Tuesday, April 25, 2017

What a beautiful day it was today!

Dearest Family,
     Happy 2nd Birthday to Athena on Wednesday, April 26.  Happy 24th Anniversary to Bill & Kathy Croft on Sunday, April 30!
    What a beautiful day it was today!  We left before 7:00 a.m. to go to Tensleep, The countryside between here & there is so green & it rained during the night  so the colors are extra rich & vibrant.  Even in the deserts of Wyoming! We talked in Sac Mtg then during RS/Priest did training with the ward members. So grateful for inspiration & guidance as we do this work!  It is always exciting to be apart of this great work!  So Many were so excited!  
     From there we traveled to Worland & attended the last half of Sac Meeting in Allen's ward.  That was special. Visited with the kids & Amber before they went to primary & SS. Amber is now the Primary President.   During SS time Dad talked with a High Councilor who is over FH & I enjoyed Allen & Neil. Neil is trying to decide if he will enjoy the Nursery, a little reluctently! Stopped on the way home to visit with Lavon & Leona - so glad we did!  Probably won't get back that way for a while!
     It has been a busy week, full of Skyping, a trip to Cody & one to Powell.
     Friday we had a little excitement when the canal flooded across the road & into our place. It surely is frustrating when these things happen because of negilence on the part of others!  For about a half hour there was a little excitement around here. We were blessed that  it went across the old garden area, from there back into the canal, & also the across the lower driveway & into the field.  We have yet to learn if it will cross the driveway, & down into the greenhouse area & basement. 
      As of Saturday, Cozy had had a normal week,  an uneventful one!  That is what they pray for. So everything must have been successful with the last surgery!

We love all of you,   have a great week & CTR    Mom & Dad

Monday, April 17, 2017

What a wonderful week it has been! Started out with a rainy, then snowy trip to Cody

Dearest Family,
     What a wonderful week it has been!  Started out with a rainy, then snowy trip to Cody last Monday, but roads were good, & it was all beginning to melt by the time we came home - spring snows never last long!  We have had many great times this week helping, over the phone, over Skype or in person. As I looked back & counted, it was about 10 people. I guess I was even surprised at that!!!  We have one couple that we have done two Friday night date night over the past several weeks. Dad took the RAV to Powell for 32,000 mile service at Garvin Motors . . . thats alot of miles we have made doing the Lord's Work.   It's been such a blessing for us to enjoy together and with so many wonderful people!
       Attended the funeral for Jerri NeVille in Byron this week she was nearly a 100 yrs old as was her husband Ed who passed 2 years ago. She has lived at home for all but a few months in the Care Center. They had been married 81 years at the time of his passing!!!!!!

      We had a great visit with Kenny, Rosie, Lucy & Lexi on Tuesday evening! Had a call from Ethan one evening - so very special to visit with him!  Also talked with Vicki & Joy this week 
       Dad has trapped three coons this week around our bird cages. On Saturday morning, He went fat tire biking with Rob in the area near the Tillett Fish rearing station on the Sykes Ridge road. the even witnessed an osprey come in & catch a fish!   I had a nice morning here at home, baking bread & Carrot Cake & other home work! 
     It was nice to attend our own ward today - even all three meetings. We miss seeing our own ward family, but do have a much bigger church family.  Had a yummy Easter dinner at Darece & Ken's tonight-took the carrot cake - haven't made one of those cakes from scratch for a long time!  We all enjoyed great food.tonight! Rob & I discussed which was better:    homemade German Chocolate Cake or Carrot Cake?  Any votes from the rest of you?
      So blessed to see and/or visit with so many of our family this week!     And so blessed that all of the new little ones, "the Greats"   are doing well!        

Love to all of you     Mom & Dad 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Happy Birthday to Alexa Rose "Lexi" on Friday, April 7th!

April 9, 2017

Dearest Family,
     Happy Birthday to Alexa Rose "Lexi" on Friday, April 7th! She is the daughter of Kenny & Rosie! We welcome her to our family!!!  Happy Birthday to Kirena today, April 9th, to Rosie on Friday, April 14 & to Chalin on Saturday, April 15.
      Started out the day today with rain & by the time we got to Powell at 8:15 a.m. we were in a first class, slushy snow storm.We were speaking in the Powell 3rd ward, Also worked with the High Priest Group Leader & a TFH Consultant during SSchool time & taught the High Priest during the last hour.  We had 9-10 brethen there & had a great time!  From there we went over to the other chapel & at 2:00 p.m.  met with another TFH Consultant & his wife.  We had spent Friday evening with them & they are very excited!  All are amazed at the things they can do!  Find names for ordinances, add audio stories & speech to text stories, etc. It is so great to see people getting excited - it is really on their minds since several General conference addresses were about it! At 3pm met with another TFH consultant to show her how to do audio stories and photos on her tablet.She is 86, but is doing amazingly well at doing it!

