find several names for the temple, using the Descendancy Research.        
    We went to HS Bend to fish from our boat on Friday morning very calm and nice temps – caught some cat fish too! Also spend Friday afternoon & evening in Powell – Marlene & Valynn were here visiting.   Was nice to just visit.  They will be returning home on Monday.

    On Sat Bro Croft worked under the house putting support wires to hold the insulation up over our crawl space. After nearly 40 yrs it is falling down from the floor above. He also replaced an outside faucet while I helped JQ here at the house.  Rob and Michelle came by to show us their new fat tire bikes and Dad rode Rob’s in the driveway . . . those 4” tires on a bike are crazy?!  Allen. Amber and children stopped by for supper after being to the temple in Billings. The Grants watched the kids today too.

    Today was wonderful with our classes and patrons to help! Had a sacrament meeting that reminded us of the Savior and the importance of the sacrament each week! There is a church wide emphasis on improving our Sunday worship service and the blessing of partaking the sacrament each week.   
    We love you all and CTR    Bro & Sis Croft

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It’s Fall! There is a little crispness to the air!

Dearest Family!
        Happy 3rd Anniversary to Micah & Kirena! Have a great day!
        It’s Fall!  There is a little crispness to the air!  There are veggies from the garden, and beet trucks going by! Last evening when I went to town there was a fall & winter smell in the air – Sugar Beets cooking at the factory – By February we will be a little tired of it!
        The week has been busy & wonderful!  Last Sunday’s meeting with the Stake High council was so special President came up to the TV and started teaching the HC as I moved thru the slides – and during the week we were able to visit  the home of one of the Stake Prescy , the one whose tree we climbed around in.  We had found new people to add resulting in Temple ordinances needed!  At his home he was able to add the new people & print out the Temple Ordinance Request! He now has names from his own family to do in the temple! On Wed evening we met with the Bishops to teach them the Adv Desc process too, again President helped teach them how to do it. He is so excited and enjoys doing FH with this new process! !

        Another evening, we went to another one of our Bishops homes & helped he & his wife find new names to add to the tree, source them and print some out for them to do temple work on!   
        We have enjoyed visiting with Allen Sessions and wife, he is a first cousin to Grandma Croft!  He grew up here in Lovell just a 1/2 block from, his Grandparents, Scott Aytch & Agnes Ada Sessions. He was around 10 when they passed away!   He has some fun memories of them. His mother was a convert to the church, & during her lifetime did enjoy doing Genealogy. It was a popular thing to make a pedigree chart with little 1”x 1 1/2” pictures of each set of parents glued on it.  Picture this – they found among her things a white plastic ice cube tray – in each of the compartments  with multiple copies of the people on her pedigree chart! How I wish I had taken a picture of it!     Maybe next time we visit I’ll remember to take one!

        On Friday, we had a wonderful visit with Chalin!  He had been in Powell for another Eye appointment & stopped by & had lunch with us on his way back to Laramie! Thanks Chalin, we enjoyed it so very much!
        Today was a nice day – it is always special to hear & share testimonies.   Classes were mostly work shops – this time of year gets long & drawn out with holidays & stake & general conference!  We will be glad to get back to a normal schedule next month!  We did teach the Elders, High priest & Relief Society in the Lovell 2nd ward about the Advanced Descendancy Research!  Our prayers are that many of them will have a desire to  do it so they can experience finding their own names for the temple.
Our love to all of you!  Bro & Sis Croft