Tuesday, January 19, 2016

We hope each of you have had a wonderful week!

Dearest Family,
    How are all of you?  We hope each of you have had a wonderful week! Time flies so fast – we hope & pray that each of you have done something fun this week, that you have enjoyed one of Heavenly Father’s creations, & feel you are more like Him this week than you were last!
    Our week has been a special one, busy with our regular schedule, but often that is the best!
Today we spent our Sunday in Powell visiting two town wards & the Young Single Adult ward! We met with High Priest Group Leaders, Consultants & the FHCenter Director.  As with all the wards they are ready & excited to move forward & are feeling that prompting & drive that it is what the Lord wants them to do!  All day today, we were helping & wishing for the “Descendant with Tasks” to be available on the i0S devices!  Then at 7:30 tonight in a group of youth FH Consultants, one of the Young Men said, “Look it is right here!”   We are doing some more checking & are praying it will continue to work! (the new version is 1.7.1) You can check out yours! It is so exciting & amazing how the Lord’s work is moving forward!
    Had a nice FHE with the Grants,   Kenny & Rosie came out one noontime & he took aerial pictures of our place with his drone!  Wow – it is so amazing all we can do!  We have also done training with several HP group Leaders over Skype! Dad kept setting up the new desktop computer getting all the program on it we need, plus we did some Skype training with a HP Grp leader in Worland to try it out. It works better than the older slow one. On Wednesday evening we had a wonderful visit with our Stake President about our mission and how our new Area call was coming along!
    The Rky Mtn Tree service cut 20' off the top of the big 65' Blue Spruce tree behind the house so it didn't break off in the wind and hit our roof. They did a great job and the tree looks nice, just shorter. We enjoyed going ice fishing for the first time this winter at pond 5. There was 4" of snow on the foot thick ice so it was nice walking out to our spot. At the bite time 10 am we had some bites but then nothing more, could see lots of fish below us on the sonar. Thats why its called fishing. Nice to be out and get some sun even though it was 30' temp. We headed back home at 11am with no fish to clean.

 One of our special experiances
   For several years we had been working with 80+ year old Brother Bob in a local Assisted Living Facility where he & his wife are living.  His first goal was to review his family history & find ordinances. While still working on this, the Memory App came out with the ability to add photos and audio stories.  Now Brother Bob, was a great story teller & he had boxes of photos still in his possession.  For the next several months, a lot of photos were scanned into his tree.and each week he recorded stories.  We then added them to his tree & linked them to his deceased ancestors & to himself.
     Just last week when we arrived, we found him waiting for us in the foyer. His first words were, "I've got some more stories to tell!  Did you bring your device?"  He went on to tell us that one of his sons, who is not active, had been surfing the web.  He had googled his grandfathers name & up had popped one of the stories his father had recorded.  He called his Dad & they visited & he suggested some other stories which he wanted his father to record. He now has over 60 audio stories in his FS Tree.

Our love to all of you!  How great you are & CTR      Mom & Dad

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

We are back in the normal routine & it is wonderful!

Dearest Family!
    Happy Birthday wishes to Michelle on Thursday,  & on Friday to Mica,  Happy 18th Birthday, to you!
    We are back in the normal routine & it is wonderful!    It was great to get back to the public library! We had fun there, When we are there, one of us sits more up in the front at a table & the other towards the back.  I have been sitting in the front & him towards the back.  Well, we decided to trade – he was very busy up front – and I just worked with my one lady.  We both had a great time! Our evenings this week were mostly free, but that is sometimes nice – we are able to do things here – I worked several evening on  Connor & Lindsay’s quilt & there is review and prep time to stay on top of the FS process.

    We enjoyed indexing with our older sister, then Tuesday afternoon, the Rave needed it’s 10,000 mile checkup so we headed for Powell.  While Dad did that, I helped Aunt Gaye.  It was nice to spend time with her & Frank.  Dad joined me later in the afternoon!  We also did Phone support with FH consultants & a FH Center director!  Taught our mobile app class on Tuesday evening and were in Cowley building on Thursday morning helping walk-in patrons. We got a new PC for the house, a Dell all-in-one-unit, our old one was giving us problems after 6 years.

    Today was a wonderful day in Worland.  We attended Sacrament meeting there at 9:00 then were able to do training in their FHC the rest of the day!  At 4:30, we had been invited to teach in a FHConsultant Monthly Meeting. It was Great.  The group included a HC man, 3 High Priest Group leaders and 15 consultants.  We were teaching them all to do the apps which are on the tablets – lots of fun!
    Thank you Allen & Amber & family for a wonderful dinner!
Our love to all of you!  CTR   Love Mom & Dad

Monday, January 4, 2016

Had a great Family dinner on Monday evening

Dearest Family! 
   Love you all!     Happy Birthday, McKinzea!   Hope you have a great day on Tuesday!   
    It was wonderful to have the Fikes come on Sunday Evening!  We enjoyed so very much our time with them!  Had a great Family dinner on Monday evening at the Grant home – Allen, Amber & family came too!  I think there were 25 of us together!  We missed those who were unable to be here!   We canceled several appointments so we were able to be home! The kids went skating one afternoon at the Moncur rink! No sledding this year, we just don’t have enough snow! We love to have every one here.   Then on Wednesday evening, Allen’s family stopped by, they were returning from the temple & had dinner with us.  I finally felt like my cold was gone enough so I could play with Neil!  What a sweetheart he is!  So happy, he just cooed & smiled!  We so appreciated phone calls from those of  you who were unable to be here over the Holidays!

    Thursday & Friday were just quiet days here at home! The Christmas decorations have been taken down, we are ready to start the New Year!!!!! I even got the binding machine stitched on Connor & Lindsay’s quilt & now just have to finish sewing around it by hand!   It will be wonderful to have it done! 
    Several days we were able to do phone support with people who called.  Today we are back into the routine, visited L3 ward in our stake for the 3 hr block.  We ate lunch, then were off to Burlington to train a High Priest Group Leader and his wife for 3 hrs. We had a FHE with Cody Stake President & his family for a couple of hrs, all had great success at using the new FS process!  What a great day! This week we will be in 3 stakes helping and training leaders, FHCenter directors and families. People are so anxious to learn the new process. Check this pdf file to learn of the new way to print temple cards at home coming to temples soon. Dad helped our stake IT person resolve some internet and printer issues at the FH Center this week as  well.

    Attended a funeral in Cowley on Saturday for a 63 yr old grandfather of one of our youth consultants (he & his wife raised this boy and his sister)    Dad got to try out his new snow pusher on 1/2” of snow on the upper driveway this week – worked great! The Lord’s work continues to move forward at a rapid pace and we’re so grateful to be able to help ! ! 
Love you all, CTR!  Mom and Dad