Monday, February 23, 2015

It has been a great week, we are so appreciate the inspiration that comes so very often as we do this great work!

Dearest Family,  
       Happy 1st Anniversary,   Bo & McKenzie!    And an eternity together!
    Wonderful holiday on Monday!  I was able to Skype Jane in Denmark, we are becoming great friends! Allen was off work & his kids had no school!  It was wonderful to have them come visit!  We enjoyed it so much! They tried to fly kites & we planned to roast hot dogs in the field but the weather was a bit too blustery & cold! Thanks for coming to visit! 

    Each day was unique – There were several cancellations due illness, We used the free time to review RootsTech presentations – in  preparation for the Family History Fair on March 21!  It also seemed that when ever something was canceled, it opened the way for some one else to get help which we hadn’t planned on!     The new “Family Search Memories” & Family Tree apps are now available for all devices!  That was so exciting!   They have been out for awhile for Apple devices but now they are available for all Android & Kindle devices!  It makes it so much easier for busy people to be working on their Family History in the little moments of time when they are waiting – here & there!  We are being blessed with amazing technology to help us do this work!

    Our Wednesday morning in the FH Center was nice, with patrons to help & opportunities to teach consultants, a cancellation in the afternoon & we filled in someone else we had had to cancel for Thursday because we wanted to go to a funeral!  We had a great evening in Cowley with a YM’s group,their leaders, & also their Bishop indexing on Wednesday evening!     Ken and his 11 yr old scouts came to do a service project for us on Wednesday evening hauling all the tree branches from our front yard . . . .Thanks a lot!
    Bro Croft was challenged this week getting a scanner/computer set up to help a Sister.   We were there two different days, brain fatigue, the first day & time to ponder & think about the challenge.  I worked with her on other things while he worked on the computer & scanner! We’re getting more used to driving the new RAV4 each day. This week has reminded us that winter is still here with temps close to zero several nights and some snow. On Saturday we only had a skiff of snow but found icy roads and 5 inches of snow in Byron. 
    It has been a great week, we are so appreciate the inspiration that comes so very often as we do this great work!   His hand is definitely helping & guiding this great work. We see it daily as we help our Brothers & Sisters, answers that we didn’t know we knew come when we need them. 
    CTR to each of you & our love,  
  Bro & Sis Croft

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