Monday, March 28, 2016

We have been reminded this week on several occasions that it still is winter!

Dearest family!
    Happy 12th Anniversary to Allen & Amber this Wednesday on the 30th!
    We have been reminded this week on several occasions that it still is winter!  We had a cold blustery week! Snow here & there as we have traveled.  It seems that lately every time we go to Cody it is nice when we go up & stormy when we come home!  We were there Tues & Thursday evenings this week! We had a wonderful time helping & training leaders to find names to take to the temple & to train others to do the same!  We enjoy these activities so very much!

    We have been busy with other appointments in peoples homes, in the public library, & at the living center here.
    Saturday was an at home day!   Dad has been getting the pond by the house ready for summer & discovered that the liner was leaking!  Not good!!! Ordered a new one & on Saturday the Grants helped him put it in!  We had hoped for a nice day, but there was a crispy wind with low 30 temps!  Darece & I cleaned & dusted several bookshelves here in the house – even the tops of the books & turning over the boards that had curved with the weight of the books!   Gee – both places look nice.  Enjoyed tacos with them! 
    Rob stopped by one evening after work – we so enjoy that!  And he & Michelle came out this evening to visit for a while!  Was Great!!!

    Today we visited the Belfry Branch – it includes Bridger, Fromberg, Clark, Belfry & other small surrounding communities!  They have a beautiful building just outside Belfry to the north. We always call the Bishop or Branch President before we go & we were also asked to speak in Sacrament Meeting on the Atonement! We both shared some stories and scriptures on the atonement and how we can use it in our lives. We must each take advantage of this blessing that covers not only our sins but the challenges of daily life. During SS we met with the leaders & then in Relief Society/ Priesthood we gave a short presentation. We try to arrive early, check out the building internet & teach one-on-one with who ever happens to be there early!  Dad and I taught the 2nd councilors wife and the Branch Pres 13 yr old son before mtgs, both were thrilled! We met after with their FH Consultant for 2 more hrs of training. It was a successful day on all accounts!  Sure fun to share the Family Search Apps with everyone!
    I went to the Women's brdcast and Dad watched it at home, he even used some of the quotes from it in his talk today! With Gen Conference and stake conference the next two weeks we won't have as much traveling to do!

We love you all. CTR  Mom & Dad

Monday, March 21, 2016

Hope your Easter is a special one!!!!!

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday on Wednesday to Leanne,  she is 6 years old!  Happy Birthday to Kathy on Thursday!  Hope your Easter is a special one!!!!!
    Bur-r-r-r-r  it is winter again!  We were in Powell Monday evening helping a HP Group Leader & left to return home in a cold, wet, blizzardy snow – all the way to Garland & it was over & dry the rest of the way home!  We were blessed, spring snows here can be miserable, altho we do need the moisture!

    We had fun Skyping two afternoons with Symphony – it was spring break for her & we wanted to teach her about using the FH apps so she could teach her friends!  Sure was fun, thanks Symphony for the opportunity to share it with you! I also enjoyed helping an elderly sister scan her wall of family photos!
    We had a great evening doing hands on with the leaders & FH consultants in 2 wards in Cody, we will work with them again this week.   Today we visited 2 other wards in Cody & met with the leaders. All are excited about the work. It is so great to have this opportunity to visit these wards, renew acquaintance's, & see family members. We will also work with these other two Cody wards this week and next.  Landon & Evee’s children sang “When I am Baptized”  today in one of the Cody wards & we enjoyed it so much! It was great to see them.

    It was so special to have Allen, Amber & family here on Friday night!  Melvin & Ira stayed with us on Saturday. They are going to help us at a Women’s conference in Worland in mid April so we practiced using the mobile apps, processing hints, recording stories & adding pictures.  They are great at it!  The day was not all work, tho. The boys & Grandpa went fishing at Deaver reservoir getting two nice fish to smoke. It was only 20' temp when they left home at9:30am so really chilly but sunny! We also played lots of games! The rest of them went to Billings to the temple & shopping. Enjoyed supper with them before they went home Saturday evening.
Have a great week, we love each of you & CTR     Our Love Mom & Dad

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sometimes variety is the spice of life!

Dearest Family,

    Happy Birthday next Sunday to Dak & Tchae!   Have a great day!
    Sometimes variety is the spice of life!   We have had our normal activities + lots of others!  We enjoyed Skyping with the Fikes! A trip to the temple! Dad did a nature hike around the field with 8 - 11 year old Scouts ( I don’t understand why these always happen on the coldest evenings!)  We watched Kaitlyn & Mila in the State Dance competitions – the Hip-Hop dance placed third!  Also watched some of the Lovell basketball games on TV at state Tournament in Casper! We spent a wonderful Friday with Gaye & Marlene visiting here at the house and doing family history! I attended a Ward RS birthday party – & Dad served in the Family History Center that evening!

