Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Dearest Family,

Another wonderful week!  Busy - but that is what it is all about!  

The deer is all cut up - such a good feeling to have that meat in the freezer.  Ken & Jason Croft stopped by, delivering a boat cover then visited for a few!

We had a very spiritual meeting in Cody with Temple & Family History Consultants & High Priest Group Leaders - all learning about using Consultant planner & how to help others have a one on one experience!  Had a great group!  Later in the week we had a great evening with the new Lovell Wyoming Stake Presidency reviewing the new FH processes and callings for FH!  We will be meeting with the 2 new stake presidencies in Billings in a month or so once they get their  organizations done. It's a BIG job to organize a HC and all the auxiliary leaderships at the stake level!  Dad had that to help with in 1900 with Pres Sessions and Peterson!

Thanks, Rob for stopping by & visiting with Dad on Friday Afternoon.    Darece & I departed Friday at 4:30 a.m. for Cody & our flight to Salt Lake City, the beginning of her Christmas Present of a Time Out For Women with her sisters!  Thanks for the invite to go along!   We had an amazing time,   Darece, Joy, Vicki & Me!!!!   thought I'd include a few one liners from the various speakers we enjoyed with a theme of "ARISE" We got back home by 2pm Sunday.

"Covenant Keepers are Miracle Makers!"
"Service turns on the light!"
"Seek the lite so that we can be the light!"
"Holy Habits! Righteous Routines!"

from the developers of a blog!     "Look UP more than We look DOWN!"
"Post with a purpose"
"Remember that everyone's ministry is different."

"Hard to have faith in something that is easy"

Speakers included: Sheri Dew, Tim Ballard, Brad Wilcox, Hillary Weeks, Elaine S Dalton, Cade & Carrian Cheney, & Emily Watts!
And the amazing music of Nathan Pacheco & the City of Enoch!

And most of all we just enjoyed being together! And we even enjoyed a special visit with Connor, Lindsay, Paisley & Brindle!!!!!!!!

Dad had a nice Sabbath day today getting ask on the spot to take 15 min  in SS Class to share whats new in FH with the group. We are  always ready for such times
since we prepare each day to stay on top of our calling. He concluded with having the group goto FS Tree app and do the Relatives Around Me where it scans those in the room and shows how you may be related. He had 21 relationships as did most of the others.  The BEST part of yesterday was to be TOGETHER with your Honey!

Love you all
Mom and Dad