Monday, February 10, 2014

It was great to be with many of you on Saturday!

Dearest Family!    
    It was great to be with many of you on Saturday!  So nice to get together for dinner!  We love you all & miss those who were unable to be here.  Yummy Potato Bar! 
    It has been a very cold, snowy week with temps from –10’ to –30’F with day time highs of zero. Over a foot of snow this week too all of which has slowed down the work.   Many cancelations but still several great times helping patrons in their homes or at the library!   Three days were spent here at home, watching web broadcasts of the 2014 Roots Tech conference held in SLC!  We probably watched 12 or so different presentations!  Learned a great deal & now we are excited to study them all more!  It was interesting to listen to Todd Hansen of the Story Trek program on BYU TV & Stephanie Nelson, the young mother who was burned over 80% of her body in a plane crash & writes an inspiring blog about her life. We learned about “Doing FH in our sleep” , “DNA”  “How to interview Yourself” just to name a few. We will let you know when these videos are put on the web. The FH Day that both the Cody and Lovell Stakes are having soon are among the 640 ones being held across the church using Roots Tech presentations at the local level. The Lord is hastening His work at all levels! ! !
    Then there were talks by Elder Dennis Brimhall who is  CEO of Family Search for the church  & Elder Allen Packer FH Director, both gave instructions as to what the Lord expects us to be doing in FH.    Lets just say we have been spiritually fed!
    The other project this week – Ryan & Rhonda’s quilt is finally on the frames & over the next – I don’t know how long – it will get quilted. 

 Among other things, Dad’s biggest project was shoveling snow!  He has had more than his share, thankfully he has a snow blower.  It has been unusual to have below zero temperatures & snow  at the same time. He has had several fun visits with Marlene, teaching her about Family Search!   She’s a great student.
We love you all & CTR
Your missionary grand parents,
Bro & Sister Croft   

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