Monday, July 25, 2016

It has been a special week with a variety of activities!

Dearest Family!
    Happy 27th Anniversary to Bryan & Vicki on Sunday, July 31!   In August, It is Happy Birthday to Ethan on Monday, August 1st & to Bekah on Wednesday, August 3rd!  Uncle Frank has a birthday on August 5th!  Hope your days are special!  Don’t know what that first week of August will bring so am doing two weeks of Birthday wishes this week!
    It has been a special week with a variety of activities!   I have had some mornings at home which is nice!   Dad went to Horseshoe Bend one day with Ken – every so often they go out & Ken climbs the ladder to the Web cam & Dad supervises!  Ken cleans the cover on it so it is clear, not foggy!  sure looks better now!
    Had a nice morning fishing on Tuesday- the lake was like glass but a very warm one!  Caught a couple of small catfish and a 5 lb carp!  Later that afternoon, boy, did we have a wind storm!  Lots of little whirlwinds up & down the driveway & the trees by the canal were just swirling every which way! This summer the wind seem to be full of these micro bursts that cause wind damage. Several evenings it was interesting to watch the Republican Natl Convention!  I also worked with several ladies one on one!     Also had phone training with several this week! 
    Thursday we had a wonderful time in the Temple!  Did some shopping, visited the Mission home in Billings, The mission president & his wife, & also went to see Leanne Winterholler in the Billings Hospital, didn’t get to see her but Talked with her Dad.  She is improving slowly and will be for the next several months at home. So glad we made connections with some of them.  In the evening we did a mobile app class for 2 hrs with a Relief Society group in a Billings Ward with 30 attending.   We enjoy those, there is a little more time than at our Sunday Activities.
    Phil & Emma Lynn are here at their home thru the field!  Several of their children & families are here also helping do lots of fix up jobs!    We have had some great visits & they want to learn the apps tonight during a FHE here at our house!  Sure will be fun!  There are thought of them moving back!   We sure hope so!
    Dad had a one-on-one on the phone with a Branch President that was very special!  Since he didn't know how to Skype Dad taught him the FS Tree app over the phone while he used his iPad. The process was explained to him and he would push the buttons to select a person with birthday around 1820, then go to Descendants with Tasks wait for the list to develop then look for green temples. They also did the blue hints and right off using a census found a boy missing in a family that needed all his temple work. He reserved the name and then printed it from his iPad on his new wireless printer. He wanted to do the baptism first since he had never found his own name and printed it before. This took about an hour! Today he bore strong testimony to his branch members about his success and told them they could all do the same. He kept practicing so today he was one of the teachers  to his flock! Today was great!  We were in the Hardin Branch, probably had about 20 people for both Sunday School & Relief  Society/Priesthood!  These small branches so special to visit!  Will Croft is in the Branch Prescy & it was great to see he & his wife Keisha & 3 yr old son Henry!  We just always wish we had more time for one on one! 
     Arrived home in time for Dad to ordain Rob to the office of High Priest then be set apart as a member of the LW Stake High Council.  Allen & family also came up for the occasion!  Had a fast & easy to prepare “taco supper” Krysta & Josh also came!
Love Mom and Dad

Monday, July 18, 2016

Started out with a cooler day on Monday! We even heard about a little snow & frost in the mountains.

Dearest Family,
    Happy 2nd Anniversary to Ethan & Bekah on Tues, July 19! Happy Birthday Vicki, on the Thursday, the 21st, and to Talon on Friday, July 22!  We love you all!
    Started out with a cooler day on Monday!  We even heard about a little snow & frost in the mountains. It was a nice day to pick a few more raspberries!  Monday evening we had a wonderful evening with a family, 5 children ages 3 to 13. The 3 year old was exhausted after a night of asthma & a trip to Cody, but all the rest had a wonderful time & so did we!  Even the ten year old was so excited to find a name for baptism & talked to her older sisters about doing the baptism for her, since she isn’t old enough!  The 7 year old has had some amazing experiences telling stories in the Memories App.  The older girls were fascinated by it all, they recorded a story or two, found names for the temple & were fascinated by the original documents which they were able to see.  It truly is the day for the youth! 
    I so enjoyed having VT’s this week & also enjoyed going!  We have great Home Teachers who visited us! We appreciate them coming so very much! Did some boat fishing on Tuesday but no fish big enough to keep and dad went out to shore fish in Crooked ck while I got a perm. His fish were too small to keep as well. My perm and cut are feeling great! Our pair of California quail in the field hatched 7 chicks on Tuesday  and they are growing fast. . . so tiny out of the egg. 

    It was a slower week for Skyping, did a Bishops family and a FHConsultant in two different wards in the Billings East stake. Looks like almost every evening is busy for next week! Dad went to the mtn on Sat morning to walk and saw where the semi had rolled over and lost a load of paper for GP wall board plant, the driver wasn't hurt. We attended the funeral for Eva Beddes (Frank was her husband) at the funeral chapel on Sat morning too. So nice to visit with Randy and sister Margo, they both have large families of their own. He gave a very stirring talk to the group, mostly extended family of his Mom and bore strong testimony encouraging them to live the gospel better.

