Monday, February 24, 2014

How time does fly, it is hard to believe that February is almost past!

January 26, 2014

Dearest Family,  
    How time does fly, it is hard to believe that February is almost past!   I think we are all tired of snow, we have had to many days of it lately, but soon March will be here!  Spring will be coming soon! We have recorded 25 inches of snow here at the house since Jan 1 with 12 inches still on the ground today. There has been no bare ground at the house since late November.
    Was great to start this week with visitors,  President’s Day!  Allen’s family had a day off from school & he from work. The Public Library was closed, so we took a day off also. We so enjoyed having them spend the day with us!  Thanks so much for the visit! We showed Amber, played games, read stories, & played in the snow. We still have the snow fort in the front yard which they made!
    Shared the Photos & Stories at a Relief Society evening meeting this week! It was our week to work in the Family History Center this Wednesday. Worked later than usual, since some of the volunteers were ill.  Had a nice evening with 5 YM in the FHC. Our morning in Cowley was busier than usual!  That is always great!
    We were able to attend the Stars of Tomorrow program in Powell on Friday evening. Symphony did great! Played the piano & it was amazing  First place!!!!
The trip home was a slow one – it had snowed 4 inches while we were inside! We were blessed with a safe trip home!  Saturday night was Daeja’s baptism & it was perfect also.  We all enjoyed a soup & salad supper afterwards. It was good to be with family. We were able to ride up with Rob & Michelle.  This time it was icy road both ways. How blessed we are to be with family – but wished we could have been with Bo & McKinzea!  congratulations!! Looking forward to this Saturday at the Bowling Alley!
    Sunday was the usual busy one with some extra special times with patrons. We taught about the new process for finding more names. With all the leadership changes going on right now we will be doing double duty to get leaders educated on FH in today’s church! After next Sunday we will have a better idea of the numbers of new leaders we will need to work with. 
    We send our love to all of you!   CTR & have a great week!
Love Bro & Sis Croft

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