Monday, December 11, 2017

We have so appreciated phone calls from each of you!

Dearest Family,
  Happy 4th Anniversary on December 14th, Ryan & Rhonda!   On Saturday, December 16th; Happy 1st Birthday to little Cozy & Happy 51st Anniversary To my Sweetheart!  It has been amazing!  Looking forward to the eternities together!  

We have so appreciated phone calls from each of you!  It has been mostly a stay at home week - just beginning to venture out!  Physical therapy began on Wednesday & Friday!  They were kind to me!  All the muscles in the leg are beginning to return to normal after being stretch & moved to put in the new hip, socket & ball!  Our bodies are very amazing and so is medical science!  Every day there is improvement!  On Saturday we even ventured out to the funeral for Grace Anne Robertson, one of our neighbors!  

Dad has kept busy helping me, he is a very kind nurse & I am probably not the best patient!  I am not good at asking & telling him what I need - I think many of you may understand - others are "Just supposed to know"  I so very much appreciate his sweet & kind ways!  Every night & every day gets easier.......

We continue to teach with several ZOOM trainings this week! And Dad is always busy setting up our schedule for January!   There has been plenty of winterizing to do here at the home place & he has been working on that a little!  There was also a deer to cut up & that has been accomplished!  My accomplishment was the completion of the binding on the Hero's Quilt for Dad & I!    It looks amazing!

Had a wonderful Sabbath day today - in our own ward - attending all of the meetings!   We enjoying being there!
Bob, Darece, Rena, JoAnn Walker, Clint Merritt PAC Cody hospital

From Dad
Thanks for your kind words Sweetheart! I'm grateful to have good health so I can be your personal nurse as well as all the other roles I enjoy being for you!  It's so wonderful to be together in the Lord! Yesterday we had the blessing of being together with our Bishop to declare our tithing status to the Common Judge in Israel for the 51st time. We had opportunity to bare our testimonies of paying a full tithe over our lives, both before and after marriage!  The Gospel is our life there is no Our life and the Lords style of life . . . only His Way for us!  Over the  years in day to day life I would be ask for my opinion on something . . . not what the Church said "My answer is still the same The Lord's answer and mine are the same, there can be no difference!"  We're so grateful to be in the Lord's service as the hastening of this work moves at an ever increasing pace.  It keeps us excited and engaged in doing our very best for Him!  We pray each day that all of you will remember who you are and the Lord's blessings in your lives. Grateful that you strive to be one with God!  Always, always remember the Lord's Atonement is for each of us, everyday to ease all burdens we only have to invite Him in! !  !  We know that His Atonement is real and it works miracles in our lives as we embrace it everyday.

Love you all Mom and Dad

Monday, December 4, 2017

Hope all is well with each of you!

Dearest Family!!
Happy 18th Birthday to Isaac on December 2 !!!!!
 It has been several weeks of not writing.  Hope all is well with each of you!  It has been so great to visit with many of you the past few days!  Thanks so much to my kids & others who are calling!   Things are going well with the hip replacement surgery. It was actually done on Wednesday at 3 PM, out of recovery & back in my room by 6 PM.It was a long night with lots of poking & prodding by wonderful nurses, even took my first walk that night - pretty amazing, huh?!?!   I'm getting around with a walker & each day there is less muscle pain.  Dad spent Wednesday night with some friends of ours in Cody then was back at the hospital 1st thing Thursday morning.  When it became evident that I wasn't going to get to come home that day, because of a bout with nausea, he returned to Lovell to present a FH lesson in our Stake to some Temple & Family History Consultants. Thanks you so much, Darece, for spending both nights with me in the hospital! We arrived home about 1:30pm on Friday!  All the muscles in that leg & hip have been really stretched & disturbed & it will take a little while to get them back to normal.

The week of November 19 was great!  We did a Stake Presidency Training & consultant training over in Burlington! And I visited a RS activity Meeting that was going on & talked about FH to several there. Also had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with Rob & Michelle - a gluten free one with 8-10 friends that they had invited!  Dad & Rob did some Fat-tire Biking out at Coon Creek on Friday Morning. I'm so glad they can do that together!    On Saturday afternoon we headed to Billings, spent the night with Bart & Lisa Grant. Then Sunday early on to Forsyth Montana Branch, (it is 100 miles east of Billings)   It is a small branch and we got to speak in sacrament mtg and train during the next two hours.  It's so awesome to be with the Saints! ! ! We love it! ! !  We were back home at 6pm for supper. Another 400 mile weekend.

The week of November 26 started out with a bang!  Went to Cody early that day to have a last minute pre opt blood test done!  Then worked with a couple there until about noon!   Home, Had lunch, then in the rain we decided to run errands in town!  When we returned home there were 6-7 deer in the field & Dad still had one tag which he needed to fill.  He grabbed his orange hat, his gun & headed to the pigeon house - thats the best place to see that part of the field!  KER BANG!!!!!!  He filled that last tag an we have some delicious meat for winter!  We feel we were really blessed!!!

We have so appreciated friends bringing in goodies!   Today was great too!  Two of the Brethren brought the sacrament to us!   That was the climax of the day! The First Presidency Devotional this evening was great also!   

Love to all of you!   CTR  Mom & Dad