Monday, April 17, 2017

What a wonderful week it has been! Started out with a rainy, then snowy trip to Cody

Dearest Family,
     What a wonderful week it has been!  Started out with a rainy, then snowy trip to Cody last Monday, but roads were good, & it was all beginning to melt by the time we came home - spring snows never last long!  We have had many great times this week helping, over the phone, over Skype or in person. As I looked back & counted, it was about 10 people. I guess I was even surprised at that!!!  We have one couple that we have done two Friday night date night over the past several weeks. Dad took the RAV to Powell for 32,000 mile service at Garvin Motors . . . thats alot of miles we have made doing the Lord's Work.   It's been such a blessing for us to enjoy together and with so many wonderful people!
       Attended the funeral for Jerri NeVille in Byron this week she was nearly a 100 yrs old as was her husband Ed who passed 2 years ago. She has lived at home for all but a few months in the Care Center. They had been married 81 years at the time of his passing!!!!!!

      We had a great visit with Kenny, Rosie, Lucy & Lexi on Tuesday evening! Had a call from Ethan one evening - so very special to visit with him!  Also talked with Vicki & Joy this week 
       Dad has trapped three coons this week around our bird cages. On Saturday morning, He went fat tire biking with Rob in the area near the Tillett Fish rearing station on the Sykes Ridge road. the even witnessed an osprey come in & catch a fish!   I had a nice morning here at home, baking bread & Carrot Cake & other home work! 
     It was nice to attend our own ward today - even all three meetings. We miss seeing our own ward family, but do have a much bigger church family.  Had a yummy Easter dinner at Darece & Ken's tonight-took the carrot cake - haven't made one of those cakes from scratch for a long time!  We all enjoyed great food.tonight! Rob & I discussed which was better:    homemade German Chocolate Cake or Carrot Cake?  Any votes from the rest of you?
      So blessed to see and/or visit with so many of our family this week!     And so blessed that all of the new little ones, "the Greats"   are doing well!        

Love to all of you     Mom & Dad 

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