Tuesday, December 27, 2016

It has been a wonderful Christmas Day!!

Dearest Family!
     It has been a wonderful Christmas Day!!! Dad & i opened a our presents here at home before church, then off to our own ward today! We did have a surprise when we got there.  Another ward was just getting out & we saw a return missionary, Kelvin. At abt 25, (a big 6'6" man) he had gone on a mission to the FHC in SLC.  Prior to his mission he had come into the Lovell FHC  a lot when we were working there & we had got to know him.  He also helped us teach FH in the Ht Mtn YSA ward in Powell. We had encouraged him to serve a FH mission and shared our feelings with his student ward Bishop. When he saw us today, he rushed right over & gave us the biggest hugs & we gave them right back!  It was so special to see him & feel his special spirit & see the growth he had made.  He then came into our Sacrament meeting & sat with us! Words cannot describe our love and feeling for this RM . . . . what a miracle in his life!  We want to hear him speak in a ward soon.

     We feel so blessed  to have such a wonderful family - it has been so special to talk with, skype with, or see all of you either last night or today!  Rob & Michelle came over for dinner last evening- so nice.  Then today we visited with Allen & family & Vicki, & then skyped with the Fike's.  Even got to talk a little with Chalin!  We happened to call them, just as they were finishing their skype visit with him. It was great!  Then we skyped with them also.   In the evening we went down to the Grants.  It was great to be with them also!  We love you all so much!    Thank you also for all the special gifts!

      This week has been a normal one with several Skype sessions with people & also visits with some.  Dad's was busy the first of the week with a foot of snow to  remove!  He has all our ice fishing stuff ready too. I have done a little bread baking & delivery to people!  I helped Dad install a new blower fan in the hot air duct to our family room, the old one lasted 16 yrs. We have watched a little football & basket ball!  We have watched wt deer in the field, the birds outside the kitchen window!  We have a new wind chime, which Dad gave me for Christmas to hang out there & he has a new weather station to set up! We've had some nice comments on our laser light setup on the house and trees too. It's quite a way to added 100's of lights with out stringing the lights. Uncle Frank's mom passed this week . . . what a blessing. We will attend her funeral this coming Thursday in Powell.

Love you all CTR! Mom & Dad

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New great grand daughter a bit early!

Dearest Family,
     Happy Birthday to Kenny & Melvin on Thursday!   It is Melvin's 12th birthday & he is going to the temple to do baptisms for the first time.  He even found all the names he is going to do!  
     On December 16, Micah & Kirena had a baby girl, Cosette Royale.  She was born early, 25 weeks 4 days & weighed in at 2 pounds & was 13 inches long. The best way to find about about her is on Kirena's facebook page under Kirena Allen.  Saturday was a difficult day, but on Sunday she had a wonderful day!  Our prayers are with them. 

     Saturday we drove to Allen & Amber's & spent the night with them,  Thanks for your hospitality, Allen, Amber & family & to  Leanne & Camille for sharing your beds with us!   Sunday Dad & I were in Thermopolis, visiting a ward & a branch there!  It was a great day,  speaking in both wards & teaching their ward councils about family history. 
    This week was a cold, blizzardy one,  much like the year when we were married, 50 years ago. Early in the week it was very cold, then warmed up enough to snow about 12' on Friday!   Thanks Ken & Darece for coming & doing the sidewalks!  It helped so much!  By evening the temps were dropping down to below 0, then frigit at -22 below.   It is warming up some today!

