Monday, May 19, 2014

WOW – what a week! but isn’t that the way they all are?

May 18, 2014

Dearest Family,   
    Happy Birthday 12th Birthday to Symphony  on Tuesday! 
    WOW – what a week!  but isn’t that the way they all are? We are so blessed to be able to serve in this way!  We thank you all for your support & prayers!  It is always wonderful end our week with a great Sunday!   Or maybe it is the other way around – we start the week with a wonderful Sunday – maybe it is a little bit of both!  anyway today was great! Classes & open workshops were great & busy!  Several youth found a story for trek!  Several people were able to find some cousins using Puzzila.   In this program one finds a ancestor, then does some research & finds a family, one which is not in familysearch!  The names are then added & there are cousins who desire to have their temple ordinances performed!  

    Bro Croft has been learning about digital audio recording with an app on his Kindle Fire HD – this week at the public library he recorded stories which Brother L (81 yrs old) told him.  He then has typed them & Sunday he & the Brother L read them together & added more thoughts.  Bro L is feeling the spirit in many ways.   He has been inactive most of his life, & since his wife’s passing, has been thinking about the temple covenants more. Dad also helped Darece on Thursday while I helped another Sister C, both are using Puzzilla. They were successful finding more cousins! The cousins Sister C & I found never married – thus no cousins to find!  Next time!
    Had a great FHE with a couple, sure enjoyed helping them add photos to their tree & feel the spirit!

    One bit of advice!  Write your LDS Acct USER NAME & PASSWORD down where you know where it is! Better yet, change it to something you can remember! We spend so much time recovering forgotten ones!  The time could be used for more important things!
    We had a nice time with Bill & Kathy on Wednesday in Thermopolis at the funeral service for her father.   We were also able to visit with Allen  at his office in Worland on the way over & then with Amber & the girls on our way home!  Amber is trying to do a Family History Activity with her Activity Day Girls!  We also stopped in Greybull to visit with Aunt Lavon & Aunt Leona, they seem to be getting older & struggling more!  It was great to see them both! Dad tried to fish Deaver reservoir but too cold and windy so we came home and he fly fished our pond. He had a good time catching!

    Thanks to all of you for the wonderful Family Dinner tonight! Enjoyed seeing all who were there!   Missed Dak & Kenya, so sorry you were ill Kenya! It so nice to get together, even when Brother Croft & I have to take off for other things.    
Our love to all of you & CTR 
   Bro  & Sister Croft

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