Monday, July 28, 2014

We have had a great week!

July 27, 2014
Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday to Aunt Betty on Thursday, Happy 25th Anniversary to Bryan & Vicki on Thursday, & Happy Birthday to Ethan on Friday & Bekah on Sunday, August 3!   Have a great day!!!!!
    We have had a great week! We even weeded the pond on Monday a.m. The cat tails like to grow there so Bro Croft goes out in the little boat & cuts them off. We tied to one side & I held the rope on the other side so he was easier for him to cut then off where they grow on the bottom of the pond.  It worked quite well!!! They would take over the pond if we didn’t cut them off. 

     As usual, Sunday is a wonderful day, an end to & a start the another great week! Classes were small in all the wards, but in each one there was someone with special needs that we were able to help.  That is always so great when it works like that. In one ward, a non-member lady came into our SS Class to learn about  The regular class members were all absent & we were teaching a FH consultant & the High Priest group leader when she came in.  We changed plans & I helped her set up her tree while Brother Croft helped the others worked on other things.
   A Young Women President came in, needing last minute help because of a change in plans.  We helped 7 of her YW learn about the Youth Temple Challenge. They were numbers 6401-06 to sign up. One had already accepted the challenge. The other YW in her ward were going to another ward to hear the talks of two young Men leaving for missions.

   Sunday evening we had a 13 yr old sister come in – she wants to do baptisms in each of the Utah Temples.  She also loves to do the research on her family.  We also had Mom- Dad & 19 yr old daughter with mission call & 17 yr old son all doing research. Two adult ladies who are sisters & one brought her 13 year old son, all doing research & finding names for the temple. It was a busy, fun & rewarding evening – we love it that way!
    In Cowley on Thursday we had the FTM Elders come in to learn some more plus a young mother brought in her non-LDS neighbor also a young mom to get going in FS. Both had a wonderful time and found lots of new people! It is always so exciting when working with a non=member when one of their lines shots back to the 1500’s.....

    We had a few cancelations, sickness, company, but we were able to find others to fill in & productive things to do!  Friday A.M. was Election School for me – in preparation for the Primary Elections in August.  I really enjoy working as an Election Judge.  Bro Croft spent the morning fishing!  I’m glad he could do that! 
    Saturday was the parade for Cowley Days.  A brother & his wife in the Care Center wanted to go. It was fun to be able to take them.  He is in assisted living there and we have been helping him with his Family History.   Saturday Afternoon was the Cowley Family Reunion. Great to see family!
    Have a great week – we are all busy getting ready for our Big Sky Family Reunion!  We will miss those who are unable to come & are excited to see the rest of you!  
  Love to all    &  CTR 
  Bro & Sis Croft!

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