     This past week has been a busy one, had wet snow in Lovell on Monday, but no snow on the way to Cody!  Met again with the Directors of the Cody Murals & the director of the TFHCenter they hope to have there. We will also be working with the missionaries who will be serving there this summer May thru September. In the afternoon we were in the home of the same TFH consultant helping her with the apps, also Skyped with her again later in the week!
     Tues Evening the Basin - Gerybull wards had a TFH Fair!  Nice evening, were able to help several with the Apps! 
           Thursday morning were off to Worland for a MultiZone Missionary Meeting. There were 45 missionaries there from the Wyoming - East/West Zones. (Whoa - that was a close one, my letter disappeared, but a message came up, "message discarded, undo discard?!?!)   It is always great to be with the missionaries because of there great spirit! Also had lunch with them!  We visited with Amber, Camile & Neil for a while on our way home, then stopped in Greybull to see Lavon & Leona!  Nice day!  
     We've been busy doing outside work on days when its not raining or too windy. Everything is growing earlier this year so we want to get this work done before they grow too big. The daffodils are beautiful - what a beautiful brightness they add the the yard!  

     It was Stake Conference this weekend & we enjoyed the Saturday Night session so much! Among the many speakers was Ken, he spoke on the addiction recovery program -  all did a great job!

     We send our love to all, Mom & Dad 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April 2, 2017
Dearest Family,
     Happy 13th Anniversary!!! belated to Allen & Amber.  It was March 30th, last Thursday!   
Happy 11th Birthday, Ira.  His birthday is next Saturday on April 8th!!!!

     Well, it has been 2 weeks!   Last Sunday after a great day, at 11:00 p.m.  I was headed to bed & realized I had not written our Family Letter - just decided it would have to wait until nest week!
      The past weeks have been filled - with many things! Home visits- skype - yard work!  Dad is outside doing some every day!  He has shoveled ditches, trapped muskrats in the pond, dug out the huge tree root by the garden. We have raked & put out hoses &  transplanted water lilies in the pond by the house & given extras away! 
      It was great to have Bill & Kathy here March 23-25.  Had a wonderful day in the temple on Friday then in the evening Trista came over & enjoyed Nachos with us. 

     A highlight of the week was a FHE with a new High Priest Group Leader & his young family, 1 1/2 to 14.   Dad, Mom & the three oldest children were having a wonderful time add hints, finding & printing names, adding selfies, & planning how they were going to teach Grandma & Grandpa when they visited at Easter.
       We have been going to Cody on Mondays to work with the direstors of the Cody Murals Visitors Center.  They will be having 7 couples there serving as Missionaries this summer. One of the big attractions there is a Family History Kyosk. They also have a Family History Center where visitors can be helped with more things.  We will help with their training. 

      Dad & I enjoyed the General Women's Broadcast & Gen Priesthood meetings the past two Saturday evenings.  And General conference was wonderful.  How blessed we are to enjoy it in our own homes Remember when we felt blessed to be able to listen to it on the radio!!!!
       And remember when we were so anxious to get the Ensign 6 weeks after so we could read all the talks!!!!   Now we can replay them within hours or when they are broadcast!  
      Today was great with Allen & Amber here with their family!  So special to be with all of them.   Had the traditional Waffles & Ham for Lunch!

    Much has happened with Cozy the past 2 weeks, here is Vicki's latest report: 
"Cozy update-Positive baby steps for Cozy this week:) Kirena can hold her, She is off the ventilator, drains are out. She has oxygen, but no other hook ups. We are waiting for her to get her feeding tube back. An interesting and wonderful thing for now, her excess spinal fluid is following the path that was created by the shunt and tubing past her ear and down her side.  Good week:)  We will take another:)"

We send our love to all of you!   Mom & Dad

PS:  Was going to send a picture of our beautiful daffodils - but alas they are covered with snow, several inches of wet heavy stuff, this morning.   they just do not look to bright & cheery!!!!