Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It started busy & it ended busy!

Dearest Family! 
     Happy Birthday, Aunt Gaye on Wednesday, August 31st!   Happy Birthday, Darece, next Sunday, September 4th! Hope you each have a wonderful day!
    It started busy & it ended busy!  Monday was a training day for us – a WebEx conference with SLC & other Area FH Advisors from the North American Central Area! We shared for 10 minutes with the others & were able to get ideas from others also!  Enjoyed Visiting Teaching on Tuesday morning. We were able to do training via Skype & in-home training with High Councilors over FH!  Wednesday was some in-home visits!   We love Thursday's because we go to the Living Center & do indexing!
    I worked on marking a tricot quilt!  Had a nice visit with Rob one afternoon & with Joy one morning! Wow, did we have a fun day on the lake on Friday morning - the best catching day we have had all year! Lots of action – bits – catching – kept 2 catfish & put some others back to grow up a little more!

    Saturday – a Stake Relief Society Women’s conference –9 to 2 – refreshing & uplifting!  There are always ideas to help me!  Now it is just changing habits too become better & more like my Savior! Dad worked on alot of projects at home including getting our greenhouse ready to put tomato cutting in for the winter. Put new branches on our hunting blind by the pond and checked the deer cam SD card to see what is coming in the orchard for apples! Our new raspberries are producing right now berries about quarter size. Our lone baby California quail chick has a nice little top feather now and is too big to get thru the wire. We learned our lesson on how they can escape as chicks and will cover the pen with 1" chicken wire before next spring. It's been an education process with these new birds since they are so different from the bobwhites. Our pigeons don't like being locked up but to save them from the hawk we had too.

    We traveled to Sheridan on Saturday night then on to Gillette on Sunday a.m. There were whitetail deer playing on the church lawn in Sheridan when we left yesterday! It is just across the street from where we stay. Met with two wards today!  Due to the loss of so many jobs in that area the wards are quite small now. A special thought shared: A young sister told about her joy in finding names but realized she had to many reserved & was unable to get them done!  It was hard to unreserve them but she did!   One of her sisters had never found her own name, never!  They worked together, & now her sister is SO excited! She is finding names & is loves it! 
    We returned home via Worland today & enjoyed dinner with Allen, Amber & family! It was all new country for us this weekend so much greener on the east side of the Bighorn mtns! 

                        Love to all of you,    Mom & Dad

Monday, August 22, 2016

Dearest Family! 
    Happy Birthday to Micah Vehrs!  We hope you have a great day on Friday, August 26!  Happy Birthday on Sunday, August 28, to Uncle Bill! 
    Well, tonightSunday evening, I am trying to get back into the routine of writing the letter!  It has been a wonderfully busy, wonderful week!   We have Skyped  6 times this week. I enjoyed helping with the other 4 times.  Dad did  2 couples Tuesday evening, while I was still working as an Election Judge!  I am so glad I am able to do this! It is great to see so many people & I have learned so very much about this great land we live in & how this amazing process works!  We are indeed blessed to live in this land!
    It is great to help people learn more about this great work – then they can share it with their friends & family!  Today we visited the same 4 wards in Sheridan! We appreciated so much being able to spend Saturday night in Sheridan, then just had the return drive today! This time we were doing hands on training.  The people we had skyped with helped us in the Sunday School Classes as we taught!  It was so special to see their excitement as they found a family name for the first time!
    We so enjoyed attending our own ward’s Harvest dinner this week – we do miss seeing our own Ward family since we are gone so much!
    Thursday was so nice, we were able to attend the temple in the morning.  In the afternoon we met with Bro Smith who had flown in from SLC to meet with us & the another couple who cover the rest of Montana.  We had a special time with him!   The day was rainy & a bit cloudy so it was a great traveling day – cooler for a change.  We were also able to spend a little time at the Montana State Fair.  the two Billings Stakes have a booth there about Family History. 
     On Friday we visited the people in the Living Center who index, They had questions for us.  That is where we usually go on Thursday.
    We send our love to all of you!   Have a great week! Do something fun & CTR!