    We had I visited two ladies on Wednesday, then we were busy with others on Thursday most of the day! Also had a nice Skype training with the Peter's in Sheridan!
     Also enjoyed being with our ward family on Wednesday evening for the Ward Christmas Party!  It is great to see all of them, since we seldom attend our own ward. Also enjoyed the Stake Christmas Choir Concert last night!   Beautiful music!!!!
     Hope all of you have had a great week!  Love Mom & Dad

Monday, December 12, 2016

Dearest Family!
    Happy 3rd Anniversary to Ryan & Rhonda on Wednesday, December 14  & Guess What?   To us on Friday, December 16!   It has been 50 wonderful years!  Doesn't seem possible, but it has been an amazing trip & will continue to be......for eternity!   Thank you all for the wonderful party this summer!  We are so relieved that you are not traveling now, in the winter!
    Well, another amazing week!  The Sunday's are the best! Last Sunday in Byron was & so was today in Worland! While in Byron last week, I was helping a sister looking at her family in on the Computer. I said, "Have you ever used the app on your phone?"  No, she hadn't thought about it.  She changed to it & did Descendents with Tasks.  On the first list, there were people who needed their temple ordinances done. She reserved one, paused & looked at me & said, "That's amazing, we just found a name in less than two minutes!" She was so excited - was going home to show this to her 15 year old son, who was the one usually helping her. We feel so blessed to see brothers & sisters, one at a time, beginning to do Family History.  The blessing are so great!

    We spoke in two different wards, Allen's & another one & are beginning to see growth in each of them.  We always appreciate it when some time during the day we are able to have contact with the Stake President & with the Bishops.  We also had a young couple find us in the kitchen, eating our lunch.  They are moving to Worland & he wants help finding his family!  Found an obit tonight after I got home on his grandmother which included the names of her parents (he didn't know that). Now Dad is working more on that to get the info all organized so we can get back to him!
     We have had lots going on this week!  Several Skype trainings,  Wednesday I had visits with two ladies, & Thursday was great in Cowley, at the Living Center & with another sister who is adding pictures & stories. We also enjoyed watching JV BBall games which Talon played in on Friday & Saturday. This week was our first taste of winter with minus 10 a couple of nights and only mid teens during the day. We missed the snow except for about an inch one morning. Too cold outside to do much there.  A young man from our area passed away suddenly this  week so we spent time with his Dad and Mom as well as the grandparents. His funeral is tomorrow in Lovell! 

    We have spent time viewing some amazing FH training videos!  They are the best so far which have been developed. So great at directing us to the Spirit, to seek help, so that we can better help others!
     It was great to visit with several of you this week - we love it!   Our love & prayers go out to Kirena, Micah & little gal!   She is having to be very careful. Lindsay, also, has finished working, & is beginning to develop toxemia.  Hopefully her two little gals will wait until after the first of the year to arrive!
    Our love to all of you! Mom and Dad

Monday, December 5, 2016

What a wonderful time of the year!

Dearest Family,
     What a wonderful time of the year!  So grateful for all of you!  We have a wonderful family & we love every one of you!  Special children & their special companions!  Wonderful grandchildren & wonderful companions for those who are married, & wonderful great grandchildren!  How blessed we are!  

Attended the baptism of Jim Woody, some of you older ones may remember him! When we see the enthusiasm of a new convert it reminds me of how much I appreciate the gospel of Jesus Christ!  

Another great blessing this week - a trip to Billings to the temple.  So special to perform the work for others & be reminded of the covenants we make there.  then there are the blessing of renewing friendships.   We had met & had lunch many times with a couple from Jordan, Montana, who were ordinance workers. They would finish their shift on Friday when we were there then go to Wendy's for lunch before they returned home.  They were released about a year ago & we had not seen them for some time.  They were there on Wednesday & it was so great to see them!  Then we also saw Karen Robertson & her husband there, she is Joy's age.  Made a couple of shopping stops then came home, what a nice day!

We were able to cut up out last deer, enjoyed having Darece stop by that morning, we even put her to work, then fed her & Whitney deer steak for lunch!

Thursday was our busy day for Family History!  Helping people & a Training meeting in the afternoon also!  These are uplifting!

Friday & Saturday were nice days at work at home. Dad was busy outside, there was laundry & baking to do & I sewed a little also.  Some of you will remember Larry Slater from High School or his kids!   Attended his funeral at the High School.  He has had cancer.

Hope you are all enjoying the "Light the World" initiative!   We are!!!!! 
Love to all Mom & Dad