Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Br-r-r-r-r-r It has been a cold one this week!

Dearest Family!
Happy Birthday,  Connor Hellberg!   Have a great day!

Br-r-r-r-r-r   It has been a cold one this week! Temperatures have been 0 or below every morning- two mornings -24.  Today was the first day it was above 32 degrees in ten days & boy did it feel nice - just one problem - there was a cold wind blowing!!!  Sure is great that we can look forward to spring in the coming weeks!

We have enjoyed 5 ZOOM mtgs this week & were excited to meet with the Bishops in our Stake!  It was also nice to meet with the TFHconsutlants in our stake one evening.

It has been a great week! We are also so preparing for 4-5 one-on-one experiences.  That keeps us busy climbing around in their trees!  We are getting 
to be quite the monkeys! Dad has also been busy running the snow blower, getting the driveway & all the paths around the place cleared - what a busy guy he is  He also picked several beautiful, ripe tomatoes from the green house - um.m.m good!!!!

From Henry B. Eyring "I wrote down a few lines every day for years. I never missed a day no matter how tired I was or how early I would have to start the next day. Before I would write, I would ponder this question: 
 Have I seen the hand of God reaching out to touch us or our children or our family today?” 
As I kept at it, something began to happen. As I would cast my mind over the day, I would see evidence of what God had done for one of us that I had not recognized in the busy moments of the day. As that happened, and it happened often, I realized that trying to remember had allowed God to show me what He had done.   October 2007 General Conference.

Our love to all of you!    CTR     Mom & Dad

Monday, February 19, 2018

It has been a week of highs & lows, temperatures, that is!

Dearest Family,

Happy 4th Anniversary, Bo & McKinzea on Thursday, February 22!  and many more!

It has been a week of highs & lows, temperatures, that is!  And today we really got dumped on! It started snowing about 5 a.m. & snowed all day!  "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!"  We got about 12 inches! Snow plows went by about 9 a.m. & again about 9  this evening!  No wind at our house but we have heard about wind in lots of other places!

What a great week!   I counted 6 ZOOM trainings - so fun!  Several right here in Lovell, because of sickness & a snowy evening!  One I just have to share with all of you! It was a testimony of the quiet guidance of the Holy Ghost to help those beyond the vail receive the Gospel.  We had ZOOMed with this couple on Monday night & again tonight.  A High Priest Group Leader & his wife, a TFHConsultant  Since Monday, she had been climbing around in his very LDS tree and so tonight we were answering questions for her & him. She had focused on one line, so we went to that place, the same name, but this time we had him pick a sibling of this early church pioneer & do Descendents With Tasks.  There were several green temples, one for a man who needed Sealed to his parents.  He was excited about that!   While helping him learn to print the ordinance card, we checked the hints on a few of the names in the list, then had him click on Charles Fredrick C who had a 1901 English Census & on it were 7 children not in FamilySearch! That means they all need their ordinances done!  There were also 2 other censuses in 1891 & 1911 which documented the family!   The Dad was a Potato Saleman! Now he has his first names of his own cousins to take to the temple!  
So thankful for the 'tender mercies' this evening to have this sacred experience with this couple!

We have had special times with many of you this week - special to ZOOM with Joy - she has been asked to do a TFH presentation at her Stake Women's conference in April!  Saturday was a 7th grade Basketball tournament her in Lovell so Allen, Amber & family were here for the day.  We watched two of Melvin's games, Worland winning & Melvin doing great!  We all had lunch together!  Cody beat Worland in the championship game!

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day with your "Sweetheart's"  We did!!!!
And some beautiful red roses arrived in the mail!  ProFlowers is amazing!  And we are still enjoying them!

We love you all, Have a great week

Monday, February 12, 2018

Snow every day - Mon thru Thurs

Dearest Family

Happy 39th Anniversary to Uncle Frank & Aunt Gaye on Thursday, Feb 15 & on Friday, February 16,   Happy 50th Birthday to Ken!   Hope each of you have a wonderful day!

Well, it has been quite a week!  Snow every day - Mon thru Thurs. there was 6 inches that morning!  Darece & I canceled a temple trip on Tuesday! Dad was busy keeping walks & drive was clean!   a little to much!   Got his back in a bad twist!  Several trips to the Chiropractor and rest.   Rob came by Saturday a.m. to visit & give him a blessing!  We also enjoyed phone visits with Vicki, Joy, & Allen. So enjoy visiting & spending time with all of you! On Wed we canceled our trip to Colstrip this wkend due to another major blizzard in Montana . . . . 12" more snow and wind. They will reschedule for later. We have 15" of snow on the grd today all since Feb 1st. in Jan we only had 2" total. We will be working in the new Billings South stake in Mar and Apr spking and trg.

We attended Sacrament mtg in Bryon today, Ken gave a great talk as a HCouncilor on Repentance then we came home!  Dad's back feeling better when he doesn't stay in any one position to long.  I went to our ward, to Sunday School & RS.   Had a nice dinner & spent the afternoon at the Grants with all of them!

We are continuing to work with the Warnocks, our Lovell Stake TFHC Leads & also did some training with the FHC directors here one evening.  Did several ZOOM trainings & had several people here at our house!

Thanks Talon for clearing the top of the driveway & some of the sidewalks & paths to the pigeons!

Here are two links you might enjoy!

Dad sent this one to some of you but will send it again.

We love you all,   CTR     Mom & Dad

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Today was amazing!

Dearest Family,

Happy belated Birthday, Bryan!    His birthday was on last Thursday, February 1st!   And Happy Birthday, Kenya & Daeja!   They were 14 & 12 on Sunday!  This Grandma isn't doing so good lately, remembering birthdays!   I have two calendars but forget to look at either one of them!

Today was amazing!  We were able to do two trainings with new Stake Presidency's (8:30 to 10am and 4 to 5:30pm)!    On Thursday of this week we learned about a snowstorm which was to arrive on Sunday & last thru Monday, coming from the north, thru Billings & on into Wyoming!  We were able to still do the training over ZOOM! Technology is wonderful!   What a privilege it was to share the principles of FH with them!   And yes, the snow did arrive - we got 6-8" & Billings got more 10"+.  We were so blessed to be able to do this from home!  We attended two wards mid-day, L4 for Sacrament mtg and L2 for SS and Phd/RS time. Nice to be with our own stake saints!

We have had a great time this week training a new Stake Temple & Family History - Lead!   It is wonderful to see the excitement in this couple as they learn about this new calling in the church!  They are so excited to get started!

Also it was great to work with the Peter's in Sheridan!  Enjoyed helping them - but felt so bad for them!  We have had several days of very warm weather & where they live the snow melts on the hills above their home & runs into their basemant!  What a mess - wish we could have been there to help them!  Also enjoyed my Wednesday afternoon friend, Judy!  We have a great time learning about her family!  

 Chalin had surgery on Monday in Loveland, Colorado. It was necessary to put a plate in his cheek to hold the bone in place. Leanne had surgery on her ankle on Tuesday morning & they were able to return home that day!  All went well for both of them!  Dad & Rob enjoyed going to a Wyo Game & Fish fisheries meeting in Lovell on Wednesday evening.

Dad has lots of snow to move in the coming days. Plus its supposed to snow a bit each day this week and not get above 30'. We're praying for a nice weekend so we can go to Colstrip on Sat and Sun.

Love you all
Dad and Mom