    Today we traveled to Forsyth Montana, almost 400 miles round trip!  It is a small branch, has  an amazing little new phase one Chapel! We taught in Sunday School & Priesthood/Relief Society about 30 folks in class. Nice to have a longer training time and they were all so excited to learn the new process! Today they were missing their YM/YW.  Didn’t think to asked how many they had.  It was a very special day! We setup Skype with two families for next week to get them some FS Tree app advanced training so they can teach the others

We love you all!  Have a great week!  Mom & Dad

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The 4th of July was great! In this wonderful land in which we live,

Dearest Family!
    Happy Birthday Ky!!!  On Friday, July 15, he will be 17 years old!!!!
    The 4th of July was great!   In this wonderful land in which we live, some times it is just great to stay at home & just enjoy it!   Dad & I did just that!!!! Relaxed – did a few things which we needed done & enjoyed the day!  One project was to clean out the greenhouse – no tomatoes now until the ones in the garden are ripe. Then on we Tuesday went to Horseshoe Bend, to windy to go out in the boat but fished from the fishing dock, no catching tho!

    Wednesday Dad did the nature hike with four of the 11 year old scouts!  They were out in the back yard, headed toward the driveway, when Dad looked over & saw three small raccoons just strolling down the driveway! They turned to get away & went right into a roll of wire which was there.  One of the leaders asked if they were our pets & he had set it up! No! They finally found their way out of the roll of wire  and went down into the canal.  Thursday’s we still go to the Cowley church in the morning then in the afternoon to the Living Center & help several people index! 
    We have had several very nice Skype sessions this week training bishops & ward leaders!  Friday we went to the lake, fished a little, & caught four catfish, one will make a yummy supper! In the afternoon, we went to Cody for the Ribbon cutting of the remodel of the Cody Murals Visitor Center where they have the paintings on the domed ceiling.  Had an enjoyable time visiting with folks we know including Elder James Evanson and wife from Canada. We did some other errands; getting two photos from the Park Co Archives, one of Dick and Dad, the other of our oxen, which we put on FS.  Also checked out an Artist who makes jewelry from elk teeth to get some ideas. We had supper in Cody then headed home.  Saturday a.m. Dad went to the Mtn for his walk a 2 1/2 hour trip & I enjoyed working on a quilt!  Allen & Amber & family had dinner with us also. they were on their way home after going to the temple.
    Sunday morning we left early for the Billings East Stake center to do our second FH training with the Alkali CK, Hilltop and Lake Hills wards. All three are really fired up about the new process. We were able to visit with the Stake Pres and HC man over FH too, both are busy teaching others to use the FS Tree app. We had the HC man's wife help us teach in her own ward and he helped us in another ward. The two wards with younger Ward Councils had little trouble finding names where as, the other one with older WC members needed more help just to use their mobile device, so their success was limited. We did our usual foyer class to teach those just hanging out how to use the FS Tree app.
    Today, after our first class, we headed across the cultural hall, I went one way to the kitchen & Dad went the other way to go to the media center to get copies made. I got our lunch out, no Dad came, I ate my sandwich, then headed to the Media Center to see if I could help him. Found him there, helping the librarian, with her FH.
    Well, we love you all, have a great week & CTR     Our love Mom & Dad
50th Wedding Anniversary cards are now send out!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

What a beautiful day it was today!

Dearest Family! 
    Happy Birthday, Wednesday, July 6, to Aunt Marlene!    Happy Birthday, Friday, July 8, to Amber!
    What a beautiful day it was today!  We traveled to Colstrip, Montana, 213 miles from home.  The weather was beautiful this morning, several very large flags waving in the gentle breeze, just many thoughts of this amazing land we live in, since the 4th of July is very close. It was new country to both Dad & I, even tho there are Sessions family who live there.  Bishop Wesley Session is Mike  & Judy Sessions son who is Thurman & Ethel's son. Thurman is Gdpa Alvins younger brother. So three generations of this family life and work there. We met with the ward council during Sunday School time them during Relief Society/Priesthood we met with all the adults, a first Sundaycombined lesson! Like all the other wards, the brothers & sisters are so excited to find names to take to the temple.  This is a small ward with about 70 in attendance in Sac Mtg. The trip home was wonderful, except for an horrendous rain storm between Laurel & Fromberg. If it would have been snow instead of rain it would have been a super duper blizzard!  We were blessed to not have hail during it!

    We went boat fishing twice this week at Bighorn Lake having a great time and catching sauger and catfish in Crooked Creek bay. The lake is 5 ft from full and filling slowly . . . .may never get all the way this summer. Our garden and new raspberries are growing  nicely but dad has to water everything 2 to 3 times a week with such above normal hot weather for June. We attended  the funeral on Friday of an older lady who was a FH Consultant for years in the Lovell 3rd ward. Her husband is in poor health too and uses a scooter to get around.
    Tuesday we had a great day in Billings!  Went to the temple first & after doing some temple ordinances, we visited with Brett Morrison, temple recorder & Tammy (Savage) Wheeler who also works there, helping them understand the apps.  Dad was very patient while I shopped for fabric. We went to the Billings FHC & then in the evening, met in the home of a Stake President, his councilors, & their families.  It was a successful FHE with all finding names for the temples.  The Stake President, his wife & family had already been taught by a member of the High Council so we assisted them in teaching the other people who were there. This family live next to Lake Elmo and the Lake Hills golf course in Billings Heights, a very pretty area! Pres told dad he has only golfed on the course once in many years.   So very enjoyable, but a l-a-t-e night getting home. 

    We have been able to do skype training with a Bishop & his two sons, also a high priest group leader.  It was so special to have a sister call just to say Thank You!  So Sweet!  Saturday we had a very special surprise, Josh Fink & a friend stopped by to visit!  He is doing great, living in Logan & working there as an electrician .   It was so good to see him & meet his special friend who has her degree and now getting a second one in speech therapy!

We love all of you,  have a great week,    Mom & Dad