Monday, August 10, 2015

We had a wonderful week ! ! !

Dearest Family! 
   Happy Birthday to all of you;  Uncle Frank, last Wednesday & Joy, last Saturday!   This week we wish Kenny & Rosie, Happy 1st Anniversary! 
    We had a wonderful week,,, beginning July 26th with Family History appointments, recording stories, helping find temple names, recording stories, it is the greatest!

     Then Saturday, August 1, we were off to Big Sky Montana (since 1998 now) for our annual Croft Reunion week! Rob’s family, Vicki’s family, most of the Grants came that day!  Sunday is always a special day!  The Big Sky Branch has eleven active members, but total attendance that day was 72, mostly visitors!  Allen’s family arrived from Worland in time for church at 10am! Wow they got up early to do that!  We always enjoy the pot luck  which they have after church on Fast Sunday!
     Each day was filled to the brim – eating, swimming, fishing, playing on the lake & climbing wall – picnic in the meadow & ball – biking, late night games with various age groups, bleached t-shirts, coloring quilt blocks, warm cookies & 100’s of otter pops!   Cooler weather, low 70’s all week!   Rain every so often for a few minutes then sunny!  Lots of pictures!  Some have already made their way to face book! And we missed so very much those 9 members of our family who were unable to attend, but we do understand that sometimes it is not possible to be everywhere & do everything that happens!

    Family Home Evening & Talent night was great!   We enjoyed hearing from our returned missionaries, Chris about Mozambique, Africa. Tchae about Mexico City, Nathan about Tonga, & Conner (Lindsay’s husband) about Taiwan.  Thank you, everyone, for skits, music & sharing.  What an amazing, talented group you are!      
    Then Friday afternoon, it was back to Lovell for us!   Nice trip home & getting prepared and rested up for a busy Sunday!  Saturday we attended a funeral of a friend at 10am then home and off to Byron park for the annual Scott Aytch Sessions reunion where over 50 cousins attended. This reunion will be held every 3 years in the future in hopes of getting more of the younger ones to attend!

Our classes were small today, but we were able to help with special questions of the brothers & sisters who were there.   We also listened to three missionaries returning home & one preparing to leave the various ward in the stake.  I’m sure you are asking how we did that!  Well we attended one ward Sacrament meeting at 8am  where two spoke!  then during the day, in between our FH Sunday School classes we were able to listen in on the other two in two other wards!  What a great spirit they have.   It has been great today, ending with an Eagle Court of honor tonight for one of our young men FH consultants in Cowley!
    Indexing challenge - - - 100,000 indexers doing on batch during one week!!!!   Pretty amazing!   Be a part of it!  Index & submit a batch this week, ending on August 14! Be a part of this great work!
    Love to all of you! 
  Bro & Sis Croft!
Bob and Rena Croft Family August 2015 Big Sky, MT


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