Monday, January 27, 2014

Hope you each have a great day!

January 26, 2014

Dearest Family,
    Happy Birthday Nathan & Bryan!    Hope you each have a great day!
Each Sunday is much the same!  Exciting! with classes & open workshops!  Several of the youth today shared experiences they had while adding a photo to the tree – excitement! We did attend the Ward Conference in the Lovell 5th ward this A.M.  Sacrament meeting & SS.  Later in the afternoon, we were able to attend Ward conference RS & Priesthood in the Lovell 2nd Ward.  We so enjoy hearing our Stake Leaders counsel. Our evening in the Library tonight was busy with 4 patrons & several of the consultants who were there also were learning! We do have many talented consultants who enjoy serving patrons.  It is a joy to he!p the patrons successfully adding photos, discovering an ancestor or unraveling some problem which they have!  The spirit is definitely there, helping & testifying of the truthfulness of the work.

    Monday was a busy Pday getting things done including a trip to Powell and a too short visit and lunch with the Fikes - all in the morning!
    Tuesday – Indexing & visiting two homes to help sisters learn about their printer scanners!  Bro Croft is becoming a pro at this.   We also had a nice group in the center on Tuesday Evening!
    Wednesday – we enjoyed a YW’s group
    Thursday & Friday we were busy with appointments, & computer repair.

    It was fun Saturday AM to help Rachelle McNiven.   She is getting married in March & is wearing Amber’s dress. – but it needed just a little remodeling.  That will be a fun change of pace!  We did also spent a little time at Pond 5 & this time it was Bro Croft’s turn to catch!
    We feel blessed that this week we were able to make some progress getting my laptop fixed, Bro Croft spent several hours on the phone– Dell sent parts to a serviceman in Cody & on Friday he installed them. Hurray!!!!No more flashing screen,  but now, I discovered that it is not charging the battery – I think he forgot to connect something!   We will see what this week brings?
We love & appreciate all of you!  We feel the power of your prayers!   CTR
Bro & Sister Croft

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