Monday, November 25, 2013

Wow! Each week is the same, 7 wonderful days,

November 24, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    Wow!   Each week is the same, 7 wonderful days, filled with similar activities, but different experiences, inspirations,  successes & new things!   Today we started two adult classes in different wards.  Two other wards had classes on their own,  they are ones who have several consultants & can do them on their own, both were youth classes.  We also had a first time experience today.  We had a follow-up lesson after the “Family Stories Lesson” with RS sisters.  Seven (including two brand new consultants) came in to begin adding photos, stories, & documents. We will probably work with them several weeks. One sister came in again after her meetings were over & we were able to scan several photos she had brought & get them linked to her tree.  One of the other sisters was going to scan at home this week.  The first time we meet with any group, we always spend most of the time setting up LDS accounts & recovering user names & passwords.  We had the 7th of 8 My Family Stories lesson. The spirit is great with each one of these!  Our evening was busy in the center tonight also with three patrons & 2 new consultants who will teach in their ward next week for the first time while we are doing a HP group follow-up lesson!   They will do great! 
    Thursday in Cowley was a busy day also!  There were 4 patrons who came in, just right for us to work with & feel like we were able to accomplish something.  Bro Croft helped one with adding photos & another with some indexing questions – He said that the answers which came to solve her problems were not something he knew – so grateful to have that inspiration!  While there, I wrote a little info down about a family I had helped one man with.  Things just didn’t look right.  I can home & worked on it some more, felt inspired to go to & amazingly there were headstone & very detailed obituaries – for several generations of men!   Again so grateful for the guidance.  This same brother and his wife came into the FHC tonight & we were able to work with he & his wife. We met with the two HCmen over missionary work plus the ward mission leaders and FTMissionaries  on Thursday evening to teach them how to use FH  (including indexing) in missionary, convert retention and reactivation work. The Brethern have provided several wonderful training videos for this purpose!
    Other activities this week included a trip to the temple, so uplifting & always inspiring!  Had lunch at Wendy’s with a couple we have met who are ordinance works from Jordon Montana. Ethan came by for awhile to visit & we enjoyed having him stay for dinner. We installed a new scanner in the FHC! Dad did a little hunting this week, he put a tree stand ladder in a big juniper tree in the raspberry patch. The deer are coming to eat the apples in the east orchard. This AM, Sunday, the deer were in the back yard. (no hunting on Sunday).  Dad was able to spend some time winterizing things to prepare for the coming days of colder weather. Thanks, Kenny for taking the water lilies to the cellar, & to the cleaning ladies who came by!
    A very cold week with 3” of snow, minus 5 below with only a high of 30’ and wind several days.  Everyday thousands of crows fly over going to roost or to feed, never seen so many!
    We love and appreciate all your love, help and prayers in our behalf!   CTR
Bro & Sis Croft

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday – It’s a holiday – Veterans Day

