Monday, August 12, 2013

Wow!!!! Two weeks have passed so very quickly!

Big Sky Branch
August 12, 2013

Dearest Family!  
Wow!!!! Two weeks have passed so very quickly!  What a special blessing to be present when Nathan was set apart as a missionary!  How great the blessings are!  And everyone of them hinges upon obedience – for all of us, no matter what the blessing is for! Today a Senior Couple who have gone on several missions talked about their missions & what part obedience played in their lives & expecialy the lives of the missionaries. It was very good.
Each day, a regular day with a few preparations for big Sky thrown in!  Public Library with JQ,  Indexing with our special Sisters,  baking bread, weeding, watering, last picking of raspberries, & several batches of raspberry jam, visiting teachers coming!   By the way, did you read about the Visiting Teacher helping a sister find her lost sister whom she hadn’t seen for almost 66 years?   Go to    Oh & yes, even missionaries get sick,  up all night Thursday night & yucky all day Friday & Saturday. Brother Croft was a great companion – just took over & nursed me back to health.  He sure had an extra load with all the laundry, packing, driving to Big Sky etc. Thanks, Grants for helping us load! We felt so blessed when we finally arrived!

Bob and Rena Croft
BIG SKY WEEK!  We loved it! It is always so great to see each one of you! We missed Dak, Kenny, Ethan, Chris, Tchae & Nathan!   We welcomed Kirena & Micah Vehrs, his first time there as the newest  member of our eternal family. Grandpa & I have been enjoying looking at pictures taken by every one!  Church in the Big Sky Branch, our family helping with the sacrament, the potluck lunch!  It is impossible to be everywhere with everyone! The Family Home Evening was wonderful!  Thanks to everyone for sharing! As usual, the talent was amazing!   And as was the food all week!   Thanks to those who indexed with Sister Croft &  listened as we taught about FH & how it can impact each of your lives! Scootering, swimming, visiting, otter pops, boating, fishing, hiking, rock climbing & climbing walls, baseball, picnic at the park & Ousel Falls, zumba, art classes, quilt blocks, hikes to Lava Lake. We were fascinated watching Camille & her fascination for walking, loved braiding Leanne’s hair, appreciated the amazing way every one loved one another & got along!

Where we stay
Felt we needed to come home Friday afternoon, it was a safe & uneventful trip! Got the lawn mowed & watering done plus Sunday Preparations!    Attended a Scott A Sessions Reunion in Byron Saturday afternoon with over 100 family members present! We shared stories about our ancestors too!
It is wonderful to be back in our missionary grove! We were busy setting up appointments for this week & today was the greatest. Two youth groups, one with 7 youth & helpers.  The one had all the YM-YW in their ward, 13 plus 4 of their peers, whom we had taught earlier who helped us teach.   I think you have all heard of  Learn, Act, Share! It works! ! ! !  An adult leaders class in Cowley of 16 people. The same group of 17 youth will be in the  next two Wednesday’s & following Sunday to get names for their temple excursion the end of August!

We love you all, have a great week & CTR
   Love,  Bro & Sister Croft

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