Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Boy - what a busy, crazy week - a good kind of crazy!

Dearest Family,
Happy Birthday, Uncle Bill on Monday & Aunt Gaye on Thursday!  

Boy - what a busy, crazy week - a good kind of crazy!   Ryan arrived abt 7:30 a.m., fishing in the pond, fishing for one of the big ones!  He &Grandpa had fun!  Then 10:30 Gaye & Frank arrived for the day!  They had come to pick up the sheep, & also to work on Family History!  their internet is slow at their house & their Family Tree apps needed updating!  We had lunch together & a fun time working on FH. One of their devices is too old to take the new FS Tree app update so they will be getting a new one! They took the sheep home today . . . . it's been great to have the sheep clean up all our weed mess this year . . . hard to believe they ate all that dry Tansy mustard and Cheat grass.  

Then is was also Eclipse Day Aug 21  - at 11:30am  Rob, Michelle, & Ryan came out also!  We all enjoyed it together!  So very fascinating & interesting!  We were all amazed had how the temperature changed - several of us put a jacket on!  And the interesting shadows! Photo enclosed!  

Had a special time in Billings on Tuesday with Whitney at the temple! Our family was most of the small session! A nice time to practice what we preach!  And then on Wednesday the quilting began here at the house!   Had lots of special helpers this week! Next will also be a busy week!  Dad will take our RAV to get serviced for it's 42,000 mile one . . . can you believe it. So many wonderful miles in serving the people and the Lord! ! !  We love it!

We have helped several in their homes, using Zoom web trainings on the internet, visited at the Grants one evening & guess how the evening ended, helping Nathan & Bre do FH on their smart phones!  They got two names to do ordinances for next week.   Even spent one morning at the lake, a beautiful calm sunny one, with a couple of catfish to boot!

And had an amazing weekend, in Sundance Wyoming, a small branch, about 50 people in all!  These little branches are so fun!  They are amazed that we will come to them & we love it!   The spirit there was so wonderful.  Quote of the day, a young father abt 35, " I've had many people talk to me & tell be I should do FH, but  this is the first time, they actually taught me how to do it!"
This whole group including some white haired ones did really well today, all of our extra tablets were used as folks tried the apps!

Since we were so close to Devils Tower we went home that way. These Blackhills are some beautiful and unreal. The ponderosa pines and oak trees with grass every where is something else. We thought in a month when the oaks trees chg color it would be spectacular! It was fairly busy at the Park but not packed. We even made a new selfe that seemed to work better. Such an unusual rock formation with all the columns. The north side is much better looking not so much erosion from the sun and other elements. We stopped in Sheridan this evening for supper at Arby's. We saw several animals coming over the mtn, plus more smoke as we dropped in to the valley, and home by 8:30pm.
Love you all Mom and Dad

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