Monday, March 2, 2015

Can’t believe it is March 1st, 2015!

Dearest Family!   
    Happy Birthday to Connor!  He’s the newest member of our family, as of January 3!
    Can’t believe it is March 1st, 2015!   March really came in as a very cold Lion this year . . . chilly chilly! This year is really flying by!  Busy week with some slack time that we filled up quickly.  Workshops & open library time today in classes.   Two of the workshops today were for the Lesson on Descendancy Research, our goal on this one is to have every student find temple names!  Most did!   What a blessing!  Tonight was a special night in the FHC- young man wanted to learn about his Biological father, not to meet him, but to research his ancestors & do their temple work!  The challenge here is to learn enough to get back to people born before 1905, then the temple ordinances can be preformed without permission from family.  That means we have to learn who the great grandparents are!  Miracles happened & we did it!  He’ll soon have names for the temple! He was brought in by a YW FH consultant from Byron
    Had a nice day last Monday at the public library, we each had several patrons to help.  We helped a sister scan a book, label & tag photos for FHE – Tuesday, planning meeting with the NeVilles, Indexing & the Living Center in the afternoon!  We have a new person to help there, a non-member fellow, whom wants to learn about his family & we hope tell & record stories!   What a legacy that is to leave your family!  And we can all do it!    This week the My Family Book has been on my mind, most especially my Grandma Jones, whom I never knew!  I knew I needed to write memories in the book!   It has been so very special to think about my parents & grandparents.  Mostly it is pondering what I have heard about grandparents because I only personally knew one of them, but I have heard some stories!  I am so very glad I am doing this – I have gone to FamilySearch & the My Family part of the program. There it goes person by person, filling in the vital info & then I added a picture & write a few memories of each one,  back to my great grandparents whom I know little about.  I am just getting started but am so I’m so glad that I am doing it!  I’m sure there will be more to tell as I complete the project! Tuesday even in the FHC another consultant was teaching a patron about  I enjoyed learning from her, it continues to be one of my favorite sites!
    Had cancelations on Wed a.m. & it was great to quilt, Kenny & Rosie’s quilt is progressing very nicely! While I quilted we  listened to RootsTech 2015 recorded classes, reviewing the material is wonderful!    We also had a wonderful time with 6 Activity Day Girls!  We love it & so do they!  This group had not got their own accounts set up, so we  consultants were challenged to find things on their deceased ancestors, amoung the group of us we were either related or knew of their families.   I worked with a young lady whose grandmother is Kathy Croft’s sister!  The pictures that Kathy has added of her family were very special for this young lady to see!!!  Bro Croft worked with a young lady that is a granddaughter of Joel and Robyn Smith (double cousins on our Sessions line) she loved to read all the stories and see the photos of the Sessions family. They even found a photo in FS that was partially tagged & together they identified many more of the people in the picture!
    The sugar factory finally got all the sugar beets processed that were spoiling – a blessing for the local farmers financially. This is the longest campaign we remember.     
    Well, it has been great!  CTR & we love you! 
        Bro & Sis Croft

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