Thursday, March 8, 2018

It seems strange not to have birthdays

Dearest Family!
It seems strange not to have birthdays or anniversaries to celebrate, but there are a few bits of news to share, the 1st & 2nd, 

Nathan and Bri are expecting a baby in Sept !!!!     And Josh & Krysta are expecting a girl the end of July!!!

Bryan and I have been called to work as a transition couple in a branch of women who have been released from prison and are in a halfway house. 
Amazing! Sad! What a different perspective!

Dad & I have had an amazing week also! FHE was training with our Stake Leads here in our stake & we love spending evenings with them & their excitement is contagious. Our 4 Zoom trainings have been with new Stake Lead TFHConsultants & so fun!   Each couple is so very amazing! It is so special to see the Lord's hand in the selection of these people! Our first two we were doing One on One's with a couple!  After "climbing around in their trees" last week, we were ready to sit down with them individually. When we do this we have prepared a lesson where we guide them thru the process of finding someone to take to the temple. They sometimes find someone who isn't even in Family Search or other times they are able to find more info about someone so that they qualify to have temple ordinances completed!    It is a spiritual experience for both!  The second couple we are just begining to do training with & they are delightful also.

Also enjoyed our weekly Zoom visit with Terry & Elsie Peters & my weekly time with Judy!  These are our missionary moments & someday they will all embrace the Gospel.  They are all doing great work learning about there families! Gaye had one of those experiences this week when she made contact with a Sinclair cousin & visited with her for several hours about FH & the gospel!

Attended the funeral of Brownie Brown, our 1st bishop after moving to Lovell, was all about being busy always serving in many special little ways   Up until his passing at 100, he did indexing, over a million names, during his life.  When ever I would see him in the Living center he'd say,  "Sure hope I'm doing some good for somebody!"   And he was!

Wednesday thru Saturday was Root Tech & we were able to watch some very amazing classes & training sessions! The high light was Thursday evening training for church leaders - Elders Cook & Renlund & several of the Seventy & Gen Primary President! 

Our Love,   Mom & Dad

P.S. Sorry this hasn't got sent sooner, It has been a busy  week & still is!

Another bit of exciting news from Joy & Dak
Dak has accepted a chiropractic job in the Billings area! He will be working for the offices called ChiroFirst which currently has 5 offices. Dak will be the chiropractor in the Laurel and Columbus practices.... So We plan to live in Laurel. We will be looking at some houses Monday, March 12. So that means we will get to see most of sometime between sunday night and wednesday! (We have spring break next week.)

We are super excited about this job! Dak starts June 4th... and we plan to move just a couple days before that since Ky graduates May 25 and our schools end May 31.

Love you lots!