Mom & Dad

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Dearest Family!
    Happy 27th Anniversary to Ken & Darece on Thursday, August 18th!  Have a great day! Krysta & Josh have set the wedding date forNovember 12, 2016!
    This week has been a great one!   I think it was recovery & catch up after Big Sky!  Dad was busy with watering & yard work & I was busy in the house, putting away, etc.  I even spent some time sewing on several projects.  We are grateful to have super home & visiting teachers & enjoyed their visits this week! It does give us some contact with our ward, since we are unable to attend there very often.  We were able to do our regular visits on Wednesday & Thursday this week.  It is nice to get back in the routine! Our time at the Living Center is always enjoyable! There are three people there who index all the time & they are each so glad that they can do the amazing work & contribute something worthwhile to the kingdom to help others!
    On Saturday evening we traveled over the mountain to Sheridan! Neither of us had ever been there & it was beautiful.  We had been as far as Sybley Lake, but never down into Sheridan!  We spent the night with Rod & Susan Workman. We appreciate their hospitality so much!  Sunday was spent in the 3 wards & one YSA branch in Sheridan.  What an amazing day!  We appreciated the help our Ben Smith, high councilor over FH.  The first time we are in a building it is always interesting. This building is very busy with 4 wards & meeting places are at a premium!  Today we were teaching the doctrinal principles & next week will be hands on!  It is so great to be in these wards around the area & meet new people & renew friendships from college, & see people with ties to Lovell. There was one ward, where we had not met anyone, then a sister asked, “How are you related to Rob Croft?”  She had known Rob at NW College in Powell, after his mission!   It is a small world!  When we arrived home, we were able to set up Skype appointments with people so we have a little more help next week when we do “hands on” training.  It will be a busy week this Week!
    Don’t forget, EVERYONE!  Tuesday is the Primary Elections!  VOTE

Monday, August 8, 2016

Dearest Family!!!!
    Happy Birthday, August 13Saturday to Camille – she will be four years old! Happy 2nd Anniversary to Kenny & Rosie on Sunday, August 14th!  Oh – There was an announcement on Facebook that Josh & Krysta are engaged!  Congrats!!!
    Well, it seems like ages since I have written a letter! “We have been busy making Family History” It has been a wonderful two weeks filled with so many special activities!
    Dad & I want to thank all of you for all the special activities! All of you just did so many thoughtful things!  We love & appreciate each of you!  Let’s see – there was Taco Dinner, Licorice, both brown & black, yum-m-m, ice cream with chocolate topping, our favorite candy bars, A Memory Book, a Memory Blanket, pictures & more pictures, a video, a special song, just to name a few!  We so appreciate all of you taking part Friday & during the week at Big Sky!  & yes, we do realize that sometimes it is impossible for everyone to do everything, all of the time!
    Let’s see – maybe we can get a Video in the cloud so all may access it!
    I’m sure for all of you, it great to go – but also great to be at home in your own bed!  We are enjoying that also! We are so blessed that everyone arrived home safely!  (We did see three wrecks, all on the other side of the interstate coming home between Livingston and Park City)

    Big Sky was filled with the usual excitement! and a little not so exciting!  Thanks Chris, for filling in for me  on Sunday when Dad went to Bozeman to meet with the Stake Presidency!  They had a great time visiting to/from as well as in the meeting! A flu bug got me the night before & for a few days after. The Big Sky week was filled with fishing, hiking to find huckleberries, spike ball, swimming, church, games, FHE, coloring quilt blocks, great food & more great food & lots of visiting!  This year we had four of our units over the water so the boys did all their fishing from one of the four balconies, catching fish of all sizes even one Mallard duck hen.(the duck got off on her own thank goodness) & (the best bait was ham scrapes) A black bear and cub were seen on Friday on the side hill next to the big ski lift. Amber also saw where a bear had dumped garbage on one of her morning jogs. Bighorn sheep were seen twice down the mtn near the main Big Sky village on the north side of the highway. It was an awesome 10 days for us!
We love and appreciate all of you!
Mom & Dad

Big Sky 2016