Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17. 2013

The Family

Dearest Family,
    We have been so blessed this past week to see many of you!  What a wonderful time it was!
    1st of the week, we had several Community members come to the library! We love that & feel the hand of the Lord each time!  There is no preparation for that, except spiritual! It is always a great experience.  We had our usual Indexing appts & helped Sister VZ in her home. She has a amazing phamplet, compiled in the 60's about her Norwegian family.
    Sunday evening, a sister wanted to find the death date of her biological sister.She knew her given name, birth & death places, but no married name at the time of death.  We had done google searchs & several other things.  I am so grateful for inspiration - we did a search of the Social Security Death Index using only her given name, (no surname) & birth & death years & places.   We found her!!!!!! What we found had the exact dates of birth & death!  Remember miracles happen every day, in each of our lives!   Many times we don't take the time to recognize them & acknowledge them!
    Vicki & Bryan, Linz, Mica, & Isaac arrived on Wednesday & we so enjoyed having them here for the rest of the week.  The Croft Family Reunion was on Friday evening & all day Saturday!  Those attending were, Bob & I, Rob & Family, Vicki & Family, Darece & family, Joy & Family, Allen & Family, Bill & Kathy, Jared Sorensen & Family, Kirsten Byrd & Family, Frank & Gaye, TeeCee, Evee & Family, Brady & Family.  Saturday Evening at the Cousins Party, Jay Croft & family, Trina & Trista, & Will  were there with the rest. We so missed those who were unable to come & missed you so!
    Friday evening we all got together at the farm for a picnic, oh so windy the whole evening we finally had to go into the house. Everyone had a nice time visiting!
    Saturday we met at the farm at 9am to begin our day’s tour of the places our family has lived. See the enclosed map of the tour route. We have a lot of audio, photos and video to process so we can all review the reunion in the future. I will try to get this done ASAP......... We headed two directions at 4pm for the cousin’s picnic in Lovell and the rest of us to the farm. Everyone was ready for bed that tonight! We hope all will spend time visiting about the weekend’s events and learning more about our ancestors, which helps us know ourselves better!

We love you all & CTR!  Mom and Dad

Friday Evening Picnic

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