Monday, July 25, 2016

It has been a special week with a variety of activities!

Dearest Family!
    Happy 27th Anniversary to Bryan & Vicki on Sunday, July 31!   In August, It is Happy Birthday to Ethan on Monday, August 1st & to Bekah on Wednesday, August 3rd!  Uncle Frank has a birthday on August 5th!  Hope your days are special!  Don’t know what that first week of August will bring so am doing two weeks of Birthday wishes this week!
    It has been a special week with a variety of activities!   I have had some mornings at home which is nice!   Dad went to Horseshoe Bend one day with Ken – every so often they go out & Ken climbs the ladder to the Web cam & Dad supervises!  Ken cleans the cover on it so it is clear, not foggy!  sure looks better now!
    Had a nice morning fishing on Tuesday- the lake was like glass but a very warm one!  Caught a couple of small catfish and a 5 lb carp!  Later that afternoon, boy, did we have a wind storm!  Lots of little whirlwinds up & down the driveway & the trees by the canal were just swirling every which way! This summer the wind seem to be full of these micro bursts that cause wind damage. Several evenings it was interesting to watch the Republican Natl Convention!  I also worked with several ladies one on one!     Also had phone training with several this week! 
    Thursday we had a wonderful time in the Temple!  Did some shopping, visited the Mission home in Billings, The mission president & his wife, & also went to see Leanne Winterholler in the Billings Hospital, didn’t get to see her but Talked with her Dad.  She is improving slowly and will be for the next several months at home. So glad we made connections with some of them.  In the evening we did a mobile app class for 2 hrs with a Relief Society group in a Billings Ward with 30 attending.   We enjoy those, there is a little more time than at our Sunday Activities.
    Phil & Emma Lynn are here at their home thru the field!  Several of their children & families are here also helping do lots of fix up jobs!    We have had some great visits & they want to learn the apps tonight during a FHE here at our house!  Sure will be fun!  There are thought of them moving back!   We sure hope so!
    Dad had a one-on-one on the phone with a Branch President that was very special!  Since he didn't know how to Skype Dad taught him the FS Tree app over the phone while he used his iPad. The process was explained to him and he would push the buttons to select a person with birthday around 1820, then go to Descendants with Tasks wait for the list to develop then look for green temples. They also did the blue hints and right off using a census found a boy missing in a family that needed all his temple work. He reserved the name and then printed it from his iPad on his new wireless printer. He wanted to do the baptism first since he had never found his own name and printed it before. This took about an hour! Today he bore strong testimony to his branch members about his success and told them they could all do the same. He kept practicing so today he was one of the teachers  to his flock! Today was great!  We were in the Hardin Branch, probably had about 20 people for both Sunday School & Relief  Society/Priesthood!  These small branches so special to visit!  Will Croft is in the Branch Prescy & it was great to see he & his wife Keisha & 3 yr old son Henry!  We just always wish we had more time for one on one! 
     Arrived home in time for Dad to ordain Rob to the office of High Priest then be set apart as a member of the LW Stake High Council.  Allen & family also came up for the occasion!  Had a fast & easy to prepare “taco supper” Krysta & Josh also came!
Love Mom and Dad

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