Monday, November 24, 2014

I am just pondering our week! It has been a little bit of so many things!

Dearest Family,
    I am just pondering our week!  It has been a little bit of so many things!  Public Library day was slow!   I kept busy by indexing!   Bro Croft visited with  Bro L,  He is the one who was recently activated & ordained a High Priest.  He brought us several tomatoes, ones he harvested from his garden & has been keeping them while they ripened,  sure tasted good! The weather only went below zero once this week . . .so it was lots nicer.
    Tuesday a.m., I was hoping to quilt a little, before going to a funeral at 10:00, when we noticed mule deer crossing the road into the orchard. We decided to see what we could do, quickly getting into warm clothes.  We proceeded to go quietly down the driveway, then behind the pigeon house, that way we could see the deer as they moved into the field.  They did spook a little, from the orchard, but stopped on the dirt hill by the pond and hunting platform in the field.   I was able to fill my second license by 8:00 a.m. We had it dressed and hung by 8:30am that morning!  We changed clothes and were at our morning apt on time. A blessing to get it done so easily.  Now Bro Croft just has one more to get!
    On Wednesday, we had two special HighLights of the week! The first was a Primary Activity Day. They had prepared their Sr Primary (abt 16 youth), having parent’s set up their accounts & sent a pedigree chart with them. They came into the FHC in two groups & we were able to connect their trees & have them look at photos & stories!  They enjoyed it so very much & got so excited! As usual, they did not want to stop & go back to the other activities!
    The second was a YW group in Cowley 1 on Wednesday evening,  they were looking for temple names.  Several were able to use Descendency to locate names for temple work. Our time in Cowley on Thursday morning was very busy with several patrons doing FS and indexing. Our time in Cowley each week is always wonderful! ! 
    On Friday, we went to Billings, to the temple – that always makes for a great day!  Did some family names which makes it even more special!  It was even warmer in the temple! A note on the economy; gas was $2.81/gal so we filled up on the way home.    
        As usual our Sunday was a busy one! Several workshops with groups who had just finished a series of classes, a meeting to train new High Priest’s leadership, a first lesson in one ward, & a meeting with our Youth FH consultants. They are finalizing details for the Million Name Indexing Challenge.   The kickoff is one week from Monday.   They have decided to asked their YM & YW Leaders to participate with them.
    Another exciting event, I received an email yesterday from my cousin Jane in Denmark!   She was so excited – she had found the death date of Marie!   Marie is the half sister to Grandpa Frank Petersen & we have pictures of her when she visited the United States.  If you go to her record in FS, Marie Magdalene Jacobine Gertsen, L7FY-XKH ,   I could even read a little of it – the dates & names, at least!  We Skyped this AM to share our excitement! 
    Our 7 inches of snow is mostly gone after all the warm days. I have also added several new pictures of Bro Crofts garden!   It is really growing - - -
CTR & have a great week,   we are off to the Public Library soon!    Our Love   Bro & Sis Croft

Greenhouse tomatoes doing great!

Tomatoes doing well, need to hang them horizontal now!

Nice clusters of Tomatoes

Monday, November 17, 2014

Lovell Wyoming Stake Youth Indexing Challenge

Lovell Wyoming Stake Youth Indexing Challenge
Youth being trained by youth FH Consultants on indexing obituaries.
 The youth have a goal of  indexing one million names from Dec 1 to Feb 14, 2015.
#lwsmillionnames on Twitter

“Wow – Oh – Wow!!! What a day!”

Dearest Family, 
       Happy Birthday – Lindsay – November 10th!     oops, I missed it!
    As Bro. Croft crawled into bed tonight, “Wow – Oh – Wow!!! What a day!”  It was amazing in a very special way!  The Youth Family History Consultants of the Stake taught the youth of the 5 Wards in Lovell about Indexing!  Their goal is to index One Million Names from December 1 to February 14, a very ambitious goal!!!  These indexed names then become searchable in Family  Classes were taught during Sunday School time in all the wards but one.  Beginning at 9:00, 11:00, 1:30, 2:30 & 4:10.  Several of the youth consultants came in again this evening  6 to 9 p.m.  We had a very special evening tonight, also.  Consultants helping each other learn, many learning to index. Several patrons, I helped one who is new to the Lovell area, a convert last summer!  I had met her at the Dentist’s office & we had visited about FH. She had worked on Family History prior to her baptism, & a little after it, but got sidetracked during her move.  It was exciting for her to find the maiden names of several great grandmothers!  So special! 

    Our week has been a busy one, even Saturday – helping at two Relief Society Simple or Super Saturday activities. One of the wards has done this two years in a row.   In between working on crafts, they come  & do a little indexing! And there were several sisters who weren’t interested in crafts, who just like to index or learn about it!   They indexed 755 names in two hours & all were just beginning to do obituaries!  One of the Youth consultants helped the other ward & Bro Croft & I mostly socialized!  After that I helped a patron, we wanted to check out some things in the FHC that are only available there.
    The “Work is Hastening”  & every day we had several appointments.  On Wednesday evening we were able to help a Priests Quorum prepare names for their temple excursion!  They are very special Young Men!

    Somehow during all this we were able to cut up a deer, have ladies over to quilt, there is now about 18” to do or less in some places!   Doing the temple is the time consuming part but I will get it done! Then on Friday, almost all day it snowed! I baked two batches of bread for the New Horizons Care Center fund raiser and delivered it fresh to the Center!  Ended up with 7 inches of snow – which then means snow removal!   That kept Bro Croft busy Saturday afternoon!  Thank goodness for the snow blower we have. Oh & the deer are playing games with us!  We see then around in the yard, always at times when we are unable to hunt!  It’s been a very cold week with lows of –19 and near zero for highs. Our lily pond by the house froze solid before we could get the pots out. . . . . so we will see how the plants survived come next spring?   

