Monday, March 28, 2016

We have been reminded this week on several occasions that it still is winter!

Dearest family!
    Happy 12th Anniversary to Allen & Amber this Wednesday on the 30th!
    We have been reminded this week on several occasions that it still is winter!  We had a cold blustery week! Snow here & there as we have traveled.  It seems that lately every time we go to Cody it is nice when we go up & stormy when we come home!  We were there Tues & Thursday evenings this week! We had a wonderful time helping & training leaders to find names to take to the temple & to train others to do the same!  We enjoy these activities so very much!

    We have been busy with other appointments in peoples homes, in the public library, & at the living center here.
    Saturday was an at home day!   Dad has been getting the pond by the house ready for summer & discovered that the liner was leaking!  Not good!!! Ordered a new one & on Saturday the Grants helped him put it in!  We had hoped for a nice day, but there was a crispy wind with low 30 temps!  Darece & I cleaned & dusted several bookshelves here in the house – even the tops of the books & turning over the boards that had curved with the weight of the books!   Gee – both places look nice.  Enjoyed tacos with them! 
    Rob stopped by one evening after work – we so enjoy that!  And he & Michelle came out this evening to visit for a while!  Was Great!!!

    Today we visited the Belfry Branch – it includes Bridger, Fromberg, Clark, Belfry & other small surrounding communities!  They have a beautiful building just outside Belfry to the north. We always call the Bishop or Branch President before we go & we were also asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting on the Atonement! We both shared some stories and scriptures on the atonement and how we can use it in our lives. We must each take advantage of this blessing that covers not only our sins but the challenges of daily life. During SS we met with the leaders & then in Relief Society/ Priesthood we gave a short presentation. We try to arrive early, check out the building internet & teach one-on-one with who ever happens to be there early!  Dad and I taught the 2nd councilors wife and the Branch Pres 13 yr old son before mtgs, both were thrilled! We met after with their FH Consultant for 2 more hrs of training. It was a successful day on all accounts!  Sure fun to share the Family Search Apps with everyone!
    I went to the Women's brdcast and Dad watched it at home, he even used some of the quotes from it in his talk today! With Gen Conference and stake conference the next two weeks we won't have as much traveling to do!

We love you all. CTR  Mom & Dad

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