     One evening I went to Cowley to help a ward consultant with several people. A 12 year old so wanted to find names for a temple trip the next day!  He had several FS accounts & no LDS Account!  After getting help from SLC we got that problem solved!   Y-e-s-s  was he excited.  The ward consultant was helping his mother!  Dad was here at home climbing around in his tree – & discovered a place where there were names to add!  With inspiration, & all working together, he had a successful experience & was able to find names of his own ancestors to take on his first trip to the temple!    He is so excited about FH!  He had had an experience in Cub Scouts several years ago & really enjoyed it then also.  Even before we found the names he commented, “Do you think I could support a family doing this?  I really love to do this!”

     Dad separated all the quail pairs into their own pens so they can get into nesting this spring. A wild male came into the area looking for a mate too and it sits on top of the pens and eats in the flower beds by the house. The tomatoes in the greenhouse are really producing right now, oh so good! We even have a few deer at the house everyday - haven't seen many for months.  Trapped the first coon in six months, not many around presently. Such a warm dry spring, no moisture for the month of Feb and the snow on the mtns is melted up to 7500' already. We had some 70' days this week, that's too warm for early March?! Dad fly fished at the pond catching several sizes of fish, so they over wintered okay!
       Today we did our first visits in Cody, there are 4 wards there & we attended 2 of them, Cody 1 and 3, Sacrament mtg & SS in both.   It is great to teach HP lders and FH consultants about the new FS processes & they are excited to learn.  We will be doing more training this Thur evening. We returned home in time to attend our home ward at 3:00 p.m. Kaitlyn gave a great talk in Sacrament mtg & then we stayed for SS & RS/Priesthood.   Sure was nice!   So great to see all of our ward family!  Then this evening we enjoyed a visit from Bo, McKenzea & Athena!   We loved it! Also had calls from several of you this week which we appreciate and enjoy! ! ! 
      Our Love & CTR   Mom & Dad

Monday, March 7, 2016

It has been a beautiful week – the weather was great – warm & nice!

Dearest Family,   
    What a surprise – no anniversaries this week! 
    It has been a beautiful week – the weather was great – warm & nice!  Dad was able to trap some more Quail this week, that has been fun for him.  He now has 4 pair of California quail. He has also been busy with yard work, doing a little every day!   I have been working on UFO’s  Un Finished Objects (the quilting kind), that have been setting in the sewing room for a lo-o-o-o-g time.   It has been fun!  I have a lq quilt ready to go to a quilter! I am doing the hand work on the binding on a Christmas wall hanging, that is going fast!  We also enjoyed watching via the computer with Chromecast to our TV many of the Regional Basketball tournament games in Star Valley this week end!  Several of our youth FH consultants plus grandchildren were there. Saw the girls dance several times!  Saturday was a busy day for that, they each played two games! 

    Had several patrons to help in the Public library on Monday, plus doing training of new FH missionaries that have been called in the stake.   They are helping train each other & are also going to the various wards in the stake to help there.  One day we experimented with people in SLC, trying to figure out why our WEB-EX on line training doesn’t work correctly.   Still don’t know, but maybe we have ruled out a few things! Also did Skype training with a HP Grp leader in the Cody Stake on Thursday evening for 2 hrs with his 9 yr old son anxiously watching too! Had a call from the HC men in the Gillette stake as they do final prep for priesthood leader training this coming Sat for their stake conference. This stake is moving forward in a wonderful way too!  We continue to help stakes get their internet issues resolved so they can do FH in their ward buildings.

    Today was amazing!   Arrived at the church 45 minutes before meetings were to start!   Two Spanish speaking missionaries were the first people we saw!  One goes home in May, he & Dad found several names for him to take to the temple!   The other one had just arrived, he is from Costa Rica & knows nothing about Family History!   He was so amazed with the Whole process.  He didn’t know the names of some of his living grand parents & was so happy thattomorrow is pDay and he could ask his mother on his email!  We were adding hints in Costa Rica from church records & other civil records. He just thought it was the coolest!!!!!   We then attended the Burlington 2nd ward & presented a 1st Sunday lesson in RS/Priesthood – exposing 50 plus adults to what is available on the apps!  While Dad was setting up during S School time, I was working with one of their FH Consultants.  Later in the day, I was able to spent time with a FH Consultant teaching her about the apps!  Her comment, “this is great, relaxing, I can do it anywhere”

    Even while we were eating lunch in the kitchen we had 6 people asking questions & follow-up with questions. Two of these were from families where we had done FHE’s some time ago!   One sister shared with us how she had learned about 191 indexed records from Vermont which had been added to Family Search.  One of those indexed records was a baby in one of her families which no one knew about!  A miracle! Our last activity of the day was in the home of the Burlington 1st High Priest Group Leader.   He & his wife, two youth FH Consultants & the Bishop & his wife!  Another perfect scenario!!!!  If this process was going on in every ward, FH in our Area would be going at Super sonic speed! ! This ward is going great!!!!!   Oh & Darece gave a RS 1st Sunday lesson on the FS apps, had 17 sisters learning about it.  
         We love you all   Mom & Dad