Monday, December 2, 2013

Great Sabbath Day!

December 1, 2013

Dearest Family
    Great Sabbath Day!  Lovell 1st Ward Sacrament meeting!   New Bishop called!   Bishop Michael Jones!  A relative! He is a very fine man & will do a great job! Today we spent our day in Lovell!  Lovell 1st ward FH class & then a 1st Sunday lesson in the High Priest Quorum in that same ward.  This was a follow-up lesson to “My Family , Stories that bring us to,gether” We felt so good about it & hope to see the brethren getting busy, writing the stories of their families, involving their families, their own children & the youth of the ward in helping them to get it into Family Search. Quick lunch then back to help Bishop Walker, Lovell 2nd Ward, present the “My Family , Stories....”  lesson in his ward.  Another awesome meeting! If it hasn’t been done in your ward, click on the link so you can watch the videos & enjoy the spirit of it!
Then on to a followup lesson in L3 for RS sisters on the above lesson!  they are learning to scan pictures & add them to the tree! We hung out in the FHC & were able to help several – plus a HP group leader & a consultant.  Quick dinner – then back to the FHC!  Quieter evening – had a patron who has been coming in to write his life story.  Doesn’t have his own computer.  Also had time to prepare  & study the new scanner we have, so we can teach about it at our FH Consultant training meeting this week.  At present, I am not ready, but with the Lord’s help, it will come!

   Public Library time was great!  One of our non-member neighbors came in & Bro Croft was able to get her started. She was going to go home & make some phone calls for a little more info & will probably be back this week. Had a great FHE with a couple this week!  He has had a fit getting his tree connected!  Dad helped him and  I was able to help his wife also!  The weather this week was nice 20’ to 50’ and lots of sun.....forecast says colder next week with highs of 30.

    With the Thanksgiving Holiday, the rest of our week was slower in some ways.  Bro Croft was able to get winterizing projects done outside, was nice weather to do them. I decided it was time to explore the deep dark hole under the basement stairs & see what treasures we had lost!   There were a few memory boxes, some junk which got thrown away,  and a few things which were hauled away by their rightful owners, since, some of you were here for Thanksgiving day!  And there is still some to go thru & sort & make decisions about!   I doubt it will go away on it’s own....

    Thanksgiving Day dawned bright & clear – a beautiful day!   Bro Croft was able to get his final deer across the road on Harrison’s, a white tail doe!  We will enjoy & feel blessed to have this meat to supplement our other food storage. Enjoyed Allen, Amber & family at our house for a little while before dinner. We had a wonderful time at the Grants, 27 of our family there plus Greg Martin, Chris Smith, & Rhonda Warnock, soon to be Croft!  Had the traditional Pinata, designed by the A Croft family, complete with real turkey feathers. The food was delicious & the company was the very, very, best!  We love you all so very much!

    Bro Croft has got the Deer blinds down, caught a bunch of minnows for winter fishing,  & we had a shore fishing trip to the lake on Saturday mostly frozen over but an area by the docks was still open. It was a beautiful sunny winter morning to enjoy together!  We feel so blessed to be able to do so many things.

  We love you all,  CTR    Love Bro & Sis Croft

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