November 17, 2013

Dearest Family,
Monday – It’s a holiday – Veterans Day -  opened the FHC for the missionaries to write their letters home! It is a special site to see 8 missionaries, typing like crazy for two hours! They really go at it! Public Library closed.   Darece gave me a perm in the afternoon. Thanks, Darece.  Bro Croft busy at home with other p-day projects. Had a great FHE with a Mother-Daughter, 70-50 ages.  Mother & I worked in Family Tree. This Sister had wanted to get the deceased people in the first 4 generations ready for the temple, now they just have to print the Temple Ordinance Request & they can do the work! Daughter & Bro Croft learned to run the scanner.  They added photos, letters & stories to Family Tree!  One amazing thing they scanned was a tin plate, a kind of old photo. The miracle of this was that the daughter did not want anything to do with FH 6 months ago. Bro Croft was impressed to do some “Google Searches”  & go to “” with her one day when she brought her mother to the FHC. The spirit touched her & she is so excited about it all. One of her other accomplishments was translating some German records in an old Bible using “Google Translate”.  The spirit of Elijah is real, & this work can touch the heart of each person!
Tuesday – Hair cut, wow does it feel good!  Today, each of our Indexing sisters said the prayers when we visited them. These elderly sisters say the sweetest prayers & express so much gratitude for this great work & that they can be a part of it, & contribute something!   Worked with a couple who have just been called as FH Consultants. We were blessed to have others cover the FHC, while we went to Talon’s BB game, sure was fun to watch him! The Sister missionaries brought a couple into the center this evening!  We loved seeing that, just like it should be!  We were challenged, trying to recover the user name & password for one & confirm a new acct!  Some times all does not  go as planned, but maybe there is a reason!.
Wednesday – This AM was prep time, study time, etc.  for things coming up plus I gave Dad a hair cut too.  We helped another sister with indexing!   She is loving it!  Bro Croft, this afternoon, helped Ken with his Scouts. He is amazing when it comes to teaching these young men about the plants & animals, just here around our house. About 6:00 P.M. a Priest from one of the wards called, Bro Croft, saying “I knew I shouldn’t have delegated this, can you come & help us find names for the temple tonight?”  We felt blessed that we were free & went to help!  What a wonderful experience one young man had, he decided he wanted to work on the line of his biological father, whom he has no contact with. He knew just a little, & we were so guided to go back to his great-grand parents, immigrants in abt 1900. During the first few minutes, we were able to find the headstone of his grandfather & the spirit bore witness to him that this was so important!  Bro Croft, who has a gift when it comes to this, helped another young man who just knew that every one’s temple work had been done.   With just a little help, he soon had 8 names to do baptisms for. He came discouraged, not knowing his user name or password and that there were no names to find.........the  Spirit blessed them to work together and he received a Tender Mercy tonight!
Thursday – Our morning in Cowley!   Each week several come. It is going just like we had hoped it would. Also helped a sister in her home, doing research on co-lateral lines, she also  found several names for the temple.  Tonight we presented the My Family, Stories... lesson to a Primary Presidency.  They, of course, were unable to receive it when their Bishop presented it on Sunday. When it was over, they already had ideas for using it in Primary.
Friday – Laundry & home chores, then spent several hours with a non-member sister, then another couple who are new consultants.  I relaxed at the Pindroppers Quilt Club Christmas Party, had not been to any of their activities for quite awhile.
Saturday – 9:00 to 12:00 A Relief Society Super Saturday. they invited us to come & teach indexing!  During the morning they were able to index over 1300 names!   They were still able to work on all their other projects! Sure was a fun day! We become a Savior on Mount Zion as we do this work. It is a Triple Blessing; to the indexer, to the person indexed and to the descendant who finds them in Family Search!  Dad also was able to go out hunting several mornings & evenings. He is enjoying it, but hopes that last deer comes along soon.
Sunday    And last of all. We helped with one SS Class,  A “My Family, Stories That Bring Us Together” lesson in a ward, this is the 6th of 8, and again was amazing,The spirit that radiates from the videos in this presentation is the greatest!  During open library time this afternoon we were again able to work with the two couples who are new consultants & a High Priest Group Leader.  All are so excited. It just continued on into the evening.  We are so blessed to be serving full time right now as the Lord is hastening His work! ! !
We love you all, & CTR
Bro and Sister Croft  

Monday, November 11, 2013

A great FHE – with a very special family!

November 10, 2013

Dearest Family,   
    One of the best weeks!   A great FHE – with a very special family!  It was great!  Some looked for names for the temple, one looked for pictures & stories about ancesters, an another wrote a story of an ice cream party with Grandpa!  Before going we were blessed to find a story of an ancester who had the same professions as the Father in this home! It was a story which he had not heard before!  Another “Rest of the Story”, a family where we had held a FHE, reported of going to the temple & doing some baptisms with their family. Mom & Dad also did some sealings. It was the first time they had done them since their marriage 15 + years ago!

    As always, our Sunday was amazing!  Another ward did the “My Family, Stories That Bring Us Together” lesson!  Each Bishop does such an amazing job giving this lesson & today was no exception! 5 of the 8 wards in the stake have now done this lesson! Two more are scheduled to do it soon!  We love helping with this lesson!  We had three SS classes today, all with workshops, it seems every one is about ready to start new classes. Several wards are doing SS classes on their own & that is great, also!  We have also spent time with new consultants in two different wards! They are excited about their callings!

    One of our Youth Consultants brought her younger brother into the FHC this evening, she’s helping him find names for the temple when he turns 12 next year!  Another Sister today came to a class in Cowley, her niece, a Youth consultant, had spent the night with her & got her all excited about working on her Family History again!

     Wednesday, Rob, Krysta & I were able to attend a Luncheon for Scholarship recipients at Northwest College.  It was great to be together for a ‘to short of a time’! Must be satisfied with what ever we have.  We were also able to attend a 8th grade basketball game in Lovell, Ky was playing on the Powell team & we enjoyed cheering for him! That evening was our FHConsultant training meeting & Bro Croft did a great job leading a discussion on ways we can make our FHC a better place.  He also taught a few things about adding pictures & stories.