    We have had a wonderful week – with many spiritual highs!  It is so great to feel the excitement of the Youth Indexing & the spirit that it brings.  They know the promises from of the Lord given by Elder Bednar & the protections from the adversary that they will receive when they do it!  
    We love all of you & have a great week – CTR 
  Bro & Sister Croft

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Today was a wonderful day with the youth of our stake!

Dearest Family,
    Today was a wonderful day with the youth of our stake!   The Youth consultants which we work with have organized a Youth Indexing Challenge!   They want to index 1 Million names between Dec 1 & Feb 14, 2015.   Today they started the training of the youth in  4 wards, Byron, Cowley 1 & 2 & part of the Lovell 2nd ward!  They do the training, then we assist!   They are amazing!  Their spirit is so contagious & special.  It is such a blessing to work with them. Next Sunday we will do all of the Lovell wards.  We also assisted in 3 other wards with adult classes or workshops!  This evening we also had the opportunity to work with several youth & 3-4 adults in the FHC . It was great to help several new consultants with various things. Also had a 9 yr old & her grandma come into work on FH, she had been in a primary group several months ago & has been wanting to work on this since then. Bro Bednar does say it is their day, meaning the youth!   How sweet it is!!!!

    Public  Library Day was so nice, had a man whom I had worked with before, recent convert, who is preparing to go to receive the Aaronic Priesthood soon.   His first baptism in the temple will be for a deceased brother.   He is so excited & it surely is a worthy goal to be working for! I am so grateful for this privilege!  I spent the other 2 hrs working with a young lady who brought  in a lot of photos and some family info. As a high school student, when her Grandmother died, she had wanted only the photos, others were burning them! What a treasure!  And many have writing on the back. She had seen us at the library before and finally stopped for us to help her. She was so thrilled to get free help and locate family members! Later, I learned that she is a member! She will be back for more help soon. Bro Croft was able to help an older couple also with setting up their accounts, both FS & email accounts, we surely do admire those who work so very hard, learning computer skills as well as how to use the program. His young Deacon was also there to work on stories!

    Tues, Election Day,  I worked as an Election Judge,   6 am to 8:30 p.m.  Bro Croft was able to cut up his deer. It took him several hours doing it alone. He still took care of the FHC in the evening. the rest of the week was super with appointments,  a FHConsultant meeting on Wednesday evening & two youth groups, 16 from one ward & 6 YW doing indexing from another ward.  In Cowley another brother, our age, did some correcting to his tree,  he has been wanting to get it back to the right way. Bro Croft helped a sister our age, we knew in Laramie, get going on the new FS program.  She was excited to learn of all it’s features!
    I was blessed to get my first deer of the season on the hill across the road. We went out about 3:30 & had it home & hanging before 5:00 p.m.  Friday afternoon is usually quilting day if we are home & 6 wonderful ladies helped, we rolling each side, now abt 4 feet left.   So grateful for their service!
        We were so excited to welcome Quinn Robert Croft, Ryan and Rhonda’s new son into the family!  He is such a precious little guy! They came by on Saturday & we were blessed to meet him personally! So very special!  Other special visitors on Saturday -  Allen, Amber & family came & spent the night Friday & Saturday until after lunch.  Allen went duck hunting on Bighorn Lake with his Brother-in-law, Mark Weeks & Amber & the family were here.   We did some crafts, made homemade chicken & noodles with their help & just enjoyed!   Amber’s sister Rachelle, another sister Maria & fiancĂ©, stopped by.    It was great to have 12 of us for lunch, the chicken and noodles disappeared quickly!  So enjoyed having family here.
    Thanks so very much for all you do! 
  We love you all, & CTR
           Bro & Sis Croft


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

“Has it just been one day today?”

Dearest Family!   
    It’s 9:20 p.m. & Bro Croft & I just arrived home!   Or is it 10:20 p.m.     “Has it just been one day today?” I asked.    What an amazing day we have had, leaving home at 7:30 a.m.  Took a lunch to eat in Cowley, & have a quick supper at home then back to the church at 5:40-9:20.   Yes, we still do love it!   Testimony meeting was wonderful!   Classes were amazing, with Brothers & Sisters busy learning & enjoying the spirit of this work. Today it just seemed like everything went great – the consultants in each class were helping & we were able to give everyone special time & attention! 
    Again, tonight we met with our Youth Consultants.  They are an amazing group of young people! They are finalizing plans for a Youth Indexing challenge in our stake.   They want to index 1 Million names!  During November, they are visiting the wards in the stake to teach them to index, one on one.   They believe that is the best way to teach. In December  they will begin!

    The rest of the week has been great also,   Monday a.m. Bob was able to get our first deer!   At the Public library, a Deacon comes in, home schooled, so he can do this!   He loves FH!   He found a marriage record in Switzerland that extended his family one generation!  It had the names of the parents of the Bride & Groom whom he didn’t know!  We were so excited! He also wants to interview grandparents & put their audio stories in. Tues, Wed, & Thurs were filled with our normal appts. 
    Friday hunted again & in the afternoon 4 ladies came to help quilt!   Many hands can sure do more than my two – both sides of the quilt were rolled, it seems this one is going much faster than the two before, 
    And Saturday a.m.   Dad & I went fishing – very fun morning, In two hours, we caught 5 fish, brought 3 big catfish home, yum!!!!   Let a catfish & a ling go.
CTR & we love you all!    Bro & Sis Croft