Monday, October 14, 2013

At 9:30 p.m. tonight our day came to an end on this amazing Sabbath day!

October 13, 2013

Dearest Family,
    At 9:30 p.m.  tonight our day came to an end on this amazing Sabbath day!  We left home this morning at 7:30 a.m. Came home twice, just long enough to eat lunch & supper, then leave again.  Attended Sacrament meeting in a ward where 3 high school youth were sustained as Family history Consultants, they then each talked about their experiences in FH, testifying of the amazing way it made them feel & how it had helped them be closer to their Heavenly Father. A returning missionary also talked of how it had helped in the mission he served in.  We then helped in a youth class in that same ward.
    From there we went to the Cowley wards, with lunch in between.  These were adult classes, all were excited about the work, each class was on a different lesson.  Thoughts & inspiration come when it is needed as we teach & help the brothers & sisters in these classes.

    Next it was a Ward Sacrament Meeting in Lovell, Bro Croft had been asked to speak about FH in todays Church! And guess who one of the other speakers was?   Ethan talked about his mission & they both did great.  After the meeting a young man, a return missionary, home for the weekend from NW College, came up to Bro Croft & ask,  I’m been thinking, I need to learn about FH & how to do it, can you help me?  So off to the the FHC we went, & spent about an hour with him.  As he prepared to leave he shared his thoughts – Every time I hear someone speak about FH,  I have such a good feeling.  I have felt the spirit here as I have worked. It is so great!   While he was there he reserved several names for temple ordinances which he will be able to do, since he is already endowed.

    Tonight, we opened the FHC at 6:00, there were patrons & other consultants there to help.  We had been asked to speak at the planning meeting for YM-YW Youth Conference Pioneer Trek at Martins Cove in June of 2014.  They have decided that in preparation for this they want to have  youth, learn about there ancestors, their stories, & take at least one ancestor to the temple.  As we have studied, prayed & prepared for this, we have been guided to those things that we should present. We feel so very blessed!

    The past week we also had the blessing of attending the monthly Bishops/Stake Prescy mtg sharing info about the “To Turn the Hearts” program & the “My Family Stories” lesson which the Bishops are to present to their wards.  Again we witnessed many miracles happen as the Holy Ghost is bearing witness to this great work!
Each day we pray that the farmers and ranchers will be able to harvest their crops as the rain and snow continues to come down nearly every day. The weather this year was so dry then the rain/snow hit and has been with us for over a month now. Here at the house over 3.5” of moisture so far, the ground is soft every where. The mountains and foothills are white in all directions around the valley again today!
We attended the LHS homecoming pep rally on Thursday evening to support all the youth we work with in FH! It helps us stay in touch with them and know we enjoy what they are doing! Anytime we are at a public activity we have people ask us about helping them with FH. The football game was on Friday evening and we watched Lovell play a hard fought game against Thermop and win in the end. (on TV from the comforts of our warm home)
The FH work is being hastened so much by the Lord in our stake it’s hard to keep up with all we need to do to help those desiring help. We have many wonderful FH consultants including the new youth ones to help! We’re grateful so many of the ward leaders, including the HP Grp leaders have also been trained and can be helpers as well! For example on Wednesday evening we had two youth groups from the Lovell First and Second wards doing FH. There was 9 YM in one room and 12 YW in the other room being helped by FH consultants, youth leaders and youth consultants as they enjoyed doing family search and indexing!
Each week we say to each other can it get any better than this? And the next week is even a more awesome spiritual adventure! ! !
We Love you all, may God bless
Bro and Sister Croft


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