    Our Thursday FH morning in Cowley was really busy! We are glad to be offering that community FH 2x each week! We setup special appointments with 3 patrons on Friday afternoon at the FHC which went really well!
    Saturday we did the rest of our pDay going to the Lake boat fishing but since it was too cold be came in and shore fished instead. It was a nice time to be out again.
Special thanks to Darece, she helped us with the processing of our 2nd deer!  Sure feel blessed to have this meat for the coming year!

    We have had fun appointments with everyone this week, and are looking forward to a busy week coming up.
    The Lord continues to bless this area in doing more FH work and we see the blessing it is to the families each day!   CTR
We love you all!

Bro & Sister Croft

Monday, November 4, 2013

You know – writing letters is great!

Nov 3, 2013

Dearest Family!
    You know – writing letters is great!  It causes one to reflect on the happenings of the week & recognize the miracles that have happened! I am so very grateful for that.  I have learned that before, when I have kept a journal (which is only occasionally) but I do know it! Letters are like that!
    Today was one of those great days! Sacrament mtg & open FHC  with 3-4 walk-ins.  There are always some who have questions which they would like to ask!  We like that!  Dad was able to help a Sister who is just wanting to get started.  We helped with two other SS lessons  then a 1st Sunday RS lesson.  Had about 30 Sisters that we gave a follow-up lesson to, from the “My Family-Stories That Bring Us Together” lesson book. About 20 of them had their own PC, iPad or tablet to use. It was a miracle we were able to present it!   FamilySearch had just been doing funny things the past few day, especially in the photo section!   Not only that but in the class just prior to the RS lesson, the digital projector quit working – plan B   find a TV  - we think it went OK & most were able to find pictures of their family & some found stories!   We felt it was a success!  We feel our Heavenly Father’s hand in this work & feel so blessed when these activities come together – only with His help!  Back in the FHC in the afternoon – but left a little early, only to find when we returned this evening that some from the 5th Ward had come in with their consultants & had some special experiences. All are blessed as they go about learning.....  It was so nice to see Rob this evening, he came by to visit – hadn’t seen him for what seemed like ages!
    Everyday this week was amazing, FHE with a family of 8, they are looking for names to take to the temple.  We cut up Dad’s deer this morning too. The public library was not too busy  but still some success with some walkin patrons! Nice group in the FHC on Tuesday evening, Helped an older Sister who has worked in the other programs, but was new to Family Search. Wednesday a.m. was our morning in the FHC. About 3:00 Dad came in & said, “I think we should go up hunting tonight, we need to be leaving by 3:30” By 4:15 I had my deer down & we were home before 6:00,  & it was still light out!  There were deer in every field that night when we came home. We are so greatful for this good meat! We were able to watch on our TV via the web  the “Century of Honor” the Boy Scout special.  If you haven’t seen it, go to & watch it. It was amazing, we so enjoyed it! ! !

    Our Thursday morning in Cowley was great!   One sister who comes shared with us, “I sub at the school, & usually am called every day, except I just realized that I haven’t been called on Thursdays. I’m not good at remembering things that aren’t scheduled on my calendar, but I have been remembering FH each Thurday.” She has been finding names to take to the temple on her Thursday’s & feels the Lord’s hand in this.

    A  “the rest of the story” was also shared with us the other day.  We had helped 4 MiaMaids one Wed night. Three of them had found names for the temple. The other one was a 15 year old YW, whom we had spent the whole evening getting her LDS acct & a familySearch acct figured out!  Last Wed she was late for her YW’s presidency mtg, the reason, she had just completed finding 8-10 names for the next temple trip.  She was so excited!
    Friday & Saturday were great also!  Baked bread for the Nursing Home Volunteer’s Bake Sale.  We so enjoyed having Allen, Amber & family here for the night & opening day of pheasant season. Darece, Talon, Whitney and Kaitlyn came on Friday to rack leaves for us too!! Four of the Fike family spent the day with us! Dad & Ky went fishing in the boat at Horseshoe Bend on Bighorn Lake for 3 hours. Later Ky trimmed some branches from one of our trees that was blocking our outside light plus rubbing on the power line. The rest of us girls had a great time here, cousins having fun together. Daeja had been wanting to know what was in the trunk in the living room. We even took time to explore it’s treasures! It was a very enjoyable day! 

 By mid afternoon we were home alone reviewing our Sabbath day assignments and making final adjustments. We prepare well then let the Spirit lead us in the How To part as it happens! !
    We appreciate all everyone does to help us with our “home projects” so we can serve our mission!
Love you all! CTR

Bro & Sister Croft