Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday – It’s a holiday – Veterans Day

November 17, 2013

Dearest Family,
Monday – It’s a holiday – Veterans Day -  opened the FHC for the missionaries to write their letters home! It is a special site to see 8 missionaries, typing like crazy for two hours! They really go at it! Public Library closed.   Darece gave me a perm in the afternoon. Thanks, Darece.  Bro Croft busy at home with other p-day projects. Had a great FHE with a Mother-Daughter, 70-50 ages.  Mother & I worked in Family Tree. This Sister had wanted to get the deceased people in the first 4 generations ready for the temple, now they just have to print the Temple Ordinance Request & they can do the work! Daughter & Bro Croft learned to run the scanner.  They added photos, letters & stories to Family Tree!  One amazing thing they scanned was a tin plate, a kind of old photo. The miracle of this was that the daughter did not want anything to do with FH 6 months ago. Bro Croft was impressed to do some “Google Searches”  & go to “” with her one day when she brought her mother to the FHC. The spirit touched her & she is so excited about it all. One of her other accomplishments was translating some German records in an old Bible using “Google Translate”.  The spirit of Elijah is real, & this work can touch the heart of each person!
Tuesday – Hair cut, wow does it feel good!  Today, each of our Indexing sisters said the prayers when we visited them. These elderly sisters say the sweetest prayers & express so much gratitude for this great work & that they can be a part of it, & contribute something!   Worked with a couple who have just been called as FH Consultants. We were blessed to have others cover the FHC, while we went to Talon’s BB game, sure was fun to watch him! The Sister missionaries brought a couple into the center this evening!  We loved seeing that, just like it should be!  We were challenged, trying to recover the user name & password for one & confirm a new acct!  Some times all does not  go as planned, but maybe there is a reason!.
Wednesday – This AM was prep time, study time, etc.  for things coming up plus I gave Dad a hair cut too.  We helped another sister with indexing!   She is loving it!  Bro Croft, this afternoon, helped Ken with his Scouts. He is amazing when it comes to teaching these young men about the plants & animals, just here around our house. About 6:00 P.M. a Priest from one of the wards called, Bro Croft, saying “I knew I shouldn’t have delegated this, can you come & help us find names for the temple tonight?”  We felt blessed that we were free & went to help!  What a wonderful experience one young man had, he decided he wanted to work on the line of his biological father, whom he has no contact with. He knew just a little, & we were so guided to go back to his great-grand parents, immigrants in abt 1900. During the first few minutes, we were able to find the headstone of his grandfather & the spirit bore witness to him that this was so important!  Bro Croft, who has a gift when it comes to this, helped another young man who just knew that every one’s temple work had been done.   With just a little help, he soon had 8 names to do baptisms for. He came discouraged, not knowing his user name or password and that there were no names to find.........the  Spirit blessed them to work together and he received a Tender Mercy tonight!
Thursday – Our morning in Cowley!   Each week several come. It is going just like we had hoped it would. Also helped a sister in her home, doing research on co-lateral lines, she also  found several names for the temple.  Tonight we presented the My Family, Stories... lesson to a Primary Presidency.  They, of course, were unable to receive it when their Bishop presented it on Sunday. When it was over, they already had ideas for using it in Primary.
Friday – Laundry & home chores, then spent several hours with a non-member sister, then another couple who are new consultants.  I relaxed at the Pindroppers Quilt Club Christmas Party, had not been to any of their activities for quite awhile.
Saturday – 9:00 to 12:00 A Relief Society Super Saturday. they invited us to come & teach indexing!  During the morning they were able to index over 1300 names!   They were still able to work on all their other projects! Sure was a fun day! We become a Savior on Mount Zion as we do this work. It is a Triple Blessing; to the indexer, to the person indexed and to the descendant who finds them in Family Search!  Dad also was able to go out hunting several mornings & evenings. He is enjoying it, but hopes that last deer comes along soon.
Sunday    And last of all. We helped with one SS Class,  A “My Family, Stories That Bring Us Together” lesson in a ward, this is the 6th of 8, and again was amazing,The spirit that radiates from the videos in this presentation is the greatest!  During open library time this afternoon we were again able to work with the two couples who are new consultants & a High Priest Group Leader.  All are so excited. It just continued on into the evening.  We are so blessed to be serving full time right now as the Lord is hastening His work! ! !
We love you all, & CTR
Bro and Sister